Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bohemond Leyweald



MusicLords of the West - Vitalis Eirich
AgeMiddle Aged
FactionGalactic Alliance
GenderCis Male
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorGreen
Skin ColorPale
AlignmentLawful Good

  • The patriarch of the small Leyweald family, Bohemond is an impressive figure of a man, renowned for his adherence to the old ideals of Ukatian chivalry.

    Lording over the lands of Artois, the noble knight is derided for his satisfaction with what most would consider to be lackluster lands: naught but forests, rivers, and but a few farmstead lie within their borders. Content to remain within the borders of his dukedom, he largely ignores Ukatian politics, garnering something of a reputation as a reclusive lord seen only when invited to Axilla by his old brothers in arms - among them, none other than Horace von Cholmondeley, king of Ukatis.

    Although fiercely loyal to his friends, many years have passed since the civil war that struck his homeworld, and with the passage of time and the planet's accord with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and later on the Galactic Alliance, the honorable knight is coming to realize that the time of chivalry may have come to an end: where gleaming plate and sharp blades once led to glory and honor, plastoid and blasters now impose a new kind of warfare upon him.

    Happily married to a secretive lady of the lesser nobility he met during a grand quest in his youth, Bohemond is more than happy to forego power and glory in favor of his family - to the chagrin of his peers, who regard him as little more than a jumped-up knight, given land and titles in spite of a complete lack of noble blood in his veins.

    Times change, and with his homeworld growing more and more open to the galaxy at large, the indomitable knight finds himself struggling between the glory of the past, and the hope promised by the future...

  • S T R E N G T H
    • Virtuous - A living embodiment of Ukatian Chivalry.
    • Kind - A shield to the unfortunate, a sword to the powerless.
    • Open-minded - Some traditions must be left behind.
    N E U T R A L
    • Fair - Justice must have its due.
    • Reclusive - More than content to stay at home.
    • Cautious - Acts with purpose, but slowly.
    W E A K N E S S
    • Uncompromising - Will never back down from what he believes is right.
    • Proud - Too principled not to make enemies.
    • Vengeful - Nothing is forgiven. Nothing is forgotten.
    L I K E S
    • Ballads
    • Forests
    • Jousts
    D I S L I K E S
    • Space travel
    • Charlatans
    • Self-righteousness

  • Friendly- | Neutral/Wary- | Hostile- | Complicated-
    Victoria LeywealdWife
    Mathilde Leyweald Mathilde Leyweald Daughter
    Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania Old Friend

  • ✦ Completed | ✧ Ongoing | ✫ Faction Thread | ✫ Invasion/Skirmish
    Act I

    ✦ Thread goes here! [People go here!]

    Act II

    ✦ Thread goes here! [People go here!]

    Act III

    ✦ Thread goes here! [People go here!]

    Current Arc: Virtue and Duty

    ✦ Thread goes here! [People go here!]


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