Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Born of Mountains and Clouds [Thurion]

A promise made was a promise to be kept. Some time ago Coci had made a promise to Theo that she would take him home to Corellia to show him her heritage as this too made up a strong part of him. Yet, he would not see the Corellia on which she grew up, nor the family house that stood for thousands of years so grand and beautiful, it had all been destroyed along with her beloved planet.

She had taken Thurion there years ago when Nina was only a small child, and she possibly would not remember Coci’s home. Both of them had felt uncomfortable there for some reason, and so they did not stay long, little did Coci know that would be the last time she would see it and her friends, now all dead. She had visited Corellia after the event, Coci needed to see for herself what had happened and it was hard to see her homeland destroyed, and it had broken her heart. Not just for her but all Corellians.

Years had passed now and certain members of the galaxy had worked to pull back what they could of the Corellian culture and had begun a reconstruction to the best of their ability.. And it was time to go home.



Location: On board the OathkeeperSahsahlah Floating Mountains

Many parts of Corellia was still in a toxic state, and one would need some form of equipment for which to breath and so these areas were best avoided in her stage of pregnancy, yet other parts had developed more pristine because of the event, and how strange it was to view these floating mountains before them. This particular area she knew well, at least in the past, the Black Gold beaches below them changed but enhanced by this phenomena. Atop the large pillars are pockets of jungle that once surrounded the beaches, ripped from the ground thrust high into the air and around them floated the soft clouds.

It was difficult landing the Oathkeeper, the interference great on the ships instruments, but clever piloting finally had them all safe to ground. She could not remember the last time the four of them had been together as family, it seemed that much time had passed now that Theo and Nina had both grown into adulthood and if she recalls correctly, it had been Thrand’s funeral that had brought them together and that was not a fun time by any means and even then they had not been alone. Or was it the royal wedding? It mattered little now.

The ramp of the ship lowered and rested softly in the long grasses of the natural clearing. There was room enough for Theo’s ship The Tarly, to land close by. He was bringing Nina with him, and they would not be far behind. As Coci walked down the ramp, she held Thurion’s hand tightly for support and comfort and immediately she felt the sudden pressure, the atmosphere was heavier here and a stronger pull of gravity. But it was bearable.

A smile began to form on her face, “It is good to be home”, and it was, she could sense it, this was Corellia. The smile was then presented to Thurion as she turned to look up into his face and he would see her happiness in her eyes and a sense of relief as so much pressure had been removed from her shoulders and his in the past months. It would take them time to settle but both of them had the patience and in time they would be free to simply be themselves.

Suddenly her hand went to her belly, the child within lower in her womb and growing most impatient by the day, “I think someone is eager to explore”, she said placing Thurion’s hand were their child kicked hard within. As Thurion neared her, she stole a kiss from his lips, “I do love you so much, min larel”.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
It seemed only right that the newest addition to their family be brought into the world on the planet of Corellia, his mother's homeworld. Théo had been birthed amongst snow and steel within High King Thrand's halls, the Valkyri way. But their Corellian roots are easily forgotten by most, and thus the two agreed that they should pay homage and respects to the shattered planet by bringing another Heavenshield into the world upon its soil. Plus it was always good to see Coci embrace her heritage.

She was now at the end of pregnancy, and Thurion barely ever left her side the closer they got to the due date. With one arm holding her by the shoulder to steady her steps, his other held onto her hand as they disembarked the Oathkeeper, and for once his trusty old traveling companion was allowed to join them. Teetoo rolled down the ramp alongside Coci on the opposite side, allowing her to place her free hand upon him for added support should she require it.

"He is Corellian. Exploration is in his blood," he told her with a warm smile, and as she stole a kiss from him he stopped them in their tracks so he place his lips upon hers properly for the deepest of kisses. As her hand guided his to settle on her large, protruding belly he was immediately assaulted by a barrage of kicks to let him know the little guy was coming, and sooner rather than later at that. "Oh dear, are you sure there's only one of them in there? Feels like there's an entire army of tiny feet," he added with a chuckle. "It would seem we have another Théo on our hands."

By that point Théo and Nina had arrived on the scene, and Thurion couldn't help but grin. "And I suspect he will do nothing but add to this one's need to explore," he spoke loud enough for them to hear as they approached. Théodred was already all grown up and a man in his own right, so it would be interesting to see him interact with a sibling two decades his junior. Would he take on the role of a brother, or a second father?

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
During their trip to Corellia to witness the birth of their baby brother, Nina had remained somewhat secluded with her mind heavy with thoughts. While her heart sang at the prospect of helping to raise another bundle of joy, another more pressing issue had her mind in a bit of a boggle. Sat within the guest chambers aboard the Tarly, her brother's ship, Nina held in her hands the fruits of her labours back on Dac. It had taken her several months of hard work, tears and sweat, but it was done.

She had yet to try it out herself, having relied on her Mon Calamari assistants to test its function for her. Truth be told, Nina was a bit afraid to try it out. This device would change the way how she interacts with people, but even more so how they will interact with her. How would her own voice sound to her ears - a sound she had never ever heard in her entire life?

With a deep breath she exited the room once the Tarly touched ground, stuffing the device in her pack for now. She would reveal it and its function to her family at the opportune time, instead preferring to focus on being reunited with her parents and brother proper. "Come on, you," she spoke into Théo's mind, giving the top of his scalp a light smack of her hand as he sat in the Captain's chair. "Mother and father will be waiting."

Before her beloved brother could rise from his seat, however, Nina stood over him and folded her slender arms around his shoulders from behind, nuzzling into his black hair where she places a tender kiss. "I have missed you so much, dear brother. I sometimes wish we could go back to when we were little, living with mom and dad." She suspected all children had the same wish from time to time, wanting to go back and relive their childhoods in a time before the troubles of the world were thrust upon them.

Letting Théo rise from his seat, the two embraced one another for a good minute until they heard the distinct voices of their parents having stepped out onto Corellian soil. Nina snuggled into her brother's chest and looked up at his face, finding so much of both mother and father there. She had no doubt this new brother of theirs would look just as handsome. "I am proud of you, little brother."

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
"Hey! that hurt!", it didn't but Theo never passes up an opportunity to tease his sisters. "To be honest, I am very unhappy about all this, now they decided to give me that brother I always wanted", he grinned as he turned to look into Nina's eyes. "Poor lad, what horror will you and Mysa inflict on him, I guess it will be up to me to protect him as best I can". And he stood embracing his sister with all his love.

Nina nuzzled into his shoulders as her arms enfolded around him, he looked down into her face with a smile remembering all the days as children on Tabaqui and Midvinter and yes they had been wonderful. Long before the death of Thrand, the family enjoyed simply growing up and exploring the beautiful planets on which they had the pleasure to live or visit.

They were easier days, even for their parents, but time moves on, people change and grow and even though something that once was is no longer, what replaces it is no less important. And for a moment, he thought of Sorel. "I have missed you too, both of us are away far too much, and I am very proud of you. I wish I knew what you have been up to though, your little secret and all .. what gives?".

But there would be on time for her to answer and the presence of mother and father grew strong through the force and beckoned to them to hurry up. The truth was, Theo was most interested in this visit, naturally there was the event of the birthing but this was part of his heritage he was about to discover more of. He knew of the events surrounding Corellia, who didn't, the reverberations were felt around the entire galaxy and even to this day there are still many people missing and most likely will not return.

"Come we had better get going". He took her hand and lead Nina to the ramp and soon found their parents walking slowly across the long grasses and as they approached Theo heard his father's words. "He will be taught well .. by a master". Time would tell as it passes what role Theo will take in the growth of his little brother.

[member="Nina Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
She let go of Thurion's hand only to place her arm around his waist for added support as they turned to see their children approach. Ever so pleased to see them both, Coci greeted them with a smile yet her condition would not allow her to go to them to embrace them. "Come both of you, we shall walk a little and you can see Corellia", she looked up into Thurion's face unspoken words asking him for assistance as they neared the edge of the pillar. "Down below is the Black Gold beaches, the sand so fine it is like powder, I once swam here as a child", rising up through the low hanging cloud they could hear the sound of waves crashing gently on the rocks and beach. "We would come here with the family and spend time together, when we could .. when my parents had holidays".

Coci had never spoken much about her family before this, her father and mother long ago had joined the force, they where good parents and provided anything for her yet their duty to the House and father to his work meant she saw little of them save on such occasions as vacations. She had been groomed to take over not only the running of the House Sinopi but the business as well and marry in accordance with the custom of her culture and social group. None of these things appealed to her, always in the back of her mind was the call to serve in other arenas. At the time she did not know what that was.

"South of here, a good two hours flight, stood my home. It was once apart of large .. grand estate many many centuries ago but over time, the lands lessened until there was only the House left. My mother and father wanted it that way, preferring to give the land back to the people of Corellia, they had no need for such amounts of it". The site of her home was not a place she wished to see again, there was no need as her memories remained pure and clear.

For a few moments, Coci stood gazing across the horizon before a sudden hard kick returned her to the present. It was not long now before they would greet their new brother, and son. Her hand gripped Thurion's waist harder with the first of the pain, but it would take some time before Thirdas would arrive.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
As Coci wrapped her arm around his waist, Thurion kept one around her shoulders to steady her as they strolled together. Their little one was just about bursting out of her, but until the time was due he would have to sit pretty. Nina never shied away from the urge to hug her dear father, and promptly threw her arms around him much like she had done to Théo just a short while ago. "Hello, Snowflake," he greeted her with a chuckle, returning her embrace with his free arm while keeping the other around Coci. She barely remembered a time when she did not call herself his daughter, and she preferred it that way.

Nina then gently put her arms around her mother, careful not to bump into her protruding belly. "Mother," she spoke into her mind as a small child would. The two had barely had any time together back on Midvinter, what with all the chaos in the wake of the Sith attack. Nina nuzzled into Coci's cheek and neck, still a few inches shorter than her mother. The Vi'dreyas were not known for their height, after all. She then offered her arm for Coci to hold onto for further support.

With Coci beginning her brief tour of the scenery, Thurion walked with her without ever leaving her side. As they stood gazing down at the shattered planet below the floating plateu the four stood on, his head turned to look at first his beloved wife, then their firstborn son. They were so alike in so many ways; their black hair was the exact same shade, and Théo's need to explore and thirst for adventure was unmistakingly Corellian in nature. Without really thinking about it his hand sought Théo's, holding onto him as if he feared losing him. No longer did his own hand dwarf his son's. They were equal.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
As the four Heavenshields stood gazing out at what remained of Corellia, Nina turned her head to look upon the three people she cherished above all else. Mother, father, brother. While she did not share their blood in any shape or form, that fact had never bothered the Umbaran. It was rarely brought up at all, for anyone could tell she was a Heavenshield from the briefest glance. Blood matters little when the love is there.

While observing their faces lined up side by side, Nina could clearly see the likeness between her brother and father, as well as the subtle differences; while they shared the both chiseled profile and jawline, Théo's features were overall softer than his father's sharper nose and chin. Of course mother and herself did not share much likeness, though she did find herself taking after her in the way she held herself. That proud mother-lion stance.

With the others busy taking in the scenery, Nina stuck a hand down her pack to fish out the device she'd sunk well over a year's work into. What if it didn't work, what if there was a glitch in the system? She decided there was no turning back now, and subtley put the device around the back of her neck and hesitantly switched it on. Nina then turned to the others with hands clutching her own robes, not really knowing where to put them.

"P... Papa," she managed, having never been so terrified in her life. She had never heard her own voice before - she'd never been inside her own head! "M-Mama?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was wonderful to be back with family, it seemed to Coci that less time had been placed aside for their children especially now they are grown, but life is like that. With both parents very busy and Nina and Theo now following their own purpose, these times spent together are precious. Looking around at all of them she realised they had made the right choice in stepping down from the leadership of the Silver Jedi. Theo, at least, they saw more of but Nina had begun to worry her with her long absences without contact and although both her parents knew of her whereabouts, it will always worry them. Loving parents will always worry for the children no matter what the age.

Coci lowered her eyes away from the view, and her breathing became heavier, she suspected it was the dense atmosphere starting to take a toll on her. The pull of the gravity seemed to be assisting the unborn child placing pressure on her lower abdomen. A firmer squeeze on Thurion's waist would tell him of the difficulties, but it was not time yet, Coci could sense it. She could also sense that Nina was agitated and frightened and turning to her, Coci was about to ask her why but when see looked into her ice blue eyes there was a set strength under it all that she pulled from to gain courage.

Her hand moved to reach for her daughter’s while they gripped her robes, but her hand fell away as Nina spoke. Suddenly it was like being in a dream state and for a moment Coci stood there mesmerised by her daughter as she voiced the word Papa and Mama. Her voice was like a song gently wafting on a breeze, so soft and innocent in it application. And in this moment Coci’s own voice was taken her throat choked with emotion and tears began to form in her black eyes, tears of pure happiness. What was going through Thurion’s mind only the Gods would know.

“Nina”, she finally said and a smile erupted over her face. “My beautiful Nina ..”, it was impossible to continue and Coci sobbed with joy as she stepped forward taking her in her arms.

[member="Nina Heavenshield"]
As the strange yet all-too-familiar voice spoke up all of a sudden, Thurion at first didn't know where it had come from. A mix of entrancement from the view of shattered Corellia combined with the faint disbelief that the words were but figments of his imagination had him slow in his response, slowly lifting his head and turning to look at Nina, now in the arms of her mother who sobbed with joy. Eyes wide and mouth agape, he began putting two and two together. The words had been 'papa' and 'mama', spoken in a voice neither had ever had grace their ears until now.

He swallowed hard, his mouth running dry as he stumbled towards them, his footing made unsure by the sheer shock he felt. Before his legs could give way entirely, Nina was there to catch him in her arms and all at once Thurion broke down in tears, sobbing like a child. "Snowflake..." he managed, burying his face in her shoulder as both father and daughter slumped to the ground on their knees, embracing one another. The pair had been the first; the beginning of their steadily growing family.

"Hush, father," she then spoke, doing her best to comfort him. Though she herself did not sob, there was no denying the tears rolling down her white cheeks while she caressed the back of her father's head. Thurion managed to stifle his weeping and as they pulled away to look upon each other through their tears, both smiled with their foreheads touching. "I have waited all my life to be able to tell you this, papa," she said. "I love you." Having wiped away his own tears, he did the same to Nina before they got back on their feet. "I love you, I love mother and I love Théo!" Another embrace, with Thurion settling her head to his heart.

"And we love you, little one. So very much." Once their embrace finally ended, Thurion returned to Coci's side to tend to her every need. Nina, meanwhile, stepped towards her beloved brother. "Théo," she simply said his name while caressing his cheek with the back of her fingers, gazing up into his eyes. Their father's eyes. "I am sorry to have kept this a secret from you, little brother. I couldn't find the words to tell you, either of you." Her lips formed a smile. "Kind of ironic, huh," she added with a soft laugh.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
He watched this amazing event a little away from them all, and through it he held a countenance of disbelief as if dreaming something wonderful. But as words continued to tumble out of Nina's lips and watched mother and father's reaction, a smile spread across his face until it hurt and he could not help but laugh with joy. It had been over twenty years that Theo and Nina had only one form of communication as children and beyond, and if it wasn't for her inability to speak he would never have mastered the art of telepathy and in a way, Theo was grateful for her for it. There is always a positive in everything, at least .. for him.

His heart melted when she voiced her love for them all, she had so longed to tell them with her own voice, how could anyone deny her that right? As Nina turned her attention to him, approaching him with a sense of apology, he shook his head chastising her for even thinking this. "You have the voice of an angel Nina", he said throwing his arms around her shoulders and pulling her close to him. Old habits he is going to have to break and will be delighted to do so.

"I love you too, so dearly my sister". He had never actually told her that, in any form. "You are sneaky one", he said pulling back from their embrace, he cupped her face and placed a soft kiss on his sisters cheek. But no one asked her how she was with this, "Are you alright?, how does your voice sound to you", he asked with growing curiosity and concern for her.
[member="Nina Heavenshield"]
Coci's arm slipped around Thurion's waist once more, she could feel his trembling body and although this was something extraordinary the emotions ran wild within him. It was all joy and in this moment he needed her support. She turned to look up into his face with a smile, still finding it hard to believe herself but all of them would never want for anything else. It was so heart warming to see Théo and Nina speaking for the first time it was like they both children again, her and Thurion's family all together in this moment and days like these are so precious to them all.

Pushing up through the low hanging clouds came a cry of an avian cutting the air with it's shrill, it was only matched by another in response and as they joined each other they circled climbing upwards until breaking the cloud and dancing in the air before them all. They locked talons as if vying for dominance one over the other, it was play as two young male avian practiced their skills for more dangerous times. They broke apart one diving swiftly below the clouds, the other followed plummeting piercing the white mist, they are so deft in flight already, natural born explorers of life and their world in which they live. In this moment Coci realised there was hope for her home, life goes on in such extreme circumstances and Corellia was alive.
She took one step forward, as if to go see where they had gone but she did not get far as a sharp pain ripped through her body and took her breath away. Water pooled around her feet and the child within her had decided it was time. "I think .. someone wants to follow the flight of eagles for himself", she said finding it difficult to speak. Coci gripped Thurion's arm tightly but as the first of the pain subsided she straightened her back to help relief.

"Take me somewhere safe, for our son is coming". There was no hiding her happiness but there was also fear.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
"I... I think so," Nina replied to her brother's question. "All these years you've heard my voice in your heads, and yet I have no idea how I sound. But I designed it without any voice modulation capabilities. I wanted my own voice, so... this is my voice," she said, coming to the conclusion herself. "But yes," she added with an innocent smile. "I like it." Nina then nuzzled into Théo's hands cupping her cheeks, placing a soft kiss upon his palm. "Thank you, Théodred."

The aerial dance of the two avian creatures was not lost on Thurion, who had stood beside his wife and watched it all transpire just as she had. But as the birds disappeared into the white mist below the floating platform they stood on, his attention was immediately turned to far more pressing and important matters. The reason they had all come here to begin with. Their child was on the way.

"I got you, I got you," he told Coci as he swooped her off the ground and into his arms, wasting no time in carrying her back onboard the Oathkeeper. "The guestroom will have to do," he said. No sense in ruining their own bed with the messy side-effects of childbirth, and no-one would be using the secondary bed chambers anyway. Nina held her brother by the hand and pulled him along as they followed behind.

"Here we are, my love," he comforted her as he settled her into bed, pulling up her top to expose her large belly ready to pop. With his palm placed where the child's head would be, Thurion put his ear against her belly to listen for any indications of trouble before they begin the procedure proper. He then brought his face close to hers to look her in the eye with a smile. "Everything seems to be in order, sweetie. His head is in the right position, and he sure isn't giving us much chance to deny him." Already the babe had demonstrated his... determination, passed down from his mother.

Thurion placed a lasting kiss upon her weary lips before turning to Nina and Théo. "If either of you wish to step outside, this would be the time." Seeing their mother in such pain was not something a child should have to witness.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
In a moment of respite from the pain, Coci allowed herself to nuzzles against Thurion's chest as he carried her back to the Oathkeeper. She had closed her eyes resting as best she could trying to keep as much energy for the hours to come. "I love you Thurion Heavenshield", she said as he took her up the boarding ramp in his arms.

Once placed on the bed and arranged to prepare to deliver their child, Coci smiled as her husband kissed her barely able to return the kiss. Using her hands she propped herself up against the pillows and looked to Theo and Nina standing by the door, "We will be fine", she tried to assure them both and if they wished to stay they could. Words spoken not only for them but to assure Thurion and herself.

"Thurion some water please", she asked and he soon provided her with a cool glass. Already on her brow sat the first of small beads of sweat, her body warm and preparing for the long hours ahead. No soon had Thurion taken the glass of water from her hands did the next contraction start.


The morning had passed into the night and in the wee hours Thirdas, the third in their line, was born.

Although exhausted, Coci pulled herself up once more against the pillows and watched as Thurion swaddled their child, he looked as fatigued as she knowing well enough the riggers of birth takes a toll on him as well. The cries of the newborn music to her ears and for a moment all she could see was the wet mop of golden hair. Unlike Theo, Thirdas was impatient to join the world. "This one will run before he walks", she smiled yet her eyes did not leave the bundle in his fathers arms. "Is everything ... is he alright?", she asked anxious to see for herself.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
The process of childbirth is an extremely arduous journey for anyone involved; the physical demands on the mother matched by the emotional strain on the father, leaving both parties equally exhausted. Yet all their struggles were ultimately rewarded upon hearing those first infant cries of the new life they had created. So it had been with Théodred, and so it was now with Thirdas. In his arms lay the little life, a healthy baby boy with golden hair, eyes shut and voice signalling his arrival to the world.

His own eyes were wide as could be, looking over the bundle of joy in his hands and taking in every little detail. Soon his gaze became unfocused from the joyful tears streaming down his face, and he looked towards Coci in the messy bed. "He is perfect, my love," he replied. "Just perfect." Leaning forward to place a kiss upon the babe's wrinkled forehead, Thurion then stepped over to Coci's side to hand her the fruits of her hard work.

Settling the swaddled newborn to his mother's chest, Thurion looked on as his wife welcomed Thirdas to the world while caressing her dark hair, matte and damp from sweat. "You did so well, sweetheart," he whispered and placed a soft kiss upon her cheek before laying his head next to hers on the same pillow, wrapping his arms around both mother and child to keep warm and safe. "I love you, now and beyond this life, [member="Coci Heavenshield"]."

At that time curiosity could not be contained any longer, and the door to the bed chambers slid open ever so slightly for a set of eyes to peek through the crack. "Children, come meet your little brother Thirdas," he chuckled and waved them over.
Marvelling at Thurion holding their third born, she smiled as the tears streamed down his cheeks and the well of emotion sensed by her, his words reassuring to her that Thirdas was perfect, he would be, especially in the eyes of his parents. But when the child was placed in her arms to rest against her body, and for the first time Coci looked into his face, she knew immediately Thurion was right. He is perfection.

Coci took in all his features, eyes closed tight, perfect red lips and button nose all set off by his golden hair. “He is perfect, he looks likes you Thurion”, she took her gaze from her son’s face to look at her husband with a smile and watery black eyes filled with tears of pure joy. As Thurion lay beside her, head resting close to hers and arms keeping them both safe, “Beyond this world I do love you”, she whispered for his ears only.

At this moment the door opened, “Nina, Theo come and see”, she beamed at them both. Thirdas had stopped his crying from the pain of his first breath and settle to sleep, one tiny hand resting on the swaddling, curled fingers gripping thigh anything that would come close, all pink and filled with life. “Isn’t he handsome Nina?, just like your Papa”. Coci pulled the swaddling a little away from his face so they could see their brother much clearer.

“Would you like to hold him?”, she asked and without hesitation knowing Nina had had much experience with Theo as a child.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Sitting outside the bed chambers on the floor beside her brother, Nina wrapped her arms around Théo while resting her head upon his broad shoulder. She looked up at his face, and she could still see the traces of his infant appearance - the way he had looked the first time she laid eyes on her little brother. "Are you afraid," she asked him in tender voice. "Don't be. Father knows what he's doing. After all, he's delivered babies before." A long time ago now, but the procedure remains the same as it has ever since mankind took their first upright steps.

"I remember the day you were born, even though I was very little at the time. There were midwives lining up to tend to mother as the time drew near, but she wouldn't have them. She only wanted father, and he would not leave her side. Grandpapa had to step in and ask them all to leave," she chuckled at the last part, but then grew solemn. "He was so scared for them. For you. Scared that something would go wrong, as it did when father was born."

She then turned her head to look into her brother's brilliant blue eyes and smiled wide. "When he held you for the first time, he wept. I think he got to work out a bit of grief that had stuck with him all those years, holding a new life in his hands that was not marred with such devastating personal loss. Your arrival helped heal him, Théo." She took her hand in his and placed a kiss upon it, and this time allowed him to rest his head upon her shoulder. It felt good, getting to play the part of big sister again.

Time passed, but the two would not move from where they sat together on the floor, enjoying each other's quiet company. Then finally, the sound of newborn cries filled the room on the other side of the wall they sat against, and Nina's face lit up with joy. "The waiting is over," she happily proclaimed and got up on her feet. Her curiosity quickly got the better of her and she didn't wait for their parents to let them inside, instead carefully shuffling the door open to peek inside. When they were discovered, Nina did not waste any time in stepping inside.

There, in her mother's arms, lay the tiny thing swaddled in blankets, now sound asleep from the great ordeal. "Come on, Théo," she took his hand and led him to the bedside. Both mother and father glowed with parental joy, as was to be expected. A soft nod was offered as response to her mother's question, and so the little bundle was passed over to her. "Golden, like papa," she remarked joyously. "Hello, Thirdas. I have someone special for you to meet. Your big brother..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The seats on the Oathkeeper in the corridor were cold and rock hard, Theo sat leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped under his chin and staring at a spot on the floor, with each cry of pain that came from the room in front of them, he jumped to his feet anxious for mother and there was a well-worn red mark on the back of his neck from rubbing it continually. Pacing did little to help his mind and so he would take his seat by Nina’s side each time. Hours when past and it was becoming unbearable.

His mind thinking on what woman have to go through to bring life into this world, how father was coping he had no idea and part of him wanted to be inside the room to help out, and it was then that Nina spoke up and because of the events now upon them, he had completely forgotten of her new ability to speak aloud. Her first words made him leap and turn to look at her with disbelief, but once remembrance set in, he let out a long sigh thankful of her words to take his mind of matters.

At least that was Nina’s intentions, but her story caused a different reaction she would have been expecting. Although the idea of him having help rid his grandpapa of grief, all this story did was remind Theo of their own, and the large hole left in the family.. for all of them. “I take away his grief, only for others to give us the grief of his loss”.

The sound of a new born child’s cry filled the Oathkeeper, and Theo leaped to his feet once more only to look at Nina, not sure what he could do next. She took him by the hand and led him through to the birthing room and there on the bed was both mother and father with Thirdas. Theo approached behind Nina, looking over her shoulder into the face of his new brother so pink and pure. A smile crept across his face, but soon vanished when Nina turned to introduce the two for the first time. He had never left so afraid in all his life.

Finally Theo drew on his courage and raised his hand to caress Thirdas’ cheek with the back of his finger till under his chin when all of a sudden his little brother took hold of it curling the smallest of fingers around Theo’s. Theo gasped with delight, and would have stood there forever had Thirdas never let go of him. “Hello little brother”, he said softly not wanting to wake him or alarm him with a loud booming voice, “I will look after you .. “, he got down on one knee, “I promise I will always be by your side”. The vow was taken to pledge that Theo would always come to be with his brother in times of need, and fight alongside him no matter what. For Theo knew what was to come for the likes of a Heavenshield.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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