Almec Farstar
Big AL
The Wondering Star slipped through the inky blackness, stars streaking across the cockpit viewport as Almec Farstar kept a keen eye on his scanners. His hulking frame—broad shoulders that could intimidate a Wookiee—was tightly squeezed into the worn pilot's seat, and he adjusted his familiar Corellian leather vest, frowning.
"Red, keep those sensors on a swivel," he muttered, glancing over to the squat, rust-red R5 unit beside him. Red chirped a string of anxious beeps, his dome swiveling as he monitored the nearby airspace.
The planet Veridia lay ahead, bathed in the soft glow of distant starlight. Beneath its calm atmosphere, Almec knew, was a series of discreet supply depots that catered to buyers with no questions and plenty of credits. It was the kind of business he liked—fast deals, clean getaways. Except Veridia's local defense force didn't share that philosophy. As he neared the planet, the telltale ping of a scanner registered on his dashboard. Almec's fingers danced across the controls, toggling on the Wondering Star's stealth protocols.
"Not today," he muttered. The comm crackled, and a static-filled voice came through.
"YT-1300 freighter, this is Veridian Defense Patrol. Identify yourself and prepare for inspection."
Almec's heart pounded, but he let a lazy smile drift across his face. "This is Captain Almec Farstar, delivering agricultural parts." His voice oozed nonchalance, but his eyes stayed sharp on the patrol ship's vector. The patrol paused, and he saw their scanners sweep over his ship, pinging against Red's countermeasures. Come on, buy it, he willed silently.
At the last second, the patrol ship veered off, dismissing him as just another Corellian freighter. Almec gave a low chuckle, tapping a knuckle on Red's dome. "They don't make 'em smart out here, huh, Red?" Red gave an indignant beep, flashing a holo-display of his readouts as if to remind Almec who'd actually done the heavy lifting. Almec just shook his head.
"Next stop, Veridia. Just a quiet landing and a quick payday."
"Red, keep those sensors on a swivel," he muttered, glancing over to the squat, rust-red R5 unit beside him. Red chirped a string of anxious beeps, his dome swiveling as he monitored the nearby airspace.
The planet Veridia lay ahead, bathed in the soft glow of distant starlight. Beneath its calm atmosphere, Almec knew, was a series of discreet supply depots that catered to buyers with no questions and plenty of credits. It was the kind of business he liked—fast deals, clean getaways. Except Veridia's local defense force didn't share that philosophy. As he neared the planet, the telltale ping of a scanner registered on his dashboard. Almec's fingers danced across the controls, toggling on the Wondering Star's stealth protocols.
"Not today," he muttered. The comm crackled, and a static-filled voice came through.
"YT-1300 freighter, this is Veridian Defense Patrol. Identify yourself and prepare for inspection."
Almec's heart pounded, but he let a lazy smile drift across his face. "This is Captain Almec Farstar, delivering agricultural parts." His voice oozed nonchalance, but his eyes stayed sharp on the patrol ship's vector. The patrol paused, and he saw their scanners sweep over his ship, pinging against Red's countermeasures. Come on, buy it, he willed silently.
At the last second, the patrol ship veered off, dismissing him as just another Corellian freighter. Almec gave a low chuckle, tapping a knuckle on Red's dome. "They don't make 'em smart out here, huh, Red?" Red gave an indignant beep, flashing a holo-display of his readouts as if to remind Almec who'd actually done the heavy lifting. Almec just shook his head.
"Next stop, Veridia. Just a quiet landing and a quick payday."