Father of Titans
Desert outskirts
Thunder cracked over my head. To be correct, there was no thunder. The cloudless day in the desert gave birth to no rain or storms to create such a sound. More so, the thunderous flaps of leathery wings came over my head. A great beast of magnificent size flew over me. I knew by the very shadow that hung over me. The shape of wings, a long spine-filled neck, and a triangle head with legs that were larger than most speeder bikes. I turned to look up. Seeing the star's rays of light illuminate the leathery wings of a dragon.
Any normal human being would run from such a sight. Maybe some would stay out of pure fear. The rare few who would fight the monster. One such man was myself. I smiled looking up as images of how I looked were sent to my head. I could see myself dressed in the simple spacer leather and durasteel armor outfit I was wearing. The armor covering up my left arm. Twisted by the Dark side of the force, I smiled to see myself. While still looking at the Dragon I had a connection to since birth.
"Nu ziur j'us woyunoks."*
The dragon, Nemesis, growled a little at me as though she was mad I called her small. She landed next to me and bared her teeth. I simply looked at her and grabbed the hilt of my sword that hung on my waist. Already feeling a burst of strength seep into me while she backed down.
"J'us zenoti tave xela iv Auksifas saud. dary nenx stuyi nun."**
Her head went low and down towards the ground as she understood what I said. I raised my hand and held it out. Her head reached forward as though she was asking for me to scratch the underside of her chin. I smiled a little and let my hands extend out and scratch and rub the side of her face a little bit. She hummed or purred at me while I did so.
"Now just to see you in a real battle."
"I see you little one."*
"You know the pain of Golden fire. Don't test me."**
Desert outskirts
Thunder cracked over my head. To be correct, there was no thunder. The cloudless day in the desert gave birth to no rain or storms to create such a sound. More so, the thunderous flaps of leathery wings came over my head. A great beast of magnificent size flew over me. I knew by the very shadow that hung over me. The shape of wings, a long spine-filled neck, and a triangle head with legs that were larger than most speeder bikes. I turned to look up. Seeing the star's rays of light illuminate the leathery wings of a dragon.
Any normal human being would run from such a sight. Maybe some would stay out of pure fear. The rare few who would fight the monster. One such man was myself. I smiled looking up as images of how I looked were sent to my head. I could see myself dressed in the simple spacer leather and durasteel armor outfit I was wearing. The armor covering up my left arm. Twisted by the Dark side of the force, I smiled to see myself. While still looking at the Dragon I had a connection to since birth.
"Nu ziur j'us woyunoks."*
The dragon, Nemesis, growled a little at me as though she was mad I called her small. She landed next to me and bared her teeth. I simply looked at her and grabbed the hilt of my sword that hung on my waist. Already feeling a burst of strength seep into me while she backed down.
"J'us zenoti tave xela iv Auksifas saud. dary nenx stuyi nun."**
Her head went low and down towards the ground as she understood what I said. I raised my hand and held it out. Her head reached forward as though she was asking for me to scratch the underside of her chin. I smiled a little and let my hands extend out and scratch and rub the side of her face a little bit. She hummed or purred at me while I did so.
"Now just to see you in a real battle."
"I see you little one."*
"You know the pain of Golden fire. Don't test me."**