Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bonified Hustlers (Enigma Prime Raid) (Ask to join)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
the Red Raven Hades class cruiser designated as Queen Bee boomed out of hyperspace followed by another Hades Class Cruiser designated as Coyote Hustler right behind it. In front of the two ships was the world known as Enigma Prime, a planet rich with stygium crystals, light saber crystals, and force crystals, basically any thief's wet dream of a heist. All this great stuff and no one to steal it, well the workers on Enigma Prime could sleep well tonight knowing that their hard earned crystals were about to be taken by the just and fair Red Ravens. Now it was just a matter of time before those gems were liberated from the oppressive hands of those miners.

Aboard Queen Bee a small slender figure wearing Red Raven Shot Caller Armor spray painted red with a smiley face over the visor was standing in the hanger over a group of organic troops. There was about fifteen different mercenary squads that were laying about the hanger waiting for their briefing, the men looked like grizzled professionals and killers. The Ravens only hired the best after all, So the small figure stood up atop a stage and removed her helmet. Long golden tuffs of hair fell from the helmet and Patricia Susan Garter, Executive Assistant of the Red Ravens was about to give a briefing.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the job is simple as always!" She said with a very commanding voice despite being about five foot two.

"There is a Kyr'vhetine-class Mobile Mining Facility about twenty clicks from the shallow see in the northern hemisphere, it's been designated as Credit Town on your HUDs and it is our soul objective. Now aboard that Credit Town is enough Stygium to make us all very very rich, that is our primary objective. However there are force crystals and saber crystals as well, we can heist those and sell them to the One Sith or whoever at cheap prices. Those are secondary grabs, make sure you get the stygium though, that is paramount." Patricia pointed to a map and showed the layout of the massive walker that was home to about ten thousand workers.

"Now this thing is big, stupid big. We have about fifty crews with us to secure the control room and goods. Once we've secured the control room we are going to stop it and drop droid pods on it all day until the miners understand they aren't running the show anymore. Now I'm not going to lie to you, our initial strike force is around a thousand men so we will need to hit the control room hard. This mining operation are these folks lives so they will fight you over this. Rules of engagement are not to fire unless fired upon. They are miners, not terrorists. Do what you need to do to defend yourself but I will not tolerate cold blooded murder against innocent workers. We're here to rob them of their crystals not their lives." Pointing to the map she zoomed in on the control room then back out to the storage areas for the crystals

"Strike force A will hit the control room, and strike force B will hit the storage station to secure our pay day. Again once it's stopped droid reinforcements will be shot from orbit. Everyone be safe, and remember to not die. Fall out" Patricia lifted up her helmet then put it back on her head. Moving to her back she picked up a pump action shotgun scrubber and stepped down from her stage to move towards a drop ship. Once inside she pressed a few buttons and a bit of music started to play in her own and other ships as a bit of in flight heist music.

The ships lifted up out of the hanger and headed down towards the planet's surface. Rattling as they passed Into the atmosphere the glowing red cones of light formed around the ships and soon they passed through and headed towards the massive moving city that was the mobile mining facility. Apparently they had caught them in the wee hours of the morning and no one had seen them coming. The red raven ships broke over the horizon of the shallow seas and now swarmed the mining platform. Everything was now starting to a bit wild as shouting and alarms began to go off. But it was too late, both strike teams made it to the facility and were now depositing onto the cold duracrete black tops.

"Let's get paid!" Patricia shouted and lifted up her EXB Scrubber firing a round in the air. A few security personnel began to scramble getting their weapons ready. Looks like it was going to be a fight.
Credit Town.

A fitting name for such an operation.

For Samuel Graves, this particular mission was of the utmost importance. His corporate sponsor, the very same entity that armed the Red Ravens with their naval vessels, had expressed an immense interest in that which "Credit Town" had to offer. Stygium crystals were a very, very rare resource in the Galaxy these days, and as such Stargo Defense Enterprises was more than willing to pay their criminal friends top dollar for a cut of the loot...and put one of their best men on the job of procuring it.

As such, Graves was dispatched to the backwater world known as Enigma Prime. From the depths of hyperspace, a single San Hill-class Star Destroyer emerged. Born from an old contract with the Confederacy, this vessel was now apart of SDE's corporate fleet...and had been dispatched in order to propel the objective with some explosive ordnance. Of course, Graves was not sent to sully his hands with blood (not that he cared), but instead he was going to do something that would help his sponsor in two ways.

It would assist in preventing the miners from escaping...and it would provide an opportunity for SDE to place a mining operation upon the soon-to-be troubled world. But first, introductions had to be made.

"This is Samuel Graves. Your favorite corporation sent me to help. See that mobile mining facility? Kark that mobile mining facility. Give me the clear and I'll smack it with some precision fire, get that mobility offline. It's one thing to fight a flailing fish, it's another to net one that's floating dead in the water. Permission to fire?"

Now there was nothing left to do but wait.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Samuel Graves"]

Patricia heard the incoming transmission from the hired hands from Stargo and she debated that for a moment, it would make the operation a lot easier for them. Just disable the walker, but this operation was these miner's lives. And this walker was their home, Patricia was not here to destroy their home. So she had to say no, they would do this with the minimal loss of life and damage to these people. They were not here to destroy and kill, and good criminals quite often didn't have to kill people to get their way. So Patricia responded in kind.

"Negative, I repeat negative. We are not here to destroy their home, if you want to help make sure they don't evac with the goods. Strike team bravo is on their way to secure the package. So provide air support or get down here, rules of engagement is not to use lethal force unless fired upon first. If you can disable the machine that will only take very minor repairs then proceed otherwise negative." Patricia click klacked another round into her shotgun then moved forward on the landing pad.

A shot went whizzing by her head and soon a team of ten security personnel moved into various positioned behind cover. She was leading team bravo to secure the goods, she trusted that alpha could shut this beast down. Another blaster round hissed past her head and the fight was on. Patricia fired some bouncing Bettie's at her first target and put him on his ass unconscious. Putting another shell in the chamber she lifted it and opened fire sending another person on their ass. With a third clack she exited the round from the chamber and loaded the fresh one. They had half a kilometer to get to the storage facility and it was more than likely going to be a long trip.

"Move up! Let's go!" Patricia yelled and moved to the nearest piece of cover.

Crouching down behind it dozens of stun bolts were passing over her head as she sucked behind the metal crate. Lifting up her shotgun she blind fired and hit another soft target with her stun shells. This was going to be a long day.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia reached to the bandolier on her chest and began to load in new shells for her shotgun component of her weapon. Sliding in a few new individual shells she clacked back the pump and chambered a fresh round of birdshot that would put the armored guards down without killing them. Popping up from her cover her aim quickly snapped over to the last few of the security personnel bunched in a small group. With a loud roar from her scattergun the pellets flew hard and knocked back the targets putting them down.

"Move up!" Patricia jumped her cover and soon her team was moving deeper into the large city of a mining facility.

Pulling up overhead imagery on her data logger the woman set out a route on her HUD to the storage facility. A few other mercs came up to her and soon they were following the woman as she lead them in the streets of Credit Town.

"Alright we got a few more lefts then a right and we are there!" Patricia began to move up and soon a group of mining droids were blocking their path. About twenty or so total, and they were big towering creatures about six feet tall.

The little blonde switched over to the blaster component of her weapon and quickly lifted up the rifle to begin opening fire on the droids. Hitting the first one dead on with a three round burst of blaster bolts she dropped it and deactivated it. The rest began to rush forward, picking up mercenaries who were unlucky enough to be caught in their strong mechanical grasps, crushing and killing them. But the nimble blonde ducked under her first incoming attacker and rolled around to their back to fire a solid slug into the back of their mechanical head.

"Waste them!!" She yelled loudly then pumped a new slug into the chamber to quickly deposit Into the head of another droid, blowing it clean off it's shoulders to spout sparks and oil.
Alright, so that option was out.

But then again...maybe there was a middle ground. Capital ships were equipped with ion Cannons for a reason. They did wonders against shields, and against electronics. However, they didn't have any stopping power. The mobile mining facility could easily take a barrage of ion bursts and survive. All that would be required would be some electrical repairs. No casualties. No displaced miners. Just a stationary target. A win-win in Graves' book.

"Graves here, had an idea. What if we fired on them with ion cannons only? It'd fry the electronics and disable the mining facility, but that's it. Nothing more than a big repair job that Stargo Defense would gladly undertake. And it wouldn't take long. One barrage. Zero casualties. What do you say?" he said, hoping for a green light.

Then, he gave the nod to the helmsman. The fighters were going to be scrambled and dispersed to the planet's surface. There wouldn't be any escaping Stygium, not on Graves' watch. "Also, I'd like to make sure a couple tons of that stygium are set aside for the company. Orders and all that. We'll pay of course." Fine print. Blah blah blah.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia reached to the holster at her waist and pulled out a Czerka machine pistol loaded with shock slugs. Grabbing it tight she swept down in a low arc firing up at the droids chests. In her right hand she lifted the shotgun and fired another solid slug at a droid to quickly disable it. The recoil shook her arm and the weapon flung up, she was strong enough to keep it in check but the thing kicked hard. A good seven droids dropped at her little assault and soon her men were mopping up the rest of the miners droids. In a few minutes they were clear from this little fire fight, they had lost a few men but they had to keep moving.

"Let's go gents." Patricia began to load more slugs into her shot gun and holster her pistol again.

Moving up she took the first left and they came to a not so fun sight. The miners realized they were going for the stygium and they had set up a barricade to block them. About three heavy mining vehicles blocked their path facing side to side, behind those heavy trucks was a line of defenders holding crappy blaster rifles. They really wouldn't do too much to her phrik armor but she really didn't want to kill these people. But she had her orders, she would just do her best to make sure they were incapacitated.

"Smoke em!" Patricia quickly dove for cover and the merc besides her was hit hard in the chest by a blaster bolt sending him tumbling over dead. Patricia had given clear orders and even through the crews wanted to kill the miners, the little blonde was not about to kill these men and women with families. So she quickly pulled out a few cans of tear gas along with the other mercenaries in her group. With her mask on they tossed the grenades and soon the white gas began to disperse into the enemies barricade

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The loud coughing sounds were heard from the barricades defenders as the white smoke washed over them. It was a very satisfying sound, a few dry heaves and vomiting noises came out next and they were reacting bad to the gas. Patricia chuckled behind her filter and soon a transmission came in from [member="Samuel Graves"] about an ion barrage. Hell if Stargo was willing to repair the electrical damages after they disabled the massive city walker then that was cool with Patricia.

"Affirmative permission granted Grave Walker this is Red Dress, engage." Patricia said Into her mic then lifted her head to see the miners were dispersing.

Moving up Patricia and her men began to climb over the makeshift barricade. Seeing weapons laid on the ground where miners had run from the gas Patricia and her men took the next left past the defenses and were on the last leg of their journey to get to the vault where the goods were. Patricia had to admit doing this whole criminal thing for a living was pretty fun, holding up entire walking cities, throwing tear gas at people. It was exciting to say the least. But thoughts like that could wait for a bit, she had more fun things to do.

"Last leg gents let's get moving and get the storage open." Patricia said to her men then took a right down the streets of the massive walker.

There it was in the distance, a large building that was quite defended. It had a chain link razor wire fence with two guard towers. Bellow there was few squares of mining droids and two sand bunkers with a few armed guards behind them. Well it looked like all bets were off here and they were going to have to maybe kill a few people. Hopefully they could hit with some stun rounds but she couldn't factor in for mercs who probably wanted some payback for their friends dying.
Permission granted.

"Alright gentlemen, all ion cannons lock onto that mining facility. Fire on my mark."

At once, a chorus of affirmations sounded about the bridge. Targeting Systems were engaged and the gunners tensed at the ready. This was going to require precision, as it would look terrible if Stargo Defense crippled anything but their intended target. After all, they had the Ravens to watch out for...and shooting them would prove problematic on ten thousand levels. "Make sure there's no blue on blue. If we kark this up, we'll be trudging our way to the unemployment lines." Once more, the personnel sounded their affirmation.

And then came the moment of truth.

"Alright, light em up!"

Although there was no sound in space, there was sure as hell a lot of noise down below. From above, the sight was...strangely beautiful. The clouds gave way to rays of shining light; all of which descended like rain from on high. However, unlike the cool waters that quench the thirsty ground...these brought only devastation. As promised, there was no tremendous damage wrought to the mining facility, nor were there casualties. However, electrical havoc was wreaked.

And slowly, the mobile facility grinded to a halt.

"This is Graves. Your mobile facility is stationary. We're shifting our focus to any attempts at escape with the product. Starfighters have already been dispatched."

Now it was time to see who was dumb enough to try to escape with the goods. A smart worker would just raise their hands and surrender. A dumb one let loyalty get in the way of common sense.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
There was bright flash of ion pulse light and then a rumbling of impact. Loud mechanical groans echoed throughout the massive walker and it had ceased movement. The shock of the hit threw the ravens and guards around a bit but when the dust settled the fight was back on. Patricia loaded a few more slugs into her scrubber and a power cell into her blaster component. Lifting it up she dusted off the stun setting and flicked it on.

"Stun organics! Destroy droids!" Patricia barked out her orders then charged forward firing out a few bolts from her weapon hitting a guard that was perched at a sandbag.

The defenders responded in kind and returned fire of a more deadly variety. A blaster bolt hit Patricia's chest plate and quickly knocked her back. The phrik handled the energy bolt like a pro, spinning around she ducked behind cover and shouldered her rifle. Lifting it up she fired a few solid slugs at the droids guarding the gate, taking out four of them she dropped knelt back down behind cover and began to slide more shells into the shotgun component one by one, loading up with buckshot to take out the droids.

"Savic squad push left and take out the guard towers!" Patricia poked her head up from cover and began to fire the buckshot into more droids before lifting up and firing suppressing stun bolts at the towers.

Savic squad began to push and fire more tear gas canisters towards the depot. They were going to gas out the towers and finish this fight. They had to quickly get strike team A into the control room and so they found get these doors open.

"Grave Walker this is Red Dress! Get a team down here to secure the control room. Strike team A is running into heavy resistance!" Patricia barked out to the Stargo hired merc
[member="Samuel Graves"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia ducked back down and her instincts screamed at her to move. Following them she dove forward and with that a large mechanical arm came down where she had been crouched, crushing the metal crate that was here cover. Shifting on to her back she took aim and fired a few blaster bolts at the mining droid, blowing sparks and gears out the back of it. Smoke began to sprawl through the battlefield and various guards who weren't wearing breathing masks began to choke on the tear gas. But sadly there was still the droids to deal with and the sand bag on the right. Both guard towers had been smoked out and now she had to move past the droids to take out the bunker.

"Take out the droids!! I got the bunker!" Patricia popped up and the little blonde woman jumped up and began to bound from droid to droid until she flipped over and into the sand bunker where a astonished six men looked at the little five foot two gymnast.

"Ello lads!" Patricia said and lifted up her blaster to spray the men with stun bolts sending them to the ground.

Flicking back on to blaster mode she loaded the shotgun component with solid slugs and click clacked a round into the chamber. Firing a wave of slugs and blasters she dropped six droids total to get them stuck in a crossfire. They had almost broken through

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With the droids caught in the crossfire of the angry little blonde and the mercenaries they were quickly reduced into scrap metal, no guard casualties at the moment on her end, this was good. She didn't want these people to die over some shinny rocks or anything of the sort, she didn't mind wrecking a few droids but killing innocent personnel was another thing. But that would be put to the side still, they had other more pressing things to do at the moment. They had to get into this facility and take all those lovely crystals.

"Open up this gate and provide cover." Patricia pointed over to the gates and soon a squad of men with plasma torches fried open a hole in the fence for the rest of them to get in through.

Patricia grabbed her weapon tight and pushed through the glowing orange hole in the fence. She entered a courtyard area towards a large warehouse where the goods were being kept. Another set of large warehouse gates that looked to be very reinforced stood in their way and they would either have to wait for the control room to open them up, or spend the long time of cutting them open leaving them exposed for more miners to attack.

"Cut it open. If Stargo comes through then halt and start loading." Patricia said to a few merc crews who slid on welding masks.

Activating their plasma torches they began to cut through the thick durasteel doors. It was going to take a bit but the rewards would be worth it in the end. All that Stygium was going to give them a lot of pull and cash in the galactic underworld, only the ravens could pull off a heist like this and it would be told from here to coruscant that the Ravens got the job done. So Patricia cocked back her shotgun and moved to the courtyard to cover the boys cutting through the doors

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia slid in her last few shells Into the shotgun component of her scrubber, they had done a lot of fighting to get to this point and it was about high time to get paid. The people working the door kept focused and kept working the plasma torches on the massive door. They just needed to cut a big enough hole for them to slice through and they would be good to go. As Patricia remained in a watchful position she looked over the horizon and heard a lot of banging noises, that couldn't of been good.

"We might have company." Patricia said to her crew loudly enough for them to hear.

It was a long ways away but it sounded like the miners were rallying for a counter attack, so it was best to secure the goods as soon as possible and get those Stargo droids down here at once. Patricia moved to her data logger and fixed a signal to the heavy cruisers in orbit. They had to get droids down here now.

"Coyote Hustler this is Red Dress we need some droids down here. Super Clankers and SDS Twos if possible, over." She said with a bit of static on the line.

"Red Dress this is Coyote Hustler, droids inbound in fifteen mikes, roger over" A solid said responding to her.

Fifteen minutes? They could be dead in fifteen fething minutes. But it would have to work.

"Roger out Coyote Hustler." Patricia said then set a timer on her logger then tuned into their transports that would get the good out of here.

"Alright flyboys get ready to pull the merchandise out of here. Ten minutes, marking our position on credit town." Patricia did so then turned back to the door the mercs were wrapping up with.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Flying down from above one of a few drop ships touched down into the facilities courtyard and began to unload carts and other various lifts to help transport rare gems. Looking over to the banging noises Patricia began to grow a bit nervous and shutter at the thought of an army of mining droids crushing them all. Patricia looked back over to the crews and it was just her luck that they had finished cutting, so much for Stargo. At least their credits were shiny and that's all that mattered. Patricia sighed in relief and the merc crews pushed a four meter wide hole out of the massive warehouse doors. Plopping down with a huge thud the crews moved through the bright orange slagged metal and into the warehouse.

Patricia had a crew of workers with carts behind her and they when she entered hundreds of different shades hit her. Crystals upon crystals were gleaming in the light and it was a beautiful sight to say the least.

"Payday boys! I want you guys to grab the stygium first!!" Patricia pointed to a pile of the stealth crystals and soon crews were all over it.

Shoveling massive amounts into the carts the teams began to funnel out of the building loading carts of the stuff onto the drop barge. They loaded up a full drop ship of stygium and soon the ship left headed for Queen Bee with it's load. Another ship dropped down and soon more carts and crews came out to start loading up more stygium crystals. This was a real jackpot.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The clanging few louder and time was ticking, if Coyote Tango didn't get those damn droids down here it would be a very short fight. Patricia snapped her fingers at her men and had them pick up the pace, they were carrying as much stygium as they could but Patricia wanted to rob this place blind. She wanted the force crystals, the saber crystals, all of it. She wasn't a greedy person at all, but she always made sure they had enough of the stuff to get the job done. And right now they needed a lot of damn stygium and cash for projects they were undertaking.

"Hurry up boys move move move!" Patricia yelled at one of the crews and soon the second drop barge was filled large amounts of crystals.

Looking over to her timer they had seven more minutes until the droids got here, and that mob was no less than five away by the sound of it. They would have to hold their own for a few minutes against them while the droids were sent in to pacify the crowds. Patricia groaned and shoved her shotgun into the third drop brave that had come down. Crews and equipment came out and she grabbed a long barrel Sledgehammer weapons system with a row of tear gas grenades. A few carts moved into the building and began to load up the last few metric tons of the stygium crystals.

"We have to hold them for a few minutes! Get the squads up on those towers and bags. Handcuff the downed personnel. I want non lethal force." Patricia said to her men and soon they began to move into position taking placed behind various forms of cover.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Force crystals were next, these bad boys were still not fully understood by modern science when it came to the augmentation of force powers. They were good focusing stones apparently and it really didn't matter to Patricia, she just wanted them for the skrilla. The Ravens were all about getting paid and making money, and these would certainly do a lot of both. So Patricia had the final crew of stygium crystals lift up and back to Queen Bee for processing. They had taken tons of the stuff thanks to having a crap ton if workers down here, but they had bigger problems as the forth drop barge lowered down to unload and get crews and gear moving. The ravens had opened the facility doors to speed the process but things could be going better.

"Here they come!" Patricia said in a commanding tone as she powered up her rifle to set to stun.

Coming around the corner was the mob, a hefty mix of droids and workers, some of which were wearing gas masks. There could of been thousands of them, Patricia couldn't tell. Either way it was going to be a challenge to make sure no one was killed. Hurt badly yes, that was fine. But she wanted these people to live and see their families. So loading up a smoke grenade into her sledgehammer she looked to her men who were doing the same.

"Load up! Ready! Aim! Fire!" Patricia and a line of about twenty men began to launch tear gas into the crowd. It began to help disperse organics that weren't wearing masks. But they were still coming. Taking aim through the thermal scope she began up open fire on a few organics taking them down to the ground with stun bolts. The few crews were still loading up plenty of force crystals and they would be headed out soon.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The transport of force crystals took off and another drop barge came down to repeat the process, more crews came filling out and grabbing plenty of gear to unload the men and women moved into the warehouse to finish grabbing the last of the force crystals. There were well over a hundred people moving in and out of the place grabbing a good amount of the strange crystals. But that wasn't on Patricia's mind, right now it was stopping this mob. They had taken out the organics not wearing masks but now it was time to put down the rest.

"Open fire!!" She yelled then shouldered her rifle.

Taking aim she fired a good amount of stun bolts into the enemy. Dropping a few more miners it wasn't enough they were still advancing no matter their efforts. It wasn't an ideal situation. Patricia fired another tear gas grenade into the fray then started to shoot more and more blaster stun bolts. They were almost done with the job. They could forget the lightsaber crystals. The Jedi and sith had artificial ones anyway, what they didn't have force crystals though.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia watched as the last barge was loaded up with the force crystals and headed up up and away. That was it, that was the last of the force crystals. And out of the kindness of Patricia's heart and the fact that the angry mob was headed towards them, she decided it was time to get to stepping. Standing up she moved her hands in a motion that pretty much told everyone to get over here and fall out.

"Let's get out of here, Coyote Hustler get cancel the reinforcements we are out of here." Patricia and her men slammed the gates closed to the facility and made sure the electricity for it was turned up.

As Lady Luck would have it the last few drop barges that were supposed to be for the lightsaber crystals made their way down to the courtyard. Patricia and her men loaded up Into them and moved out of the area. Lifting into the air the cabin closed and the woman was chuckling under her helmet, they had pulled off a successful heist and had made sure no one died. It was a job well done. And while she knew every job couldn't be like this, she at least knew today a piece of her being a good person was still alive. She had upheld the law and did what was right, now of days she wasn't sure about that. She had to support her family now that Romeo was dead, and she needed to make sure they were taken care of. So removing her helmet letting sweaty locks of hair fall down she looked down at the ground and mining station that was pulling away in the distance. Calling up Samuel she took a deep sigh of relief

"Grave Digger, this is Red Dress. Mission accomplished. Let's go home." She said into her mic sounding very tired.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Objective: Extract Forces on Ground
Location: Transport Ships

Red Dress: "Grave Digger, this is Red Dress. Mission accomplished. Let's go home."

Lurcano Car'dann: "This is Lurcano. Make your way to the ship Red Dress. Mission accomplished. I'm inventorying the equipment you've sent up as we speak."

Lurcano didn't mention the curses he'd uttered when he'd been told to inventory. 'I kill shit. If I wanted to do numbers, I'd have stayed on Nagi and gone to school.' Lurcano slowly went through the crates of the force crystals that had been sent up the ships, going through each and everyone one. There were many different colors which would undoubtedly fetch a pretty price once they were sold to both the Jedi Order and the One Sith. Lurcano whistled as he slowly but surely went through everything. 'Damn. Say what you want about Patricia, she can get a job done and she can get it done right. All this and no casualties? Wow.'

Lurcano Car'dann: "Everything that's supposed to be up here is here, now get your asses on board so we can celebrate on our way back to Nar Shaddaa. I'll be buying the first round of drinks eh?"

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Samuel Graves"]

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