Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Bloodhound

"You have to follow your own path."

  • Intent: Bloodhound is a Master-Class B.A.R.K. android to serve as a companion and bodyguard to high-profile officials.
  • Image Credit: Link
  • Role: Companion/Bodyguard
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: B.A.R.K MK I
  • Age: Newly Manufactured
  • Model: Link
  • Appearance: Bloodhound is a fearsome mechanical beast. Unlike similar models that are of the same size as a Kath Hound, Bloodhound is over a meter in height and three meters in length, making him an extremely fearsome creature. With crimson red optics and specially sharpened teeth of Ultrachrome. The beast has shiny black metal and a thin, powerful frame to help it negotiate difficult terrain.
  • Name: Bloodhound
  • Loyalties: Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf {X}
  • Notable Equipment: Equipment Loadout
  • Skills:
    • Astromech Programming: Capable of manually inserting itself into starship interface systems to take control of the ship, plot flight paths, and run system diagnostics.
    • Advanced Targeting Assistance: Bloodhound is capable of syncing with a combat HUD so that he may aid in providing combat targets through sensor/IFF marking. His sensors allow him to scan entire battlefields and instill pre-programmed IFF tags based on a number of variables.
    • Voice Recognition and Recording: One particular program that this droid possesses is the ability to record any voice he hears and save the tone, pitch, and accent to his databanks, with that information he can copy the voice and utilize it however he may need in combat/espionage situations.
    • Expert Tracking Program: This droid has been outfitted with an array of sensors and scanners so that it can track a myriad of lifeforms through all kinds of terrain and conditions. The advanced sensing units on this droid make it exceptional for tracking stealthed enemies or hidden lifeforms.
  • Personality: Bloodhound has a sophisticated voice and demeanor that most would attribute to a well-trained and tutored servant. Although when in combat his method of combat generally reflects the feral programing that went into his creation, outside of it he is considered polite, well spoke, thoughtful, and even refined. He will not shy from violence and even enjoys the chance to rip beings limb from limb with his teeth and claws. He also finds a supreme fascination with the human mind and its ability to create art, music, and delectable foods. Even though he habitually finds humans and most other organics to be savage and unrefined, he has taken a certain shine to his master, Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf who he finds to be exceptional among the unexceptional.
    • Voice Programming: Cogman from Transformers The Last Knight
    • Likes
      • Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf
      • Advanced Technology
      • Music
      • Art
      • Unique/Enthusiastic people
      • Warfare
    • Dislikes
      • Disorganization
      • Deceitful people
      • Organic
      • The organic needs such as eating, sleeping, and drinking
      • Droids that are not B.A.R.K. Units
      • Being compared to an organic animal
  • Weapon of Choice: Although Bloodhound has a formidable arsenal within his body, his preferred method of assault is utilizing his Ultrachrome teeth and claws to literally rip his opponents limb from limb. His hydraulic systems and incredible size make him formidable in close quarters combat, only to be magnified when he utilizes his repulsor technology to boost his speed and striking power.
  • Combat Function: Bloodhound serves well as a Bodyguard/Companion unit in the theatre of combat. Outside of that, he also works well as a subterfuge agent, slipping behind enemy lines to sew chaos through their ranks.
  • Well Defended: The armor make-up of this droid makes it very resistant to energy based attacks such as blasters as well as gives it a strong reinforcement against lightsabers.
  • Advanced Rifling: Thanks to Locke & Key's integrated VAARS rifle, this droid has an extremely versatile means of engaging an enemy. Outfitted with blaster, EMP, armor piercing rounds, pyro, cryo, and antimatter rounds the droids are capable of delivering a devastating offensive in their own right.
  • Environmental Protection: With the Ultrachrome finish and numerous sensors that allow the droid to detect environmental conditions and negotiate them without taking grievous damage to their systems and body.
  • Shield Buster: The shield buster that this droid is equipped with allows it to temporarily disable a part of a deflector shield, creating an entrance for it and others to infiltrate through.
  • Hive Minds: With all B.A.R.K. droids being interlinked it essentially means they are each others eyes and ears, making it impossible for one to be caught from behind if another is covering it's rear. In the event a B.A.R.K. unit is hacked, it will be effectively cut from the Hive Ming program.
  • EMP/ION: As all creatures crafted with technology and circuitry, the B.A.R.K. units are capable of being disabled by direct fire or sustained combat in an ION field.
  • Hackable: The droid brain utilized to give these droids their advanced thought process is not hardened against a remote hacking. Although it is difficult it is not impossible to reprogram one of the B.A.R.K. units and patching into the mainframe.
  • Sonic Technology: Sonic-based tech is capable of playing havoc with the units sensors and scanners. Sustained damage from a sonic weapon can damage the droid brain, causing a number of minor malfunctions, such as system cut offs and even a forced shut down for up to thirty minutes.
  • Uh-Oh: A very unexpected byproduct of the advanced droid brain is that the droid can, over time, unlock some level of independence that borders on sentience. This sentience is capable of misconstruing programmed directives. While the droid brain makes them work well autonomously, they can also become rather difficult to control for those who upset their sentient conscience.
Bloodhound is nothing short of exceptional. He was the prototype for the MK II B.A.R.K. units that were to be streamlined to the
Confederacy of Independent Systems. While his greatest asset over his counterparts would be his excessive energy reserves that have been boosted past a combat/battlefield factor, there were a number of modifications that made this particular unit faster, smarter, and even more individualized than the original units. The one problem with the B.A.R.K. units was they took incredible inhibitor technology for them to follow the commands of the officers appointed over them. Their advanced droid brains which allowed them to flawlessly mimic enemy soldiers, subverge security patterns, and even patch into starship interface systems also gave them a very broad idea of their own talent.

Most advanced B.A.R.K. units believe themselves to be superior to the organic officers appointed over them. This is doubly true for Bloodhound who is much stronger and larger than his counterparts. Upon being manufactured, Bloodhound was force to wear three inhibitor bolts to keep him from tearing into his own testing officers. A number of engineers suffered serious injuries when the droid was left unrestrained. Oddly enough, the droid hates being treated like a beast and nothing else can infuriate him more.

Months of trial resulted in the B.A.R.K. MK II line to be discontinued in favor of their predecessors. With the other units destroyed, Bloodhound remained the only MK II unit in existence.
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