Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bob A. Person

Bob A. Person

Owner Of The St. Sunny Casino


Theme Song
Bob A. Person

Height1.47 m
Weight176 pounds
Force SensitiveNo


Bob is a strange yet exotic person, he can be your friend or enemy, depending on how useful you are and what he can gain from near him yet alone having you talk to him. He is a cunning and ruthless businessman who is ready to take on anyone who stands in his way. Bob owns a lot of business chain which he had build from scratch and took over from his father, but his most successful business has been the Casino and his Information Trade business which only a few people know of its existence. Bob acquainted himself with all kinds of people, as more people he is friends with, the more string and influence you can pull. For one to make it big and successful, especially when it comes to business, Bob knows he need to play dirty to stand alongside the big boys.​

Bob has a very entertaining yet serious personality, he puts people at ease to make them relaxes around him, so when the opportunity comes, Bob will strike. He doesn't care if he loses money as long as at the end, he gains something in equal amount in return, be it influence or items. Bob will learn everything and anything if it helps him get what he wants, as knowledge and information are his greatest asset. Even though his physical prowess is very-very poor, that doesn't he won't do hands on jobs as he's always ready to get down and dirty. Bob uses his Narcolepsy to mess with people, either for fun or to listen in on their talk. Bob also has a snacking habit, where he will snack 24/7, regardless of the situation. He drinks, eat and go to where he feels like to relax and enjoy his free time, which at the end he gets wasted and wakes up somewhere in very unfamiliar place and situation. Bob sometimes likes to go around and find rare items, either to sell or keep around in his office. Though he likes to find it himself instead of ordering someone to get it, just to get his adrenaline pumping and shoot some guns.


Bob was born on Metellos to a rich couple who owns a casino called "St. Sunny" and a droid trade business. His family was not only a well-known business owner, but they are also close to Metellos politicians and its powerful figures. Bob was given everything even before he was born and was being prepared to take over the business once his father retires since he was able to walk and talk. Bob was quite the fighter when he was young, taking on bunch of his peers to try to mess with him due to his size. Due to his family influence and connection. Bob never really got into any real problem, but he knows he can't keep this up for long. After he finish school, he started his first business, which was a Cleaning Service called "Parapluie", where they're usually hired at offices, entertainment district, temples, and etc. It became the talk of the town, and not long became one of the most popular Cleaning Service around. This where things got a bit rough for Bob, as other Cleaning Service started to decline in customer due to Bob's Parapluie. So, they started to hire a bunch of people to harass his Cleaning Service to make the business inoperable, these Cleaning Service were backed by some crime syndicate called the "Kingfish", that wasn't happy their operation is being overshadowed. Bob tried to get law enforcement to help him, but they were on the Kingfish payroll. Bob knew he had to change his course of action, he didn't want to ask his father, so he asked his close friend Craig advice about the situation, to which he said he should talk to Mama J. Bob meets with Mama J, where they talk and made a deal, where Bob is promised he'll be Protected by Mama J crew. Not long after Kingfish was taken care of and the Parapluie was able to operate normally again and continued to thrive.

Ever since that day, Bob understood knew he needed more than just money in this kind of universe, he needed connection and powerful friends. Bob started to get to know the shadowy part of world, making new friends and connection. Bob gave them gifts, VIPs to his Opera House and his family business to gain favor from them. With Bob now acquainted with not only other businessman, politician, and now people from the underworld, he sees it as an opportunity to make use of his connections to all these people. Bob created a small yet powerful information network. He started to use his family network and influence to gain information to sell at a high price. He mingled and got acquainted to every person he knows, big or small, to gain information about them or from them, which made his information trade very fruitful. As the years gone by, his connection became more powerful and he gained more money than one can dream of, as he then used his influence to not only steal his father business but also put him to jail by disclosing his father corruption and illegal activities to the law enforcement. Once Bob had full control over the family business, he then expanded his family business, making connection with all kinds of people (from Mafias, warlords, military, or even government officials), as his information network expand though only a few actually work under him as he only places his trust on a few reliable people regarding it. He continues to use his money and connection, to expand his business not just in size but reach.​


Bob stands 4 feet 10 inches (1.47 metres) tall. His short stature is the result of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (Fairbank's disease), a rare genetic disorder that affects bone growth. Bob has a smile that can either make people swoon or make them feel awkward enough that they blatantly avoid his gaze. He has a tattoo on his right thigh that says, "Boiled eggs", which he got after getting drunk during one of his business ventures.​


RSKF-44 heavy blaster
Stun Baton
Brass Knuckles
Pocket Knife
Cigars & a Lighter
Pocket Watch
Small Sausage Snacks


Business Savy: Business has been engraved ever since he was taught about the family business which he then stole from his father
Charm & Persuasion: He can charm anyone he set he sight to and once when he was working at a speeder dealership, managed to convince the owner to buy his own speeder
People's person: He's friends with a lot of people and knows a lot of information some people might need, which he would give for the right price
Eidetic memory: The ability to recall an image from memory with high precision—at least for a brief period of time—after seeing it only once and without using a mnemonic device
Brawler: Bob was a great wrestler and fighter since he was young, what he lacks in size, he makes it up in technique and strength


Stamina: Due to his old age, habitual drinking, unhealthy eating disorder, lack of exercise, Bob has little stamina.
Poor eyesight: Bob don't see too well
Narcolepsy: A chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness
Eating & drinking Disorder: He can't help himself to snack all the time, and he has a tendency to drink a little bit too much

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