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Spoiler Book of Boba Fett Episode 6

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service
Cad bane IS old xD, as far as I know he was in his 40's back in the clone wars.

Liked the episode in general, but again, it looked more like Mando season 3.....

I'm beginning to think, they do this on purpose to show something indirectly. Some people already theories about boba becoming Mandalo're.

Luke indeed looked pretty good in this episode, better than in Mando. Liked it very much!

Classic Filoni episode and of course he had to put Ahsoka in the episode xD no dumb and random marvel humor in this episode I like it.


Friendly Neighbourhood Wookiee
What can I say but man I love the Mandalor..... I mean Boba Fett series. All in all, the Mandalorian part of the series is definitely my fav part, other than Black Krrsantan for obvious reason. This episode was one heck of a whirlwind, from Cad Bane, Luke (With way better CGI) and grogu doing the Yoda jogging routine, and Cobb Vanth fast draw against Cad Bane (I kind of expected some epic quickdraw scene to happen when he did it to 3 pykes but did not except it to be with Cad Bane). The only thing i found weird with Cad Bane was his voice, which sound deeper and older, cus of course aging effects. So from the looks of it, the battle with the Pykes will be quite the spectacle, curious who will face Cad Bane, most likely Boba i guess, seeing how Cad Bane was talking about Boba (Grudge maybe?). Can't wait for next week episode.​
Fun episode, but I’ve lost interest/hope in the Boba side of the story bar from the chance to see the animated/comic characters come to life. Season 2.5 (as I have been reminded, not 3) of The Mandalorian now, shame to see Boba handled so poorly his own show is stolen from him by someone else.
Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.
Fun episode, but I’ve lost interest/hope in the Boba side of the story bar from the chance to see the animated/comic characters come to life. Season 2.5 (as I have been reminded, not 3) of The Mandalorian now, shame to see Boba handled so poorly his own show is stolen from him by someone else.

Hard disagree. I think Boba's been handled very well. The show has some pacing issues, what with the flashbacks in early episodes, and side adventures in later ones, but his story so far, I think, has been great. He's more than a one-dimensional silent killer, and that's given him, i think, the chance to grow and evolve as a character before our eyes.

At least wait till the end of the season before you call it poor, so the setup has a chance to pay off. Might even be worth the wait.
Hard disagree. I think Boba's been handled very well. The show has some pacing issues, what with the flashbacks in early episodes, and side adventures in later ones, but his story so far, I think, has been great. He's more than a one-dimensional silent killer, and that's given him, i think, the chance to grow and evolve as a character before our eyes.

At least wait till the end of the season before you call it poor, so the setup has a chance to pay off. Might even be worth the wait.
I think it’s safe to call it when there’s been setup for 6/7 episodes and little payoff throughout, to say it’s been setup is generous given how much there’s been nothing more than “Pykes are on Tatooine, oh no”. I’ll happily eat my words, but I think I’ll be left hungry.
Don't get me wrong, these last two episodes have been great episodes of a Star Wars TV show. Great content, great callbacks, super cool to see Cad Bane and Cobb Vanth and Ashoka again (AND LUKE!). Grogu going through the Yoda training routine but as the student made my heart melt. It's been amazing Mandalorian content. These two episodes would have been a great first two episodes of The Mandalorian season 3, addressing the worry of "will it be the same without Baby Yoda" by just... bringing Baby Yoda back in.

But why, oh why, did they decide to give a fan favorite character a show... and then sideline him in it?! In an 8-episode series, Boba Fett has had zero lines and like two minutes' screentime in two of those episodes. In "The Book of Boba Fett", Boba Fett is not featured in a quarter of the show. By putting in all this Mandalorian content in the middle they have robbed the people who wanted a Boba Fett show and heavily confused anyone jumping into Mandalorian season 3 without watching Book of Boba Fett, or at least the random middle of it.

Also, what was the point of the Twins? Are they coming back? Did they just dip after sending Krrsantan and being in two scenes?

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Well, confused, mostly. Very confused about the decision-making here.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Once more, I am reminded of the lack of care I have for Boba Fett now. His character subversion is complete, well done Disney. You've successfully promoted your own version that is superior. So...

Again, amazing Mandalorian 3 episode. Top stuff. Clearly this is where the budget for Boba's show went, tackling making a great looking - and sounding - Luke, so of course Boba spent most of his time indoors in the same locations. Have to free up that CGI cash!

I liked seeing Cobb Vanth again, he really gives me those Tombstone vibes, and I dig that. It's like the western-feel of Mando, but cranked up to 10. Anyway, I'm fairly certain he's not dead, since the shot landed in his right shoulder, so looking forward to seeing him back. Maybe he might even get some armor?

Also, seeing old Cad Bane was cool. He's pale, wrinkly, and is feeling the age - as one might expect, since he's stated to be 51 canonically now. Also makes me wonder about what he's been up to. Also makes me wonder about Bounty Hunting, since it has to be that (and some mercenary work). Also makes me want a Bounty Hunter Guild show...

Luke looked great. Hiring that Corridor Digital artist paid off for them.

I guess now we wait for the battle. I can't wait to see everyone except the 'Mods' (and their stupid space vespas) doing great in the fight!
Where's Boba Fett? Seriously, this is just hysterical that the MAIN CHARACTER is being sidelined. I'm beginning to think that Book of Boba Fett wasn't originally planned and was going to be some Mandalorian spinoff. As for the episode itself? I really loved it especially the Order 66 flashback. Too bad the two best episodes were the Mandalorian season 2.5. XD
I'm a little disappointed in Luke, not going to lie. The choice he gave Grogu seems a little problematic, making the same mistakes as the Order despite all he learned from ESB and ROTJ. You would hope he realises attachments themselves are inherently a bad thing, after all his attachment with Darth Vader saved not only his life, his friends, but also the Galaxy.

I kinda hope Grogu chooses both, making it clear Luke is fallible. He's trying his best, I get that.
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Definitely the best episode so far. Stuff actually happened, and Boba wasn't just sitting in Jabba's palace receiving tributes. The Jedi training parts were awesome, Luke Skywalker was phenomenal, and Cad Bane finally returns! I hadn't seen him since the Clone Wars, and it's so cool that he's back now. The Pykes are actually doing bad guy stuff too. And Max Rebo really shouldn't have died... Or maybe he survived! Again, best episode so far. I just wonder what Grogu will choose... like Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki said, I feel like he will choose both, or maybe neither. Hopefully it just works out for him, Luke, and Mando.
I suspect that Luke will let him keep the armour if he chooses the lightsabre.

My only concern is that Grogu is still around 5-6 in human terms. I don't know if a child can or should be able to make such a momentous decision.

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