Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Blood Sport

Greetings, Sith bois.​
After seeing some videos on Roman Gladiators, I think we should reintroduce the tried and true Arena type threads. What this means is we need characters (lords, knights, or acolytes) to collectively beat the crap out of eachother for the pleasure of the Emperor and his Dark Council! Regardless of how low or how high skilled your character is, we will compensate for a reasonable playing field!

For example, should a Lord fight an Acolyte, the Lord will be given a handicap. Massive weights tied to their limbs, chains holding their feet together - or losing the Force entirely for a brief few minutes. What we are doing isn't something grand or important for the Sith Order - but more for entertainment!​
So, feel free to sign up beneath this thread - just clarify you're coming as a combatant so I can get a good measure of who wants to fight and set up the corresponding matches. If you simply want to observe and drink wine like the rich sith nobility you are - then that's fine too! Just reply saying you'd like to watch, and see if anyone wants to have you join their private booth.

For others who may be interested in speaking to the Emperor during these duels, simply let me know. The Worm Emperor will be present for all of these - and will take conversations and requests from anyone.​
Thank you, and good luck!​

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