Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Borwav Pelothi

NAME: Borwav Pelothi
RANK: none
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 110lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale

STRENGTHS: 1.Borwav has lightning quick reflexes. He's quick to fire his trusty blaster pistol in a fight and doge incoming attacks.

WEAKNESSES: 1.Borwav is greedy and will do almost anything for a price. At times his desire for riches gets in the way of his reasoning.
2.Borwav has weak and uncoordinated hand to hand combat skills. Since he fights in close quarters, this means he can't properly attack his opponents without his weapons.

Appearance: Borwav is a ragged man with a small frame and brown hair. He holds a blaster pistol in his left hand and wears a brown hat.

Bio: Borwav is a simple man that grew up on Nar Shaddaa. His parent's died when he was young, so his uncle took care of him for most of his childhood. To provide for his remaining family Borwav used his uncle's blaster pistol to work for a criminal family as a hired assassin. After getting some experience with a blaster pistol, Borwav became skilled in quickly eliminating enemies with his blaster before they had a chance to react. After Borwav saved up enough credits to buy a ship he left with his uncle's blaster, which he still uses as his favorite weapon. Borwav's uncle still lives on Nar Shaddaa and is his only living family. Now Borwav travels the galaxy in his ship looking for more work.

Ship: The Broken Box
The Broken Box is a modified JS-77B interstellar shuttle that is painted bright green and makes a loud screeching sound when landing.




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