Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bomery "Alex" Chaden

Bomery Chaden

Name: Bomery/Alex Chaden

Faction: None

Rank: None

Species: Human

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Height: 5'9

Weight: 140

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Skin: White

Force Sensitive: No

Brutal/Ruthless: In both typical fighting and capitalistic ventures.
Charismatic: Talented salesman, amazing at retaining employees.

In between:
Nihilist: It's hard to get anything past him because he almost always expects the worst from everyone, proves difficult when someone needs trusting.

Asthma: Pretty self explanatory.
OCD: No, not the "OMG, Becky is so OCD dah." The real kind. I'll let whoever roleplays with him figure it out.

Appearance: Normally neatly dressed, proper looking.

Biography: Born to two factory workers in one of the Coronet's poorer districts, Alex grew up with what many would consider the bare minimums to get through the day. He had few possessions beyond some of the toys his parents managed to buy when they had a little bit left over after paying the bills and putting food on the table. As such the child spent most of his time outside, interacting with other children and having adventures throughout the expansive city. When Alex reached adolescence he began to notice the willingness with which others listened to him and how readily they accepted almost any suggestion.

The early teenage years were especially tough economically for his home and after spending years watching thieves make more than ends meet in his neighborhood Alex decided to have a go at it. A group consisting of himself and a few of his friends robbed a credit union with a few old blasters after months of meticulous planning on Alex's part. The robbery went off without a hitch and the now emboldened teen took fully to crime like a fish to water. His family wasn't wanting for food. He bought a speeder. Everything had seemingly been made right by one act of crime.

At the suggestion of a friend Alex brook into his area's drug game with a show of violence so disturbing the CPD thought it to be the work of a long forgotten serial killer. Everyone in the know understood the message, Mr. Alex Chaden was not a man to be messed with. Alex's natural showmanship and excessive politeness (not to mention the cut rate prices) made him a favorite among the city's junkie population. This was always taken with a grain of salt, all still remembered the recent murder of the being who'd stood in Alex's way at the beginning.

Soon after the majority of Alex's competition had either left planet, joined in with himself, or been killed off by Alex or one of his subordinates. He has complete control of the spice trade in both Blue Sector and Coronet Shipping. With his more than healthy profits he bought several legitimate businesses to use as fronts and a new home for both himself and his parents. He can normally be found in the Mynock's Haven, a well to do cantina in Blue Sector, where he controls most of his enterprise. Alex also owns a high rise apartment with a spectacular view.

If you'd like to know about his nickname, ask him sometime.


Bounties Collected:


Leena & Kareena

K: Ooooo..... He's interesting...... *stares*

L: *smacks the back of Kareena's head* And this is why I lead, and you follow. Nine times out of ten, you do this, and we end up fighting for our lives and nearly dieing.

K: At least I try to be friendly, Len. All you do is glare at people.

L: I glare because I care, Kar. Scratch that, I really don't give a damn.

K: *rolls eyes*

@Bomery Chaden

Bomery Chaden

@[member="Leena & Kareena"] @[member="Katar"]

*returns stares with a cocked head and sly grin*

Leena & Kareena

L: Right. Don't mind the cat girl. She never talks. Period.

K: She is pretty cute, though. I hear she purrs if you pet her head.

Bomery Chaden

The character reminds me of a "witch" from a short story I read. Can't remember the title for the life of me.

Leena & Kareena

K: Hmmm...... Likes literature......*checks something off of list*

L: Okay. I know you're desperate, sis. But if I had only known just how desperate you are, I could've spared you from your own ridiculousness.

K: You know, Leena, I can see your mouth moving, but all I'm hearing is "Blah. Blah. Blah."

L: *Gives Kareena deathglare*

K: *gulps* JK, dear, beautiful sister............. :unsure:

@Bomery Chaden

Bomery Chaden

@[member="Katar"] @[member="Leena & Kareena"]

If any of you wish to leave your lives and come work for someone exciting, give me a buzz. I offer freedom, housing, and a salary that's probably better than what you're making now.

Leena & Kareena

L: We'd be interested in a permanent position. However, we don't require housing or freedom.

K: Yeah. We could be, like, your elite hit-women!

@Bomery Chaden

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