Puta'Nium Theynyn
Alcoholic Cyborg

NAME: Bloodfel (Nyra Riadwyre)
RANK: Sith Acolyte (Old Republic)
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: 4,865 (Looks 21)
SEX: Female
HAIR: Brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Highly potent with the force.
(+) Amazing with a Lightsaber.
(-) Most connection to the force temporarily severed.
(-) Still struggling to adapt to modern technology.
(-) HIGHLY Murderous
In good shape despite long-term carbonite freezing, slender.
Nyra was a Sith Pureblood who was born into quite a poor family, she was put through... unspeakable things just for money. She hated her parents so much for the things they let happen to her in exchange for a credit or two. She completely detested her parents so much that when she turned 12, she spiked her parents food with poison. They died the following night. She didn't wan't to be associated with her family anymore, so she started going by the alias 'Bloodfel'.Bloodfel started to kill more rapidly, discovering that she was not only good at the art of the execution, she thoroughly enjoyed it... Bloodfel started to take out low-threat bounties to earn enough to survive until she was 17. Right after one of her Bounty killings where she used a vibrosword, a Lord of the Sith approached her, "You could make a promising student, the hate that flows out of you is phenomenal and your skills with a sword is extraordinary." Bloodfel joined the Sith when she was 18, and had already killed 6 other acolytes within a month. She was a loose cannon, the Sith Lord who recruited her was becoming desperate. So as part of her 'training' she sent Bloodfel into a trap, where he though he killed her. Bloodfel escaped however, and self-taught herself the Force using the knowledge gained from torturing other Acolytes along with the teachings of the long departed. Before long she was a galaxy-wide threat, so The Old Republic captured her and froze her in Carbonite and sealed her away. She was not discovered for thousands of years until an archeologist found her and opened her up, bewildered to find her alive. Bloodfel's connection to the force was severely severed but she knew she could re-learn. So she killed her discoverer and has been wandering the galaxy since.
A Fury-Class Interceptor built to Old Republic blueprints with modern navicomputer, class-0,9 hyperdrive and modern weapons. Named, the Bloodied Scimitar.
If you see Bloodfel running around in SW:TOR, say hi.
Sorry, used the wrong account.