Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blooding the Steel (OS/Blazing Chains)

OOC: All are welcome to join. Boan and I have decided that it will be 1v1 per vessel. If the Sith bring another Vessel into the fight, so do we. Max Vessels 5 Please.


Location: Edge of Sith Space
Objective: Capture Cargo Freighters from Convoy
Allies: [member="Athena"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Leo Anubis"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Enemies: [member="Boan Rein"]


Order of Battle: 1x Privateer Frigate- Blackjacks Revenge

Space. It was a deadly venue for fight, particularly between two lone vessels slugging it out. As the crew of the Blazing Chains had grown hungry over the past few days Soulfire had sent out scouting parties to zero in on a target. Sith freighters coming close to the edge of their space had been sighted, some even taking flight paths slightly outside their own patrols.

So Soulfire had mobilized the fleet, and launched a daring raid with a Single Privateer Frigate, Blackjacks Revenge.

Now as he looked out the view port the captain could see the first freighter coming into view, unaware of the threat looming.

"Got one on scanners, looks like she's fat with cargo!"

Soulfire nodded, black eyes piercing from beneath his white cowl. He reached out into the void with his mind, trying to sense whether the threat was great or not.

"Any patrol craft, escorts?"

"Negative Cap'n, shes totally alone."

"Excellent! Set us to battle stations, gunnery prepare the cannons for broadsides!"

"Aye Cap'n."

The ship went into a maniacal roar as the crews scrambled and shuffled about, readying themselves for the plunder. The klaxons blared and red lights flashed as the Quartermaster sounded the call and the halls thundered with the sounds of Krayt Raiders boots as they scrambled to their fighters and boarding craft.

"Shall we fire up the interdiction wells Cap'n, catch em dead like a fish out o' water!"

"Aye fire them up, raise the comms!"

Blackjacks Revenge fired up her interdiction well, emitting a rolling gravity field which trapped the helpless freighter in seconds. Soon they would fruit ripe for the picking.

"Comms up, battle stations set!"

"Cargo Frigate, this the Blazing Chains, power down and your engines and prepare to be boarded! Resist and we shall take you by force, exterminating your crew!"

Summary: The crew has set battle-stations and trapped the small freighter, ordering it to surrender.


A single Boneshatter-Class Assault Frigate hurtled through hyperspace. Its slick design cut through the stars quickly, hyperdrive working smoothly and ship sailing without much of a problem.

On the bridge of the nearly four hundred meter long vessel stood a buxom blonde woman, tall and standing over most of the other females on the bridge she seemed to have a confident, it not somewhat sadistic smile on her face. Her eyes were a fierce blue, and they sailed over the contents of the bridge with a cold calculating stare that caused several of the crew members to freeze.

This was Boan Rein.

Commander of the One Sith Navy and Captain of the Imperial Dawn. Traitor of the Republic and ruthless woman who would sooner slit her own throat than lower herself in any way. That was Boan, Rein, prideful, sinful, and deadly.


One of the ensigns spoke and Bo turned towards him, cold blue eyes.

“We've received a distress signal from a nearby system. It seems that a freighter is under attack by pirates.”

Bo looked over at the ensign for a few seconds, mulling over what she should do. She had been hunting a particular fleet of pirates of these last few months, was this group a part of it? She bit the inside of her lip, then shook her head. Likely not, but that didn't matter. She had a task to complete. “All men to their places, take us to that system.”

The Imperial Dawn fell from hyperspace and immediately redirected itself.


Imperial Dawn Is headed for you guys.


Huntress of the North
[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

Wearing a tattered black cloak, Ciara's hooded appearance lingered in the shadows. Ciara gave her companion a quick nod, initiating the holoprojector. Ciara took a deep breathe and sighed.

"Greetings Soulfire. I am a few thousand kilometers away from your position in a freighter...." Ciara paused for a moment, trying to recollect the name of the vessel, "Well, I'll hail you once I'm in bound. I deciphered some old Galactic Republic-Era transmissions and I heard you ringing. I'm not familiar with the group, but I heed where profit can be found. We'll talk soon."

Ciara nodded again and the holoprojector disengaged. The pilot fired up the engines of the stolen light freighter and headed toward Blackjacks Revenge.
Leo scrambelt to get to his fire station afther [member="Soulfire Ticon"] had give comand to fire "ay cap'n, fire all canons!"afther thad the ships canons roard to live opening up on the enemy vessel whit any canon thad could reatch it, the sound tundereing thruwe the fire deck (no idea wat the ofical name is), leo smiled "al canon firing cap'n, wel pount them into subsion whit a few barages"
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]

[member="Boan Rein"]


The Second Seal, broken.
Another set of blue eyes swept over the crew on the bridge, their gaze only a few degrees warmer than that of the Captain. Boan Rein ran a taut ship, and the Sith could certainly appreciate the discipline she maintained. Especially since the blonde's authority didn't extend over to her. Any orders that the woman would give were more like guidelines to the firrerreo, rather than actual commands, and the fact pleased her more than she cared to admit.

Vrag allowed herself a small smile, her face visible for once. In the safety of the assault frigate, the woman didn't feel the need for full protection, and her visor remained retracted. Her body, though, was a different story, clad in intimidating durasteel plates that were as black as the void of space on the other side of the viewport. The Sith exuded confidence, but her smirk was devoid of arrogance; she had no need for a show of superiority, seeing as she stood nearly two meters tall. That, in and of itself, was quite enough superiority for Vrag.

Her eyes shifted from the soldiers to the Captain when the blonde spoke, and then curiously followed her gaze out the window as the blue streaks turned to dots in the impenetrable darkness of space.

"Are we going hunting?" the Sith asked with an excited edge to her voice. There was nothing for her to do aboard a vessel and the prospect of an impending battle did much to alleviate her boredom.

[member="Boan Rein"]
Kyle stood beside the Captain, [member="Soulfire Ticon"], his red hood casting a shadow over his face, only his rather rough beard and smirking lips visible. His eyes fixated on the helpless freighter that they had trapped, feeding from the thought of their fear, and soon their pain. As he was, Kyle was nowhere near trained to fly a ship of this size, and so he merely stood with his new leader and awaited the chance to board a ship. The vision of cutting his way through the pitiful crew of their target kept him going. Not long now...
I'll kill them all...
The massive Armored Gen'dai smiled as [member="Soulfire Ticon"] gave orders to fire and over whelm the lone ship. He stay quiet for now, His talents were not the best at space battles but he knew how to board a ship and tear it apart from the inside. For now all he could do was wait till it was time, He doubted that the Ship would come willingly and he relished to get his hands dirty. Walking up the command deck Kezeroth's foot steps made a thump and his Large Power hammer named ' Bone Crusher ' clanked against the metal floor. As he walked and got closer he watched the crew work and eyed [member="Kyle Jerhal"]. He sensed that he too was eager to board as well.

" When can we board?" he asked gripping Bone Crusher.

[member="Boan Rein"]
Location: Edge of Sith Space
Objective: Capture Cargo Freighters from Convoy
Allies: [member=Athena] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Leo Anubis"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Enemies: [member="Boan Rein"] [member=Vrag]


Order of Battle: 1x Privateer Frigate- Blackjacks Revenge


They were coming in quick, ion cannons blasting the freighter. Soulfire stood tall, a rock in the storm and nodde to Leo.

"Use ion cannons only, keep her intact, we still must board her!"

As Kezroth spoke up a saveg grin adorned the pirate captians face. He was eager and Soulfuire liked that. Eagerness was good and worked to their advantage.

"Soon, make ready great warrior!" He bellowed across the bridge.

"All engines to full!"

"Recieving transmission cap'n."

"Put er through!"

Soulfire listened to Ciara's transission and nodded.

"Order her to come aboard and prepare for boarding operations on enemy craft. Pay will be that of the crews!"

"We're approaching cap'n, they're trying to run, we intercepted a distress transmission."

Distress comms weren't good. Souflire new that he and his crew must move quickly if to survive and set about with anew plan.

"Aye blast her engines, prepare the rest of the fleet to jump in if neccesary. For now we're taking her here!"

He puased, preusing space with his black orbs and raised both ahnds to the heavens.

"Kezeroth, you shall be in charge of the boarding party! I will remain to defend the ship. Take her over and savage her wares! Those that shall not join us must perish!"

The crew roared abaord the bridgem revebrating her steel frame in chaos.

"Prepare for boarding, helmsman, bring us alongside and prepare to extend docking tubes!"
"ay cap'n, Blast those engins" Al ion canons unleasted on the ships engins disabling them whitin a few barages "they got nowere to run"
[member="Soulfire Ticon"] @Kezeroth the Malevolent @Kyle Jerhal @Vrag


Location: Edge of Sith Space
Objective: Destroy the Pirates
Emenies:[member="Athena"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Leo Anubis"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Allies: [member="Vrag"]
Ship: Imperial Dawn

The Imperial Dawn dropped out of hyperspace with a sudden lurching step, throttling itself back into realspace with a jerk. Bo stood on the bridge, poignant, strong, and stoic, her eyes were set forward on the viewscreen.

She heard the Sith speak, and answered with a firm nod. “Yes.”

Though it wouldn't be much of a hunt.

“Ma'am. One vessel attacking the convoy, Long range Turbo-lasers in range three minute ETA for accurate fire.”

Boan looked to the ensign, then to the convoy. Pirates. She hated Pirates. They were scum, more chaotic then the Sith, less predictable and far less controllable. They were the worst of the worst, which is why she didn't mind this duty.

She liked beating them.

“Fire.” Bo said in that stern raspy voice. The Ensign hesitated for a second.

“Ma'am we mi-”

“Ensign, I am aware of the consequences of my actions.” Stern blue eyes stared at the man. “Fire.”

The Imperial Dawn halted for a few seconds, sitting still, the its long-range turbo-lasers began to unleash a barrage. It didn't matter if they hit the convoy or the freighters, at least a few strike would land on the Pirate ship, and that was all Bo needed.

Imperial Dawn dropped out of hyperspace and immediately fired its Eight Long Range Turbo-lasers at Blackjacks Revenge and surrounding ships.


The Second Seal, broken.
LOCATION: Edge of Sith Space
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Pirates
ALLIES: [member="Boan Rein"]
ENEMIES: [member="Ciara"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | [member="Leo Anubis"] | [member="Kyle Jerhal"] | [member="Soulfire Ticon"]
SHIP: Imperial Dawn

Vrag took a quick step back to maintain her balance as the ship shifted its speed back to normal, but managed to regain her equilibrium almost immediately. Her blue eyes zeroed in on the two ships she could see through viewport; the battle had obviously been severely one-sided. Up until now.

The Sith grinned cruelly and cracked her knuckles, eager to take the fight to the insolent space scavengers. Her gaze flickered back to the Captain as the blonde ground out her merciless orders, and then back to the transparisteel window when the turbo-lasers started firing. It was quite the sight to behold, truth be told. Streaks of red burst through vacuum in complete silence, a phenomenon that never ceased to amaze the Acolyte. She'd been privy to some pretty nasty fleet battles, and it was almost ridiculous how all that destruction never reached anyone's ears.

Here, you die alone, the thought, surprisingly, wasn't infused with malice, but rather something akin to compassion. Vrag frowned at herself and pushed her useless musings to the back of her mind, preparing for the imminent battle instead. Not that she could do much from the bridge, but she was certain that they'd soon cripple the pirate vessel, and then the boarding action would commence.


Location: Edge of Sith Space
Objective: Capture Cargo Freighters from Convoy
Allies: [member="Athena"] @Kezeroth the Malevolent [member="Leo Anubis"] @Kyle Jerhal
Enemies: [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Vrag"]


Order of Battle: 1x Privateer Frigate- Blackjacks Revenge

Beams of fire raked the Blackjacks Revenge and Soulfire gritted his teeth. The wrath of the captain began to rise as the nearby ship closed in. they coming fast into range, readying their offensive manuevers nod doubt. Still the Privateer class was generally reknonwed for her steadfastness.

Alarms continued to blare across the bridge as the enemy salvo pounded away, arcing across the Blackjakcs revenge, leaving blue flashes and electrical arcs in their wake.

"Taking fire from the enemy patrol! Shields at sisxty percent and dropping!"

"Helmsman bring us about to mark two sixteen, posistion the freighter between this new arrival and ourselves. Let's see them kill their own innocents!"

"Ay cap'n!"

"Roll the holo cameras, I wan't to savor this moment later, gunnery ready firing solutions for main cannons. Ion cannons continue to destroy the freighters engines!"

The Blackjacks revenge began to burn full speed, reposistioning her self and swining around behind the enemy frieghter, using her as meatshiled. soulfire black orbs stared intently on his prey, his mind calculating posibilities. There was several squadrons of the newly formed Krayt Raiders, professionla pilots and space marines of the Blazing Chains abaord.

"Let us put their mettle to the test, alert the first and second Krayt Raiders, put me twenty four Z-95's on deck and prepare to engage the enemy!"

The plan was all falling into place, now all they needed was Kezeroth the muster the remaining Krayt Raiders and take to the enemy vessel.

"We are establishing hardlock cap'n, shileds rehcarging, sixty five percent and climbing. all fighters are preparing for launch. Enemy freighter engines have been reduced!"

"Excellent work men! Bard, play me a shanty!"

The tri conrered hat black cloaked man nodded, bowing low.

"What shall it be cap'n?"

"Shiver me timbers!"


Summary: Blackjacks Revenge moves behind the Freighter, putting her between them and the OS patrol. The crew prepares to launch fighters, board and return fire.
Leo clenced his metalic fist, wel the canons of the blackjacks revengs, kept firing to diabel there prey. "lets see wat they are made of" he siad whit a smile.
[member="Soulfire Ticon"],
Location: Aboard the Blackjack's Revenge, in the kitchen
Objective: See if any assistance could be provided, find out what's going on
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Leo Anubis"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"] [member="Soulfire Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Vrag"]

Athena had kept her head low in the kitchen of the ship, attempting to find various things to keep her occupied while the other crew members took care of capturing the cargo ships.

The cook was, by definition, a non-combatant. And while it might have been considered cowardly for her to hide in the kitchen like she was, she wasn't too concerned. Could she shoot a blaster? Yes. Could she wield the many knives used for chopping in a more lethal manner? Probably. But did she? No. Athena neither lusted after nor despised combat -- it was what it was. Besides, Captain Soulfire would probably agree that it was best she stay out of the way; to the best of her knowledge, no one else could cook half as well as she could.

Unfortunately, Athena quickly ran out of things to do; one of the downsides of having an orderly kitchen, she supposed. So, as the ship shuddered from enemy fire, the Twi'lek dusted her off-duty clothes off (why wear her cook's outfit if she wasn't actually cooking?) and made her way to the bridge to see if there was anything she could do.

Rubbing her one ear at the bawlings of the bard (in her opinion the man couldn't sing, but she kept that to herself), Athena walked up beside Soulfire, maintaining a respectful demeanor. "Achute, Uematky," she greeted. "What I do?" Please don't put me on a fighting group, please don't put me on a fighting group...

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