(credit: Christy Tortland)
Why do they have to follow me?After having passed the Confederate space, trying to tun away from the hunters following her, Maria had decided to take a 'short' trip to the Unknown Regions, to be more precise, to the Chiss space. She had to find a way to trick the hunters who were trying to catch her and doing something unexpectable like that was the best way to do that. She only had to hope she can get back to the right track soon.
After leaving the hyperspace, Maria was in the Csilla System, trying to land on the capital of Chiss people. Why did she do that? She wasn't sure. Chiss weren't exactly her favourite species, nor was there any use of them for her. It was strange to do something so stupid, but she had to try.
While the droid next to Maria was trying to land the ship on the planet, Maria looked at the galactic map. The best way to get to the Parlemian Trade Route and then reach Troiken. From Troiken, she could have easily got to the Mytus VII, which was supposedly the capital of the New Order. The New Order, truly, was her only hope. One Sith was in a war with the Republic and there was no use of them. Of course, the Witch of Arx Mortis had heard Mandalorians are fighting against the N.O, but... there were no other Sith factions in this galaxy. Or any factions which would have accepted the deal Maria wanted to make.
Things had gotten interesting. Of course one possible way would have been the Protectorate, because they are, like their name already says, protecting others. Maria was not sure whether she had a bounty on her or the men following her were just some stupid 'servants' of her cousin's. She hoped it was the latter, because if she had a bounty on her, she wouldn't have been protected anywhere, not even in the New Order.
The ship landed in the city of Csaplar, which was the Chiss capital, in a shipyard. It was safer to land there, to be honest, because people would have easily seen would have somebody wanted to catch Maria. The droid who had helped the woman stayed in the ship, but Maria left it, and looked around a bit.
It was actually a really cold planet, and it was strange to see that people actually lived there. Really, why were they living on such a world if there were many better ones in the galaxy? For example, a planet really near Csilla, Cioral, was a lot better than this one.
But Maria was nobody to judge Chiss. They were one of the most powerful species in the galaxy, and definitely one of the most known Near-Human ones. Many of them had been known as Imperial Officers or Admirals or something, and they seemed to be really intelligent. At least Maria believed it to be so, according to what she had seen and heard, and read as well.
Walking around the streets, Maria heard lots of the Chiss native language, and it seemed weird. It was so different from the Galactic Basic Standard, and she really hoped she would be able to manage on the planet without having to use Cheunh. Because she didn't know any words in that language.
Afraid that maybe hunters are coming to her, though, she started moving faster, and sought for a place where she could be safe.
If there were any of them on the planet.