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League of Autonomous Worlds

An alliance of independent worlds and systems banding together to protect their freedom. Join the rebellion and help fight for a better, brighter Outer Rim!

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Bounty Hunters Guild (Info & Roster)



"You don't survive in the Outer Rim by being stupid!" ―Hondo Ohnaka


The notorious Bounty Hunters Guild hasn’t always kept on the up-and-up, but where there are credits to be made, the Guild is sure to follow. The Bounty Hunters Guild is a loose network of independent hunters, trackers, and assassins who work on a contractual basis with a variety of factions and organizations throughout the galaxy. With the Trade League ravaged and the LAW rising in its wake, the Guild has moved its network closer to the action to take advantage of the plethora of work from both sides.

Local reception of bounty hunters tends to vary greatly from place to place, even from neighborhood to neighborhood. In the Outer Rim where pirates, slavers, and killers run wild, it's quite easy for people to forget that they once feared bounty hunters. Some speak in hushed whispers when hunters come through their settlement, others simply ignore them, and brave folks direct them to local cantinas to collect contracts that may secure their townships and eliminate threats to their way of life.

If a bounty hunter wants to make a name for themself, all one has to do is find a kiosk, pick a target, and watch the credits flow. Cantinas all over League space serve as hubs for allied hunters looking to undermine the LAW's enemies. Guild contracts usually involve hunting packs of dangerous beasts, clearing out slaving pits and pirate dens, assassinating troublesome Sith interlopers, and destabilizing Imperial warlords. The LAW occasionally issues official letters of marque and reprisal against known enemies of the state, which pay well but require great skill to complete. Bounty hunters may work alone if they prefer, but there are no stipulations on how many can work together on the same contract - so long as they handle sharing their cut on their own.


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If you would like to be added to the League Civil Defense Force roster, fill out this short form and reply here! Be sure to tag a staff member.

Name: (Character name)
Loyalty: (Neutral/LAW/Sith Order)
Crew: (Optional)

LAW, Imperials, Criminals​
LAW, Criminals​
Mari Sai, Open​


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Name: Joriz Sai
Loyalty: LAW/Neutral(Due to contract he won’t take jobs against LAW members and allies. He is willing to take certain bounties for criminals as long as they’re not spice dealers nor slave traders. Often targets criminals, especially slavers.)
Crew: Mari Sai(younger sister who operates as her brother‘s information broker and hacker.) Willing to work with partners they’re not against LAW.

ADDED BY: Tales From The Outer Rim Tales From The Outer Rim
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