Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Boardroom Shadows



The Galaxy had entered a time of colossal changes that shook the very foundation of the Political Stage on a Galactic scale. The Bryn'adul had continued their ravenous rampage across the Eastern Sectors of the known Galaxy, consuming entire systems that had the misfortune to stand in their way. In the wake of such destruction, billions had fled to the Southern Systems and the relative safety to be found there among the likes of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which now found itself at the forefront of a monumental refugee crisis with goodwill and open arms just as quickly turning into concern, paranoia, and closed doors as they sought a solution to the crisis at their very door. The New Imperial Order had succeeded in their own goals, having torn down the Sith Empire and proclaiming that theirs would be an Empire that would not suffer the Sith in any capacity - thus it seemed that their own gaze would slowly turn towards the Confederacy and the Brotherhood of the Maw - once they finished resting upon their laurels and basking in the victory that had been long-fought and costly. The Eternal Empire inched closer to friendlier relations with the Confederacy, their once prior enemies - while the likes of the Galactic Alliance and the Ashlan Crusade sought their own goals that were still difficult to discern. It was the Silver Jedi Concord that seemed to stand firm against the Bryn'adul - at least for the time being - though even their own tactics and stance seemed to sway further and further from the ancient Jedi Codes that had been handed down through the generations. And, once more, it seemed as though the First Order had fallen just as rapidly as it had risen, in a meteoric fire as it streaked across the Galaxy in a bid to hold onto some old, forgotten glory.

In this rolling, boiling, bubbling broth within the Galactic Cauldron, it seemed that the common individual was pushed to the side and easily forgotten about - as Pirates began to band together, and Mandalorians once more sought to take to the stars in conquest or as protectors, there was one group that had been overlooked and just as easily forgotten in the backs of the minds of trillions the Galaxy wide. It was the Corporations - the likes that held power, both political and economical, on Denon - those that had been Nationalized and torn apart within the now-defunct Sith Empire. There were those that found their own means to survive in the Galaxy - be it with their own business acumen and skill, or by allying themselves within the larger Political entities that controlled swaths of the Galaxy. However, that was a tactic that could not last forever, nor would it, for sooner or later, those system spanning Governments would collapse or meet their fall in some manner. That was the topic of the meeting - the reason that the woman had gathered the prominent names of a handful of Corporations, Conglomerates, and even small Mom & Pop Shops, that sought to band together for mutual protection and trade in a Galaxy that was just as rapidly being consumed by barbarism and chaos.

The Boardroom had been set up to comfortably accommodate nine separate individuals, along with their aides or assistants as needed - though there seemed to remain room for a few more individuals should they join later in the session. The station itself, Zerek-Orbital, rest within the crumbled ruins of planets and moons within the Magena-Khos System, and even now there were still entire sections still under construction at the time of the meeting. The location had its own purpose, one that would be revealed to those that decided to join the woman and the other guests that arrived in their own time.

Golden-yellow hues fell upon the screens that sat silently along the far wall, information and data streaming across their displays, whilst other screens flickered between different sections within the Station itself, showing the continued work and slow, though steady, progress that was being made on its construction. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she stood silently with her arms crossed - her attire - simple for the meeting, though still provided a sense of gravitas and belonging to the situation - as though she had been comfortably borne into similar situations and forged for the exact thing, rather than nervously ticking or pacing out of concern. As she stood there silently, her hand carefully brought a crystalline drinking vessel to her lips as she savored for a moment, the sanguine liquid that rests within the vessel. She was used to waiting, and it shown that her patience had been one that was cultivated from a long life of doing just that - waiting.

She would wait to take her seat, at least until there were others that had joined her. After all, she did not want to appear as some cartoonish evil Villain sitting in their dark and dreary lair as though she were waiting for the heroes to burst in so she could provide the appropriate monologue. No, she wanted those that were invited to work with her, to come together and sign onto the Business Recognition Accords - to establish a means that would ensure that all those that joined, in any capacity, would have their own protection and trade seen too and ensure that their goods, and their operations, would suffer little to no interruption in a galaxy consumed by Chaos.


Jane lovett

John Locke John Locke Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Van Hill Van Hill Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Artus Mantgull Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Moe Uilor Moe Uilor A ARS VAMI

Zerek - orbital
Wearing:xx, xx

Jane walked into the Boardroom wearing a white suit with her rainbow gem knecklace on which hid her Darkside force aura and allowed her to use more force powers without draining her energy. She had invited here for something but she guessed it had to do with the state of the galaxy for better or worse she wondered the woman before hers goals for this meeting.

She had left her assistant in charge of her businesses while she was away he was more then up to the task and incase anything happened here her will was in order the blonde looked over towards the woman as she sat down. "I assume you called me and others here for a reason" she said calmly looking at Amelia as she rested her arms on the armrests of the chair opposite of Amelia the young blonde model was smarter than she appeared she knew the galaxy needed help people like her and Amelia could do it if they wanted to put their weight behind a faction or take on the galaxies problems themselves.

Artus Mantgull

Tags: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Jane lovett Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Van Hill Van Hill Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Moe Uilor Moe Uilor A ARS VAMI John Locke John Locke
Location: Zerek-Orbital Station (though starting approaching it on
newly built executive ship)

Artus Mantgull traveled quite a ways from his world of Cybros. He heard of this Corporate Court soon after the fall of Corporate Authority of Denon brought about by the Galactic Alliance. Wishing to not suffer a similar fate to his former peers, Artus had his media department scan the holonet for any organizations with corporate interests. From that search that was far too frantic for Artus to admit, he discovered the Corporate Court and saw it as exactly what his corporation, the Cybros Advanced Technology Corporation, needed.

How fitting that the new executive ship for the corporation have its first, non-testing voyage to this meeting of his new peers. The new ship was nice. The old one from years ago was sold to fund the construction of his planet. He did not like the old one that much anyway. This one was far more to his liking though. Of course, he had a hand in its design and features, but it had far more advanced technology than the original executive ship. This was a more proper showcase of CATC capabilities. The ship was the size of a destroyer craft out of the military fleets, but far more luxurious. It had living quarters for himself and a few guests, an office space, and of course a fine atrium with viewing windows and lounging areas for entertainment as well as the bridge, maintenance passages, engine room, and the like. All the while, it was powered with CATC technology. New takes of thrusters, navigation systems, etc.

It approached the station slowly and blissfully; almost gliding through the void instead of rocketing through. Artus was in his office though. One of the servants he brought approached the door of the office, and pressed the button on the wall alerting his boss of his presence. Artus looked up from his terminal where he was logging possible ideas for products to launch in the future, as well as his own review on the finished product of the his new ship -including him deciding on what to call it aside from its model number of CLSV-m01. However, those little projects of his imagination would have to wait as more pressing matter would soon be discussed. He lifted a hatch on the side of his desk which concealed a button. He pressed the button, and the door opened. The servant, dressed in a well tailored dark blue suit with slicked back hair on his head, approached the CEO and owner of CATC.

"Sir. We are approaching the destination. The crew on the bridge have already made contact and are preparing to dock with the station. Shall I escort you to the ship's airlock?"

Artus sat back for a moment in silence. He liked to wait to calculate his responses, or at least make the others he was talking with think he is calculating a response.
"Very well. You may escort me to the airlock. Did the crew notice any others arrive so far, or are we the first?"
"From what we could gather, the only other ships getting picked up belong to the host, Von Sorenn Industries, and one Jane Lovett."
"Well then, best not keep the others waiting too long.", He said with a slight smirk, but a cold gaze and a calm voice.

He walked slightly ahead of the servant through the corridors of the ship to the airlock hatch while the servant was behind him to Artus' right. The white interior lit with light blue lights surrounded them in the hallway to the airlock. They reach the airlock, and Artus then steps through the attachment tunnel escorted by a few of his corporation's security guards. Upon reaching the other side of the airlock Artus and his entourage made their way to the conference room where they would all meet. There were more chairs than he anticipated. Were more coming?, he wondered in his mind.

After taking a look around the room, the tall, lanky, old man caught site of Amelia von Sorenn herself. Artus looked with intrigue at the woman who stood across the room from him. Then there was Jane, who was rather young for what Artus expected of an executive. Perhaps she was a prodigy? After assessing the room, he calmly piped up, "Artus Mantgull of Cybros Advanced Technology Corporation. I assume this meeting is for introductions and beginning coordination of our efforts?"
He spoke slowly, as his tall, lanky figure strided towards a chair oriented between where Amelia was standing, Jane was sitting, but positioned facing the door at an angle. Upon sitting down comfortably, he nodded at his guards, and they exited the room to wait outside the door. His gaze darted between one woman, then the other, to see if who would speak next, then to the door to anticipate others entering.
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