Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character "Bloody" Bill Renfroe


Name: “Bloody” Bill Renfroe

Factions: Blacksun, Smuggler’s alliance

Rank: Pirate Captain

Race: Human

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft 1 in

Weight: 230 lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Brown

Homeworld: Kalidne


Born the bastard son of an Imperial noble, he had to fight and claw his way for everything, cast out and unacknowledged by his father he grew with lowest of lowest, build more resentment every day to upper classes of the Empire, but he tough, brutal, smart, and fast on his feet, and managed to just bearly get in the Imperial naval academy, he graduated barley, due to some disciplinary problems, and was commissioned as an Ensign in the Imperial naval, were served for 2 years, and despite what all his superiors called, exception piloting and command still, excellent tactical think and stray he only managed to make to rant of Lieutenant, always sitting, his lack of ability to follow the rules, after the last he was passed for promotion he had enough, the blazes with rules, hile the docked for resupply with several other ships he quietly gathered some junior officer crewman the felt the same that didn’t get a fare so with his cunning, and over worked dock master the group managed to steal a Type-9 Hellfire Frigate. Felt to the outer rim and began their pirate career, each one getting and equal at the table and everyone pulling his weight the only rule, keep the ship in good working order, never openly question the captain in combat, if you get caught say nothing, to endanger the rest of the crew.

Captain “Bloody” Bill Renfro the black was a nickname eventual given him by his crew and victims alike as he wor predominately Bright red, he cared not if who or what you were he killed indiscriminately, he loved the bloodshed, especially if fighting the empire his Brutailly was next to none, coming up with tortures the Blackwatch, and imperial inquisitors would balk at and enjoying them the most gruesome and horrific acts, hacking people down, without a thought, after several years the repetition got and he started attracting similarly deprived individual to join his crew as some more squeamish among were eliminated the ship he renamed the “Bloddy Star” for sheer amount blood that despite regular cleaning by the crew still stans the bulkhead and floors of much of the ship to this day.

Seeking to expand his operations and help with maintenance, supply and refit the ship as well he has aligned himself with both Black Sun and the Smuggler’s alliance if the fact they are working against the empire too well that just icing on the cake.



Basic, Huttese, Mando’a

Items: electro cutless, Vibro Dagger, Pistol.

The Devils Reach Modified (Type-9 Hellfire Frigate)

Character Traits:

He is a ruff and tumble, brutal, blood-thirsty pirate captain equal parts cocky, independent, cold, calculated, no-nonsense, and bound by no laws. He is unpredictable, he just as likely to sit down and have drinks with you as he is to just walk up and shoot you in the face. He has a love for bloodshed, battle, and pain he reveals in it almost like it is religion for him. As quick with his mouth as he is with his blaster pistols, and Vibrocutlas he is cocky and has a devil may care attitude but he is effective and get the job done especially if you want to send a message, you send him and everyone gets the message loud and clear.
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