Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bootcamp, May 15th

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I went to MEPs, and officially took the oath that has made me into a National Guardsmen of the State of Massachusetts. Although May 15th is many months sooner than I had expected to be shipped off, I really couldn't pass up the opportunity to go as it was my only opportunity to become a 25B Information Technology Specialist (Cybersecurity).

For the next month and a half, I will be focusing on my personal conditioning and preparing myself for Bootcamp as much as possible.

That unfortunately means I will be relegating very little time to writing in general.

It was nice writing with all of you, but I won't be around for about 7 months after bootcamp starts, and probably won't be doing anything else between now and then.

So in case I don't get around to in the next month or so, here's what'll be happening with my characters:

  • [member="Darth Voracitos"] will disappear suddenly along with his Ethereal Guard and all that he owns (excluding any additional slaves), with unexplained raving insanity, on a quest to find something in the Netherworld (he'll be headed off to Corellia/Brokellia shortly before entering the rift). [member="Karn Zhakul"] may rule Lorrd in his stead if he so wishes to continue the character. If not, then [member="Antherion"] may make his claim of Lorrd if he so desires.
  • [member="Triam Akovin"] will give birth to her child (Cassus Akovin, honorably named by [member="Preliat Mantis"], and son of [member="James Justice"]), and will raise him somewhat separated from galactic society as much as possible. She will train him in combat, and teach him everything she knows to prepare him for the Chaotic battleground of the galaxy. 'Prepare for War' for her child, essentially.
  • [member="Iron Giant"] will continue to lead her exiled people in the Exodus system (not yet put into the codex but I may do so shortly), and find ways to better integrate her people into galactic society with likes of [member="Bryce Bantam"] and the Outer Rim Coalition. At the same time, she will continue to prepare her people for war against [member="Stone Hermes"] and his abominations in the Realm of the Resu.

If I don't get around to these stories in the next month, it has been an absolute pleasure writing with all of you these past few years, and while this may not be the end, for now with my future ahead of me, I can't have other "peoples" lives in my head distracting me from my own. ;)

So with that, all I have to say is thank you for all the stories we've made together.

May the force be with you all!
Yer muh boi, [member="Fatty"]

We both came to Chaos from the same site, and you've been an inspiration to me ever since. I hope everything goes well for you in bootcamp and I hope you'll serve our country with the greatest honor :D

Outstanding. That MOS is my Air Force equivalent, 3D1X1 Client Systems, so if you need any advice when it comes to getting your Security+ certification or whatnot, please don't hesitate to shoot me some messages.

Best of luck! BCT won't be that hard, just like the first two or three days.
Your a fantastic writer, a great person OOC, and a all around likable fellow. I wish you all the best in boot, give 'em hell, and thanks for being cool about everything ever. Its been great knowing and interacting with you, and I can say for all us Americans on the board (and those not), thanks for serving.

Cheers mate.

I feel its only appropriate to see you leave, with the *kind of* same character that I started RPing with you. I still remember the both of us trying to make the Shapers of Kro Var a thing when nobody knew what the hell they were. It was a very fun journey to have with you, and a very sad day to see you leave. I am glad that you are being one of the brave people who aid in the protection of our country. Good luck to you, and most of all, May the force be with you.

I love you and rock it! Good luck with everything you've been an amazing member of this board and a dear friend to many. Chaos will always be here for you when ever you need us. :)


Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness

From one Guardsman to a future one, best of luck. You already made a wise decision by not going MP - what I wouldn't give to reclass...

If you have any questions about what to anticipate or prepare for, feel free to drop me a PM on Discord.

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