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Approved NPC Borja Ull

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Name: Borja Ull
Loyalties: Darth Carnifex & The Sith Order
Role: Knightly Protege

Development Threads: N/A

Age: 31
Species: Pantoran

Appearance: Beneath the intimidating Sithly facade Borja sports vibrant blue skin marked by dark yellow tattoos that span his entire body in twisting esoteric patterns with his scalp and lower jaw kept shaven and clean. His naturally golden eyes are enhanced by his immersion in the Dark Side of the Force, and in the darkness they can glow like the stars in the night sky. His armor, inspired by the stereotypical depictions of the Sith and his master's own garb, consists of a matching linen tunic, breeches, gauntlets, and combat boots reinforced with durasteel underlining while a thick duster covers most of his upper and lower torso. His head is completely enveloped by a practically featureless battle helmet that sports a small slit-like visor resting above a checkered pattern carved into the face-plate. His lightsaber is of a standard and unoriginal design given to him by his master that contains an artificial crimson lightsaber crystal.

Personality: Borja's personality is the product of his rigorous and brutal training underneath Carnifex's guidance, and he has come to emulate many of his master's mannerisms and quirks. He has a fondness of absinthe, a love of classical music, and a profound sense of duty and dedication to the Sith cause as a whole. But he is not just another carbon copy of Carnifex, and he has taken great lengths to build himself up as his own individual despite his often dogmatic adherence to his master's devotion to the progression of the Sith. Whereas Carnifex maintains a full beard and lengthy hair, Borja has maintained a shaven pate and a face devoid of facial hair which he then further conceals behind his battle helmet.

Like his master he also isn't above using violence to solve matters, but he prefers to conduct such brutality with absolute silence as opposed to the boastful monologues that traditionally accompany his master. He also doesn't surround himself with grandiosity or material splendor, and keeps his personal quarters spartan and dour. Even his fighting style differs from his master's as Borja has dedicated himself to focus on studying the balanced Form VI of lightsaber combat, frequently infusing the Force into every sequence to unbalance his enemies, create openings, and manipulate the terrain to his advantage.

He also holds a sharp disdain for ranged weapons, preferring his fighting up close and personal.

Force Sensitivity: Knight

Weapon of Choice: His lightsaber and the Dark Side of the Force


  • Borja is a proficient duelist in Form VI - Niman which he combines with telekinesis frequently
  • His mastery over the Dark Side of the Force, while not as complete as any Sith Master's, is skilled enough to hold his own against the average Jedi Knight
  • Like his mastery he was instructed in various computer skills including the art of slicing
  • He was also taught how to repair his own lightsaber and his starfighter should either break down or malfunction
  • Pretty schwifty Keybed player

Wealth: Borja doesn't concern himself with amassing credits, and only carries enough on him to purchase the most essential of items if the need arises

Combat Function: Borja was taught that the key to victory was manipulation. Manipulation of the opponent, manipulation of the fight, and manipulation of the environment were all essential in winning a battle. He was taught many key aspects of every lightsaber form known by his master, but personally focused on Form VI - Niman, the Moderation Form - to incorporate all of the basics into a jack-of-all-trades hybridized form that placed an emphasis on utilizing Forms I, II, & III as the backbone from which he would build up his skill and proficiency. When engages in battle he would be always allow his opponent to make the first move which allowed him to study his opponent's form and react accordingly by following up with counters of his own coupled with telekinetic pushes and pulls.

Notable Possessions:

History: Borja was born the son of an impoverished and disgraced merchant from Pantora, and his early life was filled with hardship and mockery. He was saved from his life of nothingness by an errant Jedi Knight who had detected the boy's anger through the Force, an anger manifested against all who mocked him, against all those whose life was handed to them upon a silver platter. Borja's anger was so potent that it sent ripples of distortion through the Force, which allowed the Knight to identify him and take him under his wing to harness his innate talents for the betterment of others. However; by the time he had turned twenty he had only received rudimentary teaching in the ways of the Force by his Jedi teacher before the latter was slain by a Dark Lord of the Sith during the onset of the Great Galactic War between the One Sith and the Grand Republic.

In his grief the young Pantoran attempted to take up his fallen master's weapon, and exact retribution against the monstrous Sith Lord who had so callously struck his teacher down. However; the Dark Lord was too much for the young boy, and before he knew it he was laid low by a riposte that sundered his mentor's lightsaber and carved a long, but nonlethal, gash in his chest. The Dark Lord was intrigued by the ferocity of the boy's anger, which had only continued to fester and boil under the restrictions of the Jedi's teachings. He offered the boy a choice, to submit himself to the Dark Side of the Force and become the Dark Lord's newest apprentice or die alongside his teacher in the mud.

Reflecting back on it the choice was no choice at all, and the youth accepted the Dark Lord's mercy.

He soon learned that the Sith Lord went by the moniker of Darth Vornskr, a high ranking Sith in the Empire that had sprung up like a cancer from the dark center of the galaxy to consume more than half of the Republic's territory. He was to become another warrior for the Sith, a soldier in a conflict that had been in motion since the first schism in the order of ancient warriors who dedicated themselves to studying the Force on Tython. His training under Vornskr was rigorous, brutal, and uncompromisingly ruthless. He was exposed to tortures he had never thought possible before, and layer by layer the Dark Lord stripped him down until he was but a husk of his former self. But despite all that he was put through he never did break, he may have wavered occasionally, but he never truly broke.

Impressed, the Dark Lord then took that ruined husk of a man and reforged him in the fires of the Dark Side until everything that had once hindered his progress to greatness were seared away and only Borja, Knight of the Sith, remained.

Intent: Felt like making more apprentices for Kaine, since it's assumed that he'd have taught a lot of Sith during his tenure as a high-ranking Sith Lord in several Sith factions.

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Darth Carnifex"]

I really like this submission, but there's a few things we need to get out of the way.

Firstly I'll need a bit more of what he knows in the Force. I don't need a "power list" per se, but some statement on if/not he knows any peculiar techniques. Secondly, disclaimers that I'm sure you already know but I like to be thorough. Should you decide to make this NPC a PC there will not be any rank transfer from when he was an NPC, and just because he's approved at this strength doesn't mean he can be used to assist in fights or guarantee his success over other similar/weaker PC's.
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