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Manufacturer: United Imperia
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average



  • Manufacturer: United Imperia
  • Affiliation: Imperial Remnant Factions | PMCs | Galaxy-at-large
  • Market Status: Open Market
  • Model: BTK-XCIII
  • Modularity: None, combined with proprietary parts making post-factory additions difficult if not impossible.
  • Production: Mass-produced
  • Material:
  • Classification: Service Blaster Carbine
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
    • Cheap materials, cheap quality, heavy-make.
  • Ammunition Type: Eleton Gas Power Packs
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small | 20 Bolts
  • Effective Range: Average | 500 Meters
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
    • There is no real cap on the rate of fire for the BTK-XCIII, accelerating the longer the trigger is held down -- the only thing holding this back is the barrel warping from the heat and the low capacity of its power packs.
  • Damage Output: Low
    • Eleton gas is the poor man's tibanna, only able to reliably punch through light armors.
  • Recoil: Very Low
    • A heavy, low power blaster made out of stamped materials -- most of the kickback is absorbed into the weapon's weight itself.
  • Better Than A Rock, Sometimes
    • The bolt-thrower is mentionable for its poor workmanship, anti-marksmen sighting, over-heating components, and cheap manufacturing -- these realities create the one impressive feature; the cost per-unit. Dwarfing even the expense of a DL-18, the BTK-XCIII cost a measly 250 credits to purchase in any fair-trade Galactic market.
  • Your Hearing Loss is NOT Service Related
    • One of the few quality-of-life features, the integrated suppressor minimizes the need for hearing protection for the shooter -- as well as adding light stealth capabilities to the weapon.
  • Suppressing Fire
    • While unsustainable, the 2,000/RPM the BTK-XCIII could theoretically get up to makes a fireteam armed with these blasters able to force a much larger squadron to keep their heads down.
  • Improvised Hand Grenade
    • The BTK-XCIII overheats very, very easily. If power cells are cycled too fast and fired at too great a rate, the weapon is liable to simply explode in the users' hands. Essentially turning it into a fragmentation grenade. This is normally lethal.
  • Exposed Internals
    • Don't get it wet, don't get mud in it, don't use it in a sandstorm.
      • On second thought, don't use this weapon outside of a hospital-clean firing range.
  • Held Together With Plastoid Tape
    • Despite the weapon being anti-repair with proprietary parts, it breaks surprisingly easily in the field. With the low-quality polymer regularly cracking under even simple stressors.
      • This normally translates to ordering a whole new blaster, as repairing the weapon is more expensive than a replacement.

The first product to be released by the syndicalist weapons guild of United Imperia, the BOLT-THROWER KARBINE-93 promises to live up to the history of the E-11 platform for the modern age at an affordable price! This weapon is intended to be mass-produced in simple stamp manufacturing plants and dispersed in gross numbers. Cheap and dead basic, the blaster is one of desperation. As United Imperia's first step into arms-manufacturing, they aim to catch the market of cash-strapped revolutionaries and budget-shopping PMCs.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To downgrade and discount the SRK-65 into a new, modern, and affordable package!
Image Source(s):

Technical Information

Affiliation: Imperial Remnant Factions | PMCs | Galaxy-at-large
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Polymer
Ammunition Type: Eleton Gas
Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
Damage Output: Low
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Carbine
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