Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Border Monitoring Station

Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi
Manufacturer: Sasori (Design)/Eshan Industrial
Model: Monitoring Station
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
  • Alusteel
  • Glasteel
Classification: Station

Length: 20m
Width: 20m
Height: 50m

Armament: 4
  • 2 Warhead launchers
  • 4 Point Defense Cannons
  • 2 Turbolaser
Hangar: None

Special Features:
  • Advanced Sensors
  • Solar ionization Reactor
  • Communications
  • Docking arm
Maneuverability: 15
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 3

  • Advanced Sensors
  • Mass produced
  • Requires little crew
  • Lightly Armored/Lightly armed
  • Lesser Sensor Range
  • Requires more upkeep
Description: Developed by the Silver Jedi's Research and team using information they studied from a je'daii world. The Monitoring stations are made to be scattered throughout Silver Jedi space and relay information to each other quickly while being within each other sensor bubbles. The Sensors themselves are shorter range but provide more detail to connect and link up with the Advanced Astrometrics Labs. Providing a lattice of information and readouts that can be updated in real time almost on board the larger Silver Jedi ships letting groups like the Silver Cross and Rangers respond faster.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To provide a border station and advanced monitoring to update and improve the Astrometrics maps used on the Will of the Force
Who Can Use This: Silver Jedi
[member="Camellia Swift"], [member="Niamh Raste"] as our two companies for things any input you two have would be welcome. We need one more weakness and there should be more special features I think


News They Don't Want Heard
I think it's pretty lightly armed considering its size. Put advanced communications on it, or at least long-range comms. Definitely a holonet transceiver or hyperspace transceiver.


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