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Approved Species Boiraneys - Pamarthen Rock Hen

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  • Name: Boiraneys {Boy-rain-ees}
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Pamarthe
  • Average Lifespan: 12 Years
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: Boiraneys were a large avian creature native to Pamarthe with granite-like scales that formed sharp, cutting edges. They commonly flew in flocks from island to island. Their large size and wings often caused them to be confused for Pamarthen Drakes in the early days of colonization. Now they are a common sight on both large and small homesteads, kept for their eggs, which were more mild tasting than those of the eun, and as deterrents for smaller predators that liked to prey on eun.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: N/A
  • Average Length of Adults: 1.1 Meters
  • Skin color: Bright colors or dull rock-like colors
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Boiraneys were sexually dimorphic, with females showing dull greys, blacks, and whites in their scales to better blend in with the rocky beaches, and males coming in a variety of colors to attract a mate. They had sharp scales and a duralloy beak meant for cracking the shells of small errey. Their wings were more reptile or bat-like than bird-like, lacking feathers of any sort. They used their large wingspan to threaten and intimidate would-be predators like the jialgheer. Despite being an animal that was preyed upon by many of Pamarthe’s creatures, humans had a hard time dealing with its strong taste, though the local Shistavanen adored it. Their scales looked and felt like stone and so some Pamarthens, usually, non-natives took to calling them Rock Hens. This didn’t protect them from skyeel Glow Storms, however.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Hard Scales: Defends the Boiraneys from a variety of predators and inclement weather
  • Duralloy Beak: Able to crack the shells of its main prey, errey, and sculls if you aren’t careful.
  • Dig In: Were able to hunker down during storms and not be blown away.
  • Drowning Hazard: Can’t swim
  • Tastes Bad to Humans: A weakness in that it's not delicious!
  • Magnets: Powerful magnets can keep them from moving by trapping them by their duralloy beaks.
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Honks and hisses
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: It is considered an absolute nuisance, though they are too numerous and mobile to be eradicated and so they have gained a worldwide reputation as another part of life on the planet. Their name literally means annoyance.
  • General behavior: Boiraneys were generally over-aggressive, angry birds. They traveled in flocks when in the wild, typically following storms, using these times to hunt errey. Their aggression was used in captivity by the homesteader keeping one or two females in the same coop as the farmer’s eun. Their aggression would keep the smaller predators of the island at bay and their angry calls notified the homesteader of intruders. They typically only laid one to two eggs at a time outside of peak breeding season which was fall in which they could lay up to eight eggs at one time.
"If you can't deal with an angry rock hen, don't get married."

-Old Pamarthen saying
First discovered on Pamarthe after surviving their first storm, the Boiraneys have been an ever-present annoyance to the people of Pamarthe for over a thousand years. Flying in groups to terrorize homesteaders, they were too intimidating and large to fight off on one’s own and a flock of the creatures was too much for a Salt Hound or even its wild ancestors to deal with. Taming and keeping the bird’s main predator, the jialgheer did eventually keep the creatures from ruining their errey herds and crops. Eventually, the homesteaders learned to live with the creatures, even breeding and keeping them as deterrents for the smaller critters that preyed on their errey. They are still a headache to deal with on the larger, more modernized islands and when sailing due to their fearlessness of people or weapons but the people of Pamarthe have come to learn that the boiraneys is just one of the things you lived with on Pamarthe.
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