Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty Hunters, we don't need their scum.

Hi all, I'm working on getting Prudii all written up so I can get started here. He's not the most lovable of Mandalorians but he isn't really a bad guy, just a little distant.

Also, I am hideously rusty at layouts and tags and such, so if anyone has a link to a nice, standard set of common codes and the like I'd be most grateful.

Nyraen Mirhage

Prudii Shysa said:
Hi all, I'm working on getting Prudii all written up so I can get started here. He's not the most lovable of Mandalorians but he isn't really a bad guy, just a little distant.

Also, I am hideously rusty at layouts and tags and such, so if anyone has a link to a nice, standard set of common codes and the like I'd be most grateful.
Welcome to the board, vod!
[member="Entye Shysa"] That was exactly the sort of help I was looking for, thanks.

[member="Allana Badeaux"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="The Matador"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Nyraen Mirhage"] Thank you all, looking forward to it.

[member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] Thanks, that's sweet of you to say. Time will tell just how much of a pain in the rear he'll turn out to be, but it should be fun.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] Do I mention that others have also tried, that if life hasn't killed him a darjetii sure isn't, or just go with the notion that everyone has to go sometime? Also, thanks.

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