Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Body Building

Prepare for your... examination.
With her latest business deals out of the way and the war between the CIS and Galactic Empire in full swing, Lab had to put weapons manufacturing on hold for a moment and embargoes and other restrictions where put in place. So in the mean time the Twi'lek scientist had been doing her own private research after some interesting discoveries on Kimino, especially about the cloning process, though out of it one report, detailing back to the galactic civil war stood out the most.

Apparently their had been test and other experiments on some deceased Sith acolyte by the name Star Killer in attempts to clone force sensitive beings and other procedures to inject people with midoclorians to make them force sensitive. Needless to say this had intrigued the young scientist greatly, but where would she get access to dead force sensitives, that was not a war zone or heavily guarded, her solution the Corucant Jedi purge gave.

The place had tonnes of Jedi bodies that dies during order 66, a somber some sight in her mind but may prove useful in her test. With a hover bench of equipment in tow and other good the Twi'leck doctor slowly approached the grave sight, unknowing about what or who she may meet.

@Harvey"The Gent"
Harvey had been making his usual rounds across the cemetery, looking at the graves of Jedi long gone, and occasionally looking at his own grave, when he saw a new face enter the gates. He was wearing his Clone Commando Armour, the helmet being carried under his arm while he walked around the area. The new face appeared to be a woman...the clothes she was wearing could mean she was a doctor or a scientist. He decided to greet himself to her and see why she was here, since it wasn't too often that people visited the graves any more, even though they were filled with some jedi that fought the Clone Wars, many of which were killed during Order 66. He placed his Helmet on, and made his way over to the good doctor.

Once he made the reasonably short walk over to the doctor, he bowed a bit in a sign of respect. "Greetings Ma'am. I am Commander Dologanta, ex commander of the Shadow Clone Commando Squadron, ad grave keeper of this cemetery. I would like to ask what your business is here, wither it is to visit the grave of a loved one, or learn some history?"

When he spoke to her, his appearance was as he normally had it with this form; Standard Clone Commando Armour that was worn by Commandos during the Clone Wars, but instead of the standard white colour with the light blue visor, both the armour itself and the visor were coloured black, not a single area of the suit being any other colour besides solid black.

[member="Labkahip Mordulla"]
Prepare for your... examination.
Labs eye scanner had picked up the approaching person, for the most part she just played them off as a visitor that would soon leave, but to her surprise said stranger approached her, but not only that they were donned in armor of the famed Clone Commandos. Needles to say she became a little scared as such a sight, where these graves Edgar? was her presence breaking some sort of law she did not know about. She was just about to ready her defense and maybe a hasty get away until said solider, but was relived when he showed intention of harming her, though is was odd to see someone with such heavy armor as a grave keeper.

"Well, it is nice to meet you Commander Dologanta, I am Labkarhip Mordulla, kind of a wandering scientist and arms dealer, was here for some personal research into midoclorians and other things". She was about to continued but found something odd in his statement "Wait... If you are a clone, and I assume from the republic that preceded the Galactic Empire, how are you still alive? where you cry-geocentrically frozen"? It was possible, their was a man named Koda Fett who was a clone from back then, to have more clones was non uncommon.

@Harvey"The Gent"

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