Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bluto Kubo

Bluto Kubo



NAME: Bluto Kubo

FACTION: Independent

RANK: Investigator/Agent


AGE: 30s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.9 meters

WEIGHT: 85 kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Fair



Strength: Martial artist, through many decades of practice and dedication. Bluto has honed his mind and body to qualities beyond most of his own kind, through training and pushing the limits and making a serious force to be reckoned with.

Strength: Knowledgeable savant, through years of learning he has become an absorbent sponge for things like customs, knowledge, and languages from around the galaxy. This paired with his investigative skills make for a killer combo.

Trait: Single Minded, When it comes to doing his work Bluto often has a very single minded approach for it. Not often getting distracted, and being something of a workaholic.

Weakness: Arrogance, being raised by emotionally distant Arkainian parents he developed their sense of arrogance, especially in regards to his intellect.

Weakness: Remorseless and Ruthless, Bluto has little interest for who he harms and how. Either it be through shady underhanded blackmailing or just a straight cudgeling with his fists.


Bluto often wears a long trench coat, hat, and red tie to go with it. However, often most notably he wears a metal mask most of the time when he's out and concealing his face with it. With out it people would see a man with blue eyes and blonde hair, with a tall athletic body. Some however, consider him to be some sort of HRD or a cyborg given some of his impressive physical feats


Despite his best efforts to keep his history shrouded in mystery, like everyone else in the galaxy and beyond he has one. Ever since he was a kid, Bluto loved mysteries, puzzles, and problem solving. Being raised by adoptive Arkainian parents on Dromund Kaas, his intelligence was a highly valued quality. Bluto needed to be a straight A superstar student, no less. That kind of homelife and pressure hindered his social skills but what he lacked in a personality I made up for in savant-like skills and knowledge.

Bluto found that no gift was better than the gift of his arrogant parents' praise and admiration, and was on the constant search for it in his younger years. Raised with Arkainian cultural values he grew arrogant and with a superiority complex against his other peers, further having him grow distant and more lonesome. Not to mention the cultural influence of the Sith when he was growing up.

When he was a young adult he was expected to become an Sith imperial agent. Serving the empire he was raised under. But then the Sith-Imperial civil war kicked off and ravaged the northern sectors of the galaxy that he had called home. The war took everything from him, his home, his parents, and most importantly, his future…

This was a personal crisi for Bluto. With an uncertain path ahead of him and a hostile rebel force wiping his nation. He needed to flee, unless he was a target too. He never really knew if he was in mortal danger or not from the New Imperial Order, but he wasn’t going to stick around to find out.

For once in his life Bluto felt truly lost, most of his life had felt predestined, preictally written in stone and regimented. Now he was more alone than ever, but in such loneliness, he had something truly alien to him. Freedom. The freedom to act and things for himself, to choose his fate now and not have it be dictated by his family’s expectation and that of a Sith government.

Despite it being a hit to his oh so important pride, Bluto became a freelancer, a private investigator of sorts. Since he already had been training in such a profession and had the skills for it. The process was not too difficult for him and he was good at it. Not only was he good, he liked it as well, the jobs he did reminded him of the mysteries and puzzles he loved so much as a kid. Currently his main clients are for Corpsec on the city planet on Denon, in their shadow war against the dangerous and rebellious Darkwire…





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