RC 212
OOC: All are welcome to join. Boan and I have decided that it will be 1v1 per vessel. If the Sith bring another Vessel into the fight, so do we. Max Vessels 5 Please.
Location: Edge of Sith Space
Objective: Capture Cargo Freighters from Convoy
Allies: [member="Athena"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Leo Anubis"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Enemies: [member="Boan Rein"]
Order of Battle: 1x Privateer Frigate- Blackjacks Revenge
Space. It was a deadly venue for fight, particularly between two lone vessels slugging it out. As the crew of the Blazing Chains had grown hungry over the past few days Soulfire had sent out scouting parties to zero in on a target. Sith freighters coming close to the edge of their space had been sighted, some even taking flight paths slightly outside their own patrols.
So Soulfire had mobilized the fleet, and launched a daring raid with a Single Privateer Frigate, Blackjacks Revenge.
Now as he looked out the view port the captain could see the first freighter coming into view, unaware of the threat looming.
"Got one on scanners, looks like she's fat with cargo!"
Soulfire nodded, black eyes piercing from beneath his white cowl. He reached out into the void with his mind, trying to sense whether the threat was great or not.
"Any patrol craft, escorts?"
"Negative Cap'n, shes totally alone."
"Excellent! Set us to battle stations, gunnery prepare the cannons for broadsides!"
"Aye Cap'n."
The ship went into a maniacal roar as the crews scrambled and shuffled about, readying themselves for the plunder. The klaxons blared and red lights flashed as the Quartermaster sounded the call and the halls thundered with the sounds of Krayt Raiders boots as they scrambled to their fighters and boarding craft.
"Shall we fire up the interdiction wells Cap'n, catch em dead like a fish out o' water!"
"Aye fire them up, raise the comms!"
Blackjacks Revenge fired up her interdiction well, emitting a rolling gravity field which trapped the helpless freighter in seconds. Soon they would fruit ripe for the picking.
"Comms up, battle stations set!"
"Cargo Frigate, this the Blazing Chains, power down and your engines and prepare to be boarded! Resist and we shall take you by force, exterminating your crew!"
Summary: The crew has set battle-stations and trapped the small freighter, ordering it to surrender.