Twilight Fae
Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi
Manufacturer: Sasori (Design)/Eshan Industrial
Model: Monitoring Station
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Length: 20m
Width: 20m
Height: 50m
Armament: 4
Special Features:
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 3
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To provide a border station and advanced monitoring to update and improve the Astrometrics maps used on the Will of the Force
Who Can Use This: Silver Jedi
Manufacturer: Sasori (Design)/Eshan Industrial
Model: Monitoring Station
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
- Alusteel
- Glasteel
Length: 20m
Width: 20m
Height: 50m
Armament: 4
- 2 Warhead launchers
- 4 Point Defense Cannons
- 2 Turbolaser
Special Features:
- Advanced Sensors
- Solar ionization Reactor
- Communications
- Docking arm
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 3
- Advanced Sensors
- Mass produced
- Requires little crew
- Lightly Armored/Lightly armed
- Lesser Sensor Range
- Requires more upkeep
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To provide a border station and advanced monitoring to update and improve the Astrometrics maps used on the Will of the Force
Who Can Use This: Silver Jedi