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Blue Drop (Camellia Swift)

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Oh she was excited for this, the time was now, the day was here and as Ayumi looked at the honorable class fighter they had created she didn't know what to say. It had been quite a sight, sight a find... Oh she was giddy and almost jumping up and down while the plans for the ship were on her datapad. The size of it, the sheer power and presence that would work with it and the BAC... they would need something stronger, something powerful and that is what this was. Armor, fighters, some machines those were the warm up acts for this the final reactor prototype and what they could do with it. She haqd the champagne on ice and glasses at the ready but spoke crossing her arms over her chest. "So pretty girl you ready to make something great?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Camellia had to blush a little as Ayumi called her "pretty girl". Not because it was embarrassing in public, they were just in her office's aboard Rendili's shipyards. No one else was around, but at this point Ayumi was practically a long term liaison from the Silver Jedi seeing how long the woman had been around for them to. . . become acquainted with one another. Not that there was no reason after all. Between the elite starfighter development, greenlight for the Inexpugnable's construction, and the request to develop many advanced components for it, Ayumi Pallopides had plenty of reasons to stick around and keep tabs on the various projects progress. "By are you ready, if you mean is the test ship hooked up with the isotope reactor then yes. . . .yes it is. We can see if it runs effectively and safely very soon. It will be taken just out of local space but still in system, we'll have a drone ship follow it out and then we'll follow behind that from a safe distance to watch. Something running on max power with that reactor at that size will be interesting. You're lucky we have a scrap destroyer

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Yes yes she was but then it was a shipyard they should have scraps for just about everything she would think or some way to test designs on different sizes without sinking a lot of credits into them. Just in case it wouldn't work you wouldn't want to have built an entire ship to take all of your credits. "Oh I am looking forward to this." Ayumi rubbed her hands together as she had placed on the desk the champagne and glasses but was enjoying her view before standing. "So where will we be watching this to celebrate with all of your hard workers? Some ornate office decorated for this occasion? Some mission control with monitors and screens to watch everything? I am so curious to see more of what it is like to be in charge of a major shipwright."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Oh certainly, but a scrap destroyer either meant one too damaged too repair completely or one that never sold, neither was a great sight since it was lost profits and failure in design. Still, Camellia smiled after seeing how excited her companion was about the progress of their work. Which only grew even more as she listened to the other girl's words and looked at the gift of a celebratory bottle set on her desk.Too bad she had to burst the bubble of excitement going through Ayumi's head. "Well really we have two choices. We can either head out and sit on the bridge of the frigate that will be collecting the feed from the drone going in close, or we can sit in a mission control and watch the feed in delay on a big screen, though it won't really matter about the delay I suppose. . . . .as for celebrating. If you want me to get everyone who worked on the project to join in we'd have to wait until afterwards since not all of them are working today of course. I can put out word while we head over and then we can have a party after if that's what you want."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Yes we will all party and then I will sneak you away someone using a jedi mind trick and ravish you for your part in this. Private celebration, just you, me and a holorecorder for several days." Ayumi winked to that and looked at the bottle though. "We will need more for everyone, assuming they drink of course... there will also be some sparkling cider for the non drinkers or underaged technician's that got sent in by the engineers. Lots of cake and I rather like the idea of being there on the ship and seeing it. We can watch and cheer." Now she was having fun and plotting it all out in waves after waves of euphoria because there couldn't be thoughts of failure, they needed and were going to succeed.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

At this Camellia couldn't help but turn a very deep and flushed red as her face burned as she heard Ayumi promise to ravage her in celebration once they were all finished. For several days even as the other woman put it, and Camellia hardly felt like saying no to such a. . . . lovely proposal. It made her nearly one hundred times more eager to complete their tasks so that Ayumi could be held to her word on that. "Well. . .that sounds wonderful to me! Let's get this done then so that we can have the ship completed sooner! The faster we get to that the sooner we can celebrate in as wonderful a manner as you suggested. Let's head down to the control room then and just watch things from there, I'll make the call down for the drone and patrol to launch and get things started."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Well if that didn't light a fire she wasn't sure what else might while Ayumi was moving, her enjoyment of the situation there to see as she wanted to get there to see it and gave a quick nod of her head. "Yes lets." She was more then ready to handle the situation, more then ready to see all their work come to bare fruits and more then ready to let the Silver jedi council know what they had built with all that time and effort. It all went into something and it all went towards what was going to be awesome in her opinion. Ayumi was already moving towards it and tapping her datapad quickly to make notes.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Camellia was now doing her best not to be distracted thinking of thoughts of the celebration that Ayumi had promised her once they finished. She nearly forget to chime on her personal comm unit to call ahead to the control area that she and the Silver Jedi's representative would be on their way. After all, she had to coordinate so that the teams preparing the drone unit in the hanger could launch the device, the teams on the shuttle near the scrap destroyer for the reactor's power up test could do final checks to make sure it could be started remotely when they began, and the vessel that would be relaying the feed from the drone to the control room for the test sequence could get into position. So while it seemed like Ayumi was already getting her own things together to take notes once everything started, Camellia put the calls in so everything could start properly as they made their way down.

Eventually they would indeed come to the control room, where many technicians and engineers sat around data terminals and screens and conversing among themselves excitedly about how things would go. They still had some time to wait while the drone and relay vessel got into position and the setup team made sure everything was set to be operated remotely and then got out of the test/danger zone.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi took in the sight of the control room and the terminals while she was typing into her datapad and looking with nods at everything and everyone. They were all working hard and the reason this was possible while she was grinning a little to herself. Ready to begin and wanting to jump up and down in excitement... but that wouldn't be proper so she played it cool crossing her arms over her chest and nodding quietly. They could still do a great deal but she was more then happy to watch the tests and displays. "You have all done something great, now come on home stretch."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Home stretch huh? Well after everything they had been through on this project already they certainly ought to be. All the development the Silver Jedi had put into developing the isotopes as a sufficient power source on Shri-Tal, and then again when they brought the experimental snub fighter variant to Rendili to create the Honorable class of elite starfighters. Now they were probably at the last step, ensuring that the actual sized reactor meant to power Capital class ships, and then even larger station sized command class vessels, would remain stable. Sadly Camellia wasn't about to build a new station or risk the destruction of an existing one just to test if reactor could handle sustaining a station at full power and then some more stress after that. She hoped that a large destroyer could push it to the needed levels. They would run the ship to the point its engines, shields, guns, even typically non-essential systems, all red lined for a normal reactor, and if it still held after that, they would push power cunsumption to levels a Proton-8 Reactor could supply, and if it held past that. . . .well they would see when they got there, but if it could then they were probably looking at quite the power plant then.

"First everything needs to get into position. We have an hour until operation start, however, we ought to be here to ensure everything is set up and ready to go whenever they're set up." At least everything was busy, and they could watch the progress of the drone from its feed and listen to the status reports of the technicians setting up the reactor on the destroyer and setting up the remote control tests. Camellia wondered briefly if the Isotope was even as dangerous as she believed, perhaps she was being paranoid, but if it was she hoped no one could ever find a way to weaponize it.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Alright we have time and can wait." She had no problem with taking the time to get everything into position, there was plenty of things to do to pass the time. The isotope she was looking at the and it was dangerous.. mostly it seemed that between the refining of illerium which was unstable and isotope five it stablized more to be able to be used as a power source but nothing was perfect otherwise this wouldn't be a rare thing. She was more concerned of the lab on Shri-Tal exploding, a small amount of this was powerful and used for propelling ejection systems outwards and away from exploding ships. So it could go a long way. She looked at Cam and gave a reassuring glance.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

That threat was why the test ship was an old destroyer put out system rather than any active warships or stations belonging to the company or on loan for developments. Camellia spent the time waiting more prudently, checking up on the progress of other sections of the projects and coordinating test times and approving procedures so she wouldn't have to be present for some of the minor aspects to be concluded without her. In the meantime though while this was going on the technicians and engineers working on the destroyer grew closer and closer to completion while the drone finally got itself into position and the relay vessel also moved into place so everyone could maintain a near live feed of the experiment. "Are you read then Ayumi? We'll go on your mark once the teams move off the ship and reach the relay shuttle."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi spent the time standing there, her eyes looking over the screens while the sounds o the peoplle working drowned out. She was focused on the force and the inner workings of it. She was mny things but using the amulet had been two sided. On the one hand it meant most force users ignored her, on the other it meant her sense abilities were hindered until she focused and worked on feeling past the taozin. Slowly reaching out to search for the future, she wanted to see if this would work and was preparing as she heard Cam come through slightly filtered and then her eyes blinked as she spoke. "Of course." She looked over things again and tried to reach out before speaking. "Mark let us begin."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Camellia nodded and spoke up asking for the rest of the technical team to begin the final preparations. Reports came in and statuses were called out as the teams setting up the reactor cleared the area and safely arrived aboard the shuttle relaying the drone's optic feed. Between that and Ayumi's support in moving forward there was no reason to delay any longer. "Bring the reactor online if everyone is clear and the feeds and relay are stable and live. Let's get the show underway and see how it turns out. Everyone should be safe correct? Then let's begin." So many fail safes were being implemented all for the sake of testing a single reactor design. Then again it was exactly because it was a reactor that extreme fail safes had to be taken so it didn't malfunction in start up and take anything or anyone out.

A countdown timer would appear and go as the reactor entered its warm up stages, and in that time they waited nervously for it to reach the first level as mentioned earlier to test the reactor handling a standard sized ship. If it handled fine then, they would keep working the power outage until they hit their intended mark.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was feeling the nerves now as the countdown began... everything the silver jedi had been moving towards was here, everything they had been working to make for a better safer system was here. They could build, they could protect and if this worked they might open up a new resource. She was looking upon it and licked her lips again to get them from stop being dry in all the excitement. "Oh be safe and all is looking good so far." She was reading the screens over shoulders and staying only long enough to see but not intrude on their work. "You are all doing amazing."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

The techs would be quick to thank Ayumi for her compliment saying it was just their job as they continued to track the progress of the reactor, Camellia herself on the edge of her seat though she wasn't actually sitting. The power levels breached the first output hurtle with flying colors but everyone had expected that much at least, not that it made anyone less tense as they waited several seconds for the reactor to give any sort of response out of the ordinary if it was going to go critical. When it didn't however everyone began making notes or performed calibrations based on the data they had received. "Alright move us into the second and third stages, don't delay once we pass the second barrier we're going straight for the third and final test success."

The teams would nod as they set the reactor into a second shakedown and started it up, the readings climbing towards an even higher output marked off much higher than before but still with one more goal beyond it.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi released a breathed, she hadn't paid attention to holding it but then it was done.. the first stage was finished... She let it out with a small hiss through her teeth. Sucking in more while she was moving to watch her own datapad on her wrist taking in the calculations that she was overlooking it all. She had to think fast to mostly get a good idea and was wondering what Camellia would do for the celebration while she paused to watch. The second barrier, the third within reach and their ultimate goal they have been building towards. Her hands were clammy in anticipation of what came next.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Camellia was on the edge of her seat just as much, if not more so, than Ayumi was. Mostly because everything was happening within Rendili's reach this time instead of herself feeling distanced watching the first test like this on Shri-Tal, it made the Rendili woman wonder if Ayumi might have been feeling the same now. Regardless, the young CEO was concerned watching the power readings creep higher and higher until once more the second barrier they had set for themselves had been passed without issue, at least not yet. They only have readings and outputs to go off of and a visual of the ship's exterior, it left Camellia wishing she had had ordered a link to be made with surveillance systems on board to watch the reactor itself directly. "Just one more stage to go. If it can handle running that much without breaking down or blowing. . . . . then it can definitely handle being used on a ship twice that size at normal conditions."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi had chewed her lower lip, so nervous that as she bit down the copper taste of blood came to her mouth. She was surprised at how much, there had to be a stronger way while she was thinking about it and moving herself forward. All of this was the way to go and she looked at it crossing the second barrier, preparing for the third and she was inwardly chanting to every deity she could think of. Lightside, darkside, any religion she had learned about in her youth. Everything was equal to her now as she went about it. "Oh this is nail biting if I still had nails... Chewed those to the quik already."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well that was certainly unhealthy. Camellia would admit she had a bad habit of biting her nails as well, but it was less a nervous habit and more one she did while she was immensely bored and waiting for something to happen. However, Rendili Stardrive's CEO wasn't so much nervous right as she was anxious. After all no one was actually at any risk right now, no one would be hurt, and especially her own life wasn't in any jeopardy. The problem that did concern her now was the loss of the equipment. It was expensive to build the reactor, and to set up the test on such a scale as they were doing now. Plus while the destroyer wasn't in use, it was certainly a resource that could have been used as scrap or perhaps sold again with the right work. "Well let's get this over it so you have less time to worry."

Nodding for the final run, all eyes were glued to the control panels as the readings once more spiked. The view on camera of the destroyer in the drone's vision had an array of data scrolling down the side as it brought in readouts as its own scanners worked in conjunction with those within the ship being tested to determine how well the reactor was handling the final test as it closed to its projected level.

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