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Approved Ranged Weapon Bluebell Heartpiercer

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Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
  • Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
  • Affiliation: Ivixa Nera’kas
  • Market Status: N/A - Closed-Market
  • Model: Hekler'Kok Sniper Rifle-Model 01
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Various Optics
    • Muzzle Devices (Compensators, Muzzle Brakes and Suppressors)
    • Underbarrel Attachments (Foregrips and Bipods)
    • Accessory Rail Attachments (Rangefinders and IR Lasers)
    • Extended Magazines and Various Ammo Types
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Space and Time - With a 7500 meter effective range, the Bluebell Heartpiercer can engage a target from one end of a battlefield to another, allowing Ivixa to rain down terror on her targets from a position of relative safety and concealment.
  • Can Opener - The Bluebell Heartpiercer has a verpine linear motor installed within the barrel that accelerates the projectile to hypervelocity. This extreme velocity imparts the anti-materiel-grade projectile with an extreme, outsized kinetic potential, roughly equivalent to the muzzle energy of a heavy autocannon round. Thus, when fired at full power, the slug can punch through virtually all forms of infantry armor (even those made from beskar and materials of a similar grade) with almost contemptuous ease. Even the hulls of tanks are at risk of being cracked, if not outright penetrated.
  • Stealth - The Skuggalegt polymer coating makes the rifle extremely discreet, making it very difficult, if not impossible to pick up on sensors or scanners. The weapon also has an integrated silencer, making it effectively dead silent at the point of discharge.
  • Coin Face Bullseye - The Bluebell Heartpiercer is an incredibly accurate and precise weapon out to its furthest range increment. A skilled sniper can leverage this to devastating effect by picking off high-value targets with shots to vital or weak areas.
  • Large and Heavy - The Bluebell Heartpiercer is a large, heavy weapon. Accordingly, it is not optimized for use in close-quarters or tight environments.
  • Ammunition Weight - Pound for pound, energy weapons are generally more efficient than slugthrowers. With its 14.5x114mm rounds, Ivixa’s AMR-01 is certainly no exception to this. Magazines are larger and heavier than power cells, limiting how many can be carried at a time.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the Bluebell Heartpiercer will likely be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other mechanical failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the shooter vulnerable.
A modified, upgraded Hekler’Kok AMR-01, the Bluebell Heartpiercer is Ivixa’s first weapon, which she procured after completing her training with the Wild Hunt. As an extreme range sniper weapon, it allows Ivixa to engage targets from a position of relative safety, while potentially unleashing terrifying amounts of damage. In this regard, the Heartpiercer is technically an anti-materiel rifle. However, owing to the addition of a Verpine linear motor that accelerates the slug to hypervelocity speeds, it can deal damage far outsizing its class.

In technical terms, the Heartpiercer uses an anti-materiel cartridge that fires a ~920 gr projectile at a muzzle velocity of 4 km/s. This projectile is propelled by both chemical (propellant in the cartridge) and magnetic (Verpine linear motor) means, giving the weapon a muzzle energy of ~477 kJ. This is generally more than enough kinetic force for the slug to shatter virtually all types of infantry armor on impact, in addition to being a potentially significant threat against armored vehicles the likes of tanks and walkers. As such, the slug’s damage profile has more resemblance to that of a heavy autocannon round than it does to an anti-materiel round. Even in the potentially unlikely event that penetration fails, the projectile can impart extreme amounts of blunt kinetic force on impact, generating concussive waves of overpressure that can blow open body cavities, shatter vital components, smash bones, sever limbs, and liquify organs.

All in all, the Bluebell Heartpiercer is just as much a valued keepsake as it is a long-ranged instrument of destruction. Ivixa hopes that it will continue to serve her well in both capacities.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update Ivixa’s sniper rifle.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ivixa Nera'kas
Model: Hekler'Kok Sniper Rifle-Model 01
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Extreme
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Reinforced Titanium-Alusteel Alloy (Upper and Lower Receiver and Internal Mechanisms), Reinforced Quadanium Steel (Barrel), Reinforced Chromium (Barrel Lining), Plasteel (Grip, Stock and Handguard), CeramiCoat (Plating), Skuggalegt P (Exterior Coating), Reinforced Duraplast Anti-Ion and EMP Hardening (Electronics), CryoBan (Coolant)
Ammunition Type: 14.5x114mm Slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Sniper Rifle
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