There had been no hesitation to follow the messenger. Both parties, both of which went silently, picked up their drinks and allowed them to be led away from the bar and to a featureless metal door that lay at the Cantina’s rearmost wall. A curious glance proved that Venlana had departed from her most recent seating and was no absent through the crowd, a worrying aspect yet not unexpected. The Twi’lekk turned and faced the pair as the door became the only possible continuation, an expectant look carrying across her face before opening the passage with a thumb scan on a nearby panel.
The room beyond was lit by intricately carved crystal globes, not dissimilar to the ornate designs of ancient Naboo culture, each hung from the ceiling by an simple chain that gave away their foreign origins. Beneath the cast glow a large conference table dominated the entirety of the room’s centre, surrounded by comfortable, yet oddly designed chairs. Stepping into the area as a whole a bar became visible to the left, gleaming with crystal glass and bottles from civilisations both existing and long faded into galactic memory. Just beyond the light came a voice, calm, smooth and typically commanding.
“At last.” Venlana, a Saleucamian native descending from the original Pantoran colonists, stood from her seat to greet the pair, a welcoming smile plastered on her lips like the finest of actors. “I thought this day would never come. Your reputations certainly precede you.” She gave an inviting gesture towards the bar, yet it was untaken as both merely took seats at the table with the already present glasses from the main cantina, ignoring the Twi’lekk messenger enter and seal the door behind them with another thumb print.
“Our reputation?” The conversation had to begin somewhere. “Surely that is not a veiled threat beneath the precedent of warm greetings Venlana?”
A look of amused offence carried across her face, blue fleshed and beautiful, typical of her race. “I would never dream of being mistaken for giving threats. After all it is my job to know things that others don’t and it would be poor of me to not understand who exactly I have sat before me wouldn’t it Master D’etr?” She smiled as she stared across to the Zabrak who sat more relaxed then the other they had invited. He gave no indication of displeasure towards her information, so the chance to carry on her analysis continued, “Naturally the same could be said for yourself Doctor.” Her eyes were now focused on the other, the female human who had so far been the more emotionally readable of the two. “D’etr and Sinoca Jynes. Two names I very much wished to hear had walked into my Cantina. The question however remains, what is it I can do for the two of you?”
D’etr leant forward ever so slightly on his chair with his fingers playing around the glass that was now more then empty on the table. “Ironically enough, Information.” He noted the scoff in Venlana's face as he spoke, clearly as professional as she was she didn’t like to be beaten around the bush.
“I know that much my friend, otherwise you’d have been down the road at the strip using your unique talents to garner what profit you could before the sand storms lift.” She waved for a drink, the Twi’lekk at the door collecting it for her before returning to her position at the door. “Porel here is my assistant, during this meeting if any desire you may need comes to mind she shall see it through, however do not test her or my patience because I will end this before any transaction can take place. Understand?”
“We understand Venlana.” It was Sinoca’s turn to talk this time, her feet having already placed themselves up on the table as if it was her own. “We’re after a certain piece that I know for a fact has passed through your hands recently. A particularly rare piece that probably collected you a pretty penny, however we have more use for it.”
D’etr didn’t like the smile that had come across Venlana’s face as Sinoca spoke, it was a knowing look that betrayed the fact she knew perfectly well what it was that they sought. Yet he had to remain calm to assure this moved smoothly enough, Venlana would be of no use if he killed her now, he hoped that chance would come later. “We are after the Crimson Star.” He said curtly.
“Ah yes.” Venlana leant back in her chair. “Quite the unique piece, worth millions if not tens of millions on the open market, even more through the underground. I can help you that is for sure.” She took a sip of her drink. “However, please indulge me, what would a criminal and a scientist want with a museum jewellery display?”
“Opportunity.” Was all D’etr said in response which seemed to anger the Pantoran infochant.
“What he means to say is, we have an offer that will lead to personal growth if we can source the Crimson Star for a particularly interested party.” Sinoca said over the top of the silence. “We can’t delve to deep into the matter of course. You understand the method of business involved here Venlana.”
There was a tense moment of thought from the Pantoran, yet her face calmed and a drink was taken before she relaxed her posture completely. “Okay, I can help you with this one and seeing as it is a particularly interesting topic I will give you a premium chance for this information. You see I did have the Star, ready to sell it onwards to a museum who had shown interest core ward, but it was stolen en-route.” D’etr scoffed at this, clearly angered by the mention of it slipping through their fingers. “Now while losses in transit are expected and accounted for, shipments coming out of my contacts have been unusually beset by pirates as of late. I investigated and uncovered that a band of brigands known as the Veiled Sorority have been behind these raids.”
“The Sorority? As in the Pirate Queen’s Sorority?” Sinoca piped up, garnering a nod from Venlana. “Why would they purposefully be targeting your clients unless—“
“The attacks stopped once they took the star.” She paused, smiled and then put out her hand which was offered a data pad by Porel. “So back to business then? We are interested in bringing this band of pirates to its knees. They angered a few too many influential clients when they attacked those ships and the Crimson Star was the last straw for my patience. So I have a deal for you. We are issuing a bounty for its leader, referred to as the ‘Queen’. Beyond her title, we have been unable to procure any concrete data on her identity, location or background. It will be your responsibility to bring her to our justice, dead or alive, with proof it is indeed the Queen that you deliver.”
“How does a dead queen get me closer to my goal?” D’etr was starting to grow bored of story time, he was wasting time as his desire slipped further and further away into the vast emptiness of space. “What does this get us?”
“We are willing to pay handsomely for your aid. Shall we agree on ten thousand credits each for successfully completing the contract.” She slid a pair of data-chips across the table. “Five hundred each as a retainer to be safe. Should you preform with exceptional circumstance we would be willing to part a variety of bonuses to your final compensation.”
“We are not bounty hunters Sipal.” Sinoca gave a market face. She didn’t like the direction this was going, all for a piece of information. “We can find out where the Crimson Star is some other way without being pulled into a personal vendetta.”
“Okay, look.” Her finger tapped furiously against the table. “I know where the star is. They still have it and will for an extended amount of time. Bring me the queen and the star is yours. Free of charge, plus the above bonuses.” Her tongue rolled around her lip, clearly agitated at the price. “Do we have a deal.”
“I will bring you this queen. Do not worry about hiring anyone else.” D’etr said. It wouldn’t be the first time he had taken a bounty to stay alive on the rim. “What information do you have on this Sorority?”
She passed the data pad over to Sinoca who began searching through it instantly. “The first lead we have is an individual named Graf Lind. He was one of their brigands, until he lost favour with them six years ago. He managed to escape the Sorority with his life intact and we have discovered his current whereabouts. His information will be outdated, but he may have valuable intel.” She paused and waited for questions, however only found D’etr’s dark stare. “The second lead is Krezo Wasanti. A fence near the starport. He came to our attention after trying to sell one of my clients some of his own goods pillaged by one of the recent raids. He’d have some form of connection to them seeing as he is dealing in goods they have stolen.”
“Wasanti?” Sinoca scoffed, “That two-bit wouldn’t know anything. Had dealings with him in the past and he’s as dum as a Bronto’s arse.”
“You may be right, but you never know how clued in he really could be.” Velana smirked. “The last is a resource. We recently uncovered a data node called SororiNet thanks to a team of talented slicers. Though used to schedule tours of Saleucani’s more rugged wastelands, the name alone is suspicious, plus its security level is far too high for a tourism outfit. Should either of you have expertise in slicing, you may be able to learn more there.” She took a deep breath and an even deeper drink. “All the information you need is on that datapad, I do not need to stress how quickly and efficiently you must act as to not tip off the Queen to your intentions. I pray you the best of lucks.”
D’etr stood from his chair and was soon followed by Sinoca. “I don’t need luck. She will be dead before she even knows we are coming.”