Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To locate Force Ghosts, primarily Dark Side Spirits, or to acquire Haunted Objects
  • Compensation:
    • 10k Credits(UC) per Spirit\Possessed Item located
    • 20k Credits(UC) per Possessed Item
  • Cause(s):
  • Target Involvement: N\A


  • Name of Bounty: Force Spirits, Haunted Items, Possessed Items
  • Name of Contractor: Kaila Irons
  • Exclusivity: N/A
  • Reward Tier:
    • Tier 1 (Very Low) - Location Intel
    • Tier 3 (Average), - Item Delivery
  • Condition:
    • Up to date(Location\Intel)
    • Undamaged(Items)
  • Additional Info:
    • The contractor will also accept possessed individual(s) and can be asked to exorcise spirits from said individual FREE OF CHARGE if they are willing.
      • Capture of possessed individuals qualifies for the Tier 3 reward(20k UC) if they are unwilling
    • The contractor ONLY requires the up to date LOCATION of force spirits to qualify for the Tier 1 reward(10k UC)
      • Up to date Location of possessed items ALSO qualifies for the Tier 1 reward(10k UC)
    • Participants may NEGOTIATE for their continued ownership of any delivered items possessed by spirits if they agree to allow an exorcism performed by the contractor and FORGO any monetary reward they would have otherwise earned.
Hello chaos! got a relatively low risk and non-pvp bounty for you! Perfect for bounty hunter characters, explorers and force sensitive scholars alike! I'm looking for force spirits to absorb in future threads, but i need to locate them or haunted items. Factory subs and codex subs will do and I am also willing to simply exorcise spirits from your cursed items or even possessed characters for free if you agree to the terms associated with the bounty. This could either be a great plot device to cure yourself, a friend or an item in your possession and I am more than willing to thread with you to see this done.

Furthermore, if your force spirit does not have a codex sub but is somehow involved with your character in the ways mentioned above or is perhaps a non-codified NPC in an upcoming thread, you may still invite Kaila to exorcise the spirit in a thread to qualify for the reward as my end goal is ultimately to gain more power through threaded rp.

This should be considered an ongoing bounty and will not expire unless stated otherwise.

Good luck and enjoy <3


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