Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
the Red Raven Hades class cruiser designated as Queen Bee boomed out of hyperspace followed by another Hades Class Cruiser designated as Coyote Hustler right behind it. In front of the two ships was the world known as Enigma Prime, a planet rich with stygium crystals, light saber crystals, and force crystals, basically any thief's wet dream of a heist. All this great stuff and no one to steal it, well the workers on Enigma Prime could sleep well tonight knowing that their hard earned crystals were about to be taken by the just and fair Red Ravens. Now it was just a matter of time before those gems were liberated from the oppressive hands of those miners.
Aboard Queen Bee a small slender figure wearing Red Raven Shot Caller Armor spray painted red with a smiley face over the visor was standing in the hanger over a group of organic troops. There was about fifteen different mercenary squads that were laying about the hanger waiting for their briefing, the men looked like grizzled professionals and killers. The Ravens only hired the best after all, So the small figure stood up atop a stage and removed her helmet. Long golden tuffs of hair fell from the helmet and Patricia Susan Garter, Executive Assistant of the Red Ravens was about to give a briefing.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the job is simple as always!" She said with a very commanding voice despite being about five foot two.
"There is a Kyr'vhetine-class Mobile Mining Facility about twenty clicks from the shallow see in the northern hemisphere, it's been designated as Credit Town on your HUDs and it is our soul objective. Now aboard that Credit Town is enough Stygium to make us all very very rich, that is our primary objective. However there are force crystals and saber crystals as well, we can heist those and sell them to the One Sith or whoever at cheap prices. Those are secondary grabs, make sure you get the stygium though, that is paramount." Patricia pointed to a map and showed the layout of the massive walker that was home to about ten thousand workers.
"Now this thing is big, stupid big. We have about fifty crews with us to secure the control room and goods. Once we've secured the control room we are going to stop it and drop droid pods on it all day until the miners understand they aren't running the show anymore. Now I'm not going to lie to you, our initial strike force is around a thousand men so we will need to hit the control room hard. This mining operation are these folks lives so they will fight you over this. Rules of engagement are not to fire unless fired upon. They are miners, not terrorists. Do what you need to do to defend yourself but I will not tolerate cold blooded murder against innocent workers. We're here to rob them of their crystals not their lives." Pointing to the map she zoomed in on the control room then back out to the storage areas for the crystals
"Strike force A will hit the control room, and strike force B will hit the storage station to secure our pay day. Again once it's stopped droid reinforcements will be shot from orbit. Everyone be safe, and remember to not die. Fall out" Patricia lifted up her helmet then put it back on her head. Moving to her back she picked up a pump action shotgun scrubber and stepped down from her stage to move towards a drop ship. Once inside she pressed a few buttons and a bit of music started to play in her own and other ships as a bit of in flight heist music.
The ships lifted up out of the hanger and headed down towards the planet's surface. Rattling as they passed Into the atmosphere the glowing red cones of light formed around the ships and soon they passed through and headed towards the massive moving city that was the mobile mining facility. Apparently they had caught them in the wee hours of the morning and no one had seen them coming. The red raven ships broke over the horizon of the shallow seas and now swarmed the mining platform. Everything was now starting to a bit wild as shouting and alarms began to go off. But it was too late, both strike teams made it to the facility and were now depositing onto the cold duracrete black tops.
"Let's get paid!" Patricia shouted and lifted up her EXB Scrubber firing a round in the air. A few security personnel began to scramble getting their weapons ready. Looks like it was going to be a fight.
Aboard Queen Bee a small slender figure wearing Red Raven Shot Caller Armor spray painted red with a smiley face over the visor was standing in the hanger over a group of organic troops. There was about fifteen different mercenary squads that were laying about the hanger waiting for their briefing, the men looked like grizzled professionals and killers. The Ravens only hired the best after all, So the small figure stood up atop a stage and removed her helmet. Long golden tuffs of hair fell from the helmet and Patricia Susan Garter, Executive Assistant of the Red Ravens was about to give a briefing.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the job is simple as always!" She said with a very commanding voice despite being about five foot two.
"There is a Kyr'vhetine-class Mobile Mining Facility about twenty clicks from the shallow see in the northern hemisphere, it's been designated as Credit Town on your HUDs and it is our soul objective. Now aboard that Credit Town is enough Stygium to make us all very very rich, that is our primary objective. However there are force crystals and saber crystals as well, we can heist those and sell them to the One Sith or whoever at cheap prices. Those are secondary grabs, make sure you get the stygium though, that is paramount." Patricia pointed to a map and showed the layout of the massive walker that was home to about ten thousand workers.
"Now this thing is big, stupid big. We have about fifty crews with us to secure the control room and goods. Once we've secured the control room we are going to stop it and drop droid pods on it all day until the miners understand they aren't running the show anymore. Now I'm not going to lie to you, our initial strike force is around a thousand men so we will need to hit the control room hard. This mining operation are these folks lives so they will fight you over this. Rules of engagement are not to fire unless fired upon. They are miners, not terrorists. Do what you need to do to defend yourself but I will not tolerate cold blooded murder against innocent workers. We're here to rob them of their crystals not their lives." Pointing to the map she zoomed in on the control room then back out to the storage areas for the crystals
"Strike force A will hit the control room, and strike force B will hit the storage station to secure our pay day. Again once it's stopped droid reinforcements will be shot from orbit. Everyone be safe, and remember to not die. Fall out" Patricia lifted up her helmet then put it back on her head. Moving to her back she picked up a pump action shotgun scrubber and stepped down from her stage to move towards a drop ship. Once inside she pressed a few buttons and a bit of music started to play in her own and other ships as a bit of in flight heist music.
The ships lifted up out of the hanger and headed down towards the planet's surface. Rattling as they passed Into the atmosphere the glowing red cones of light formed around the ships and soon they passed through and headed towards the massive moving city that was the mobile mining facility. Apparently they had caught them in the wee hours of the morning and no one had seen them coming. The red raven ships broke over the horizon of the shallow seas and now swarmed the mining platform. Everything was now starting to a bit wild as shouting and alarms began to go off. But it was too late, both strike teams made it to the facility and were now depositing onto the cold duracrete black tops.
"Let's get paid!" Patricia shouted and lifted up her EXB Scrubber firing a round in the air. A few security personnel began to scramble getting their weapons ready. Looks like it was going to be a fight.