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Bounty of Sanya Val swift (pm for invite)

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: borders of manda'lore
folder with logs of the facility's construction
No weapons
No armor
Royal circlet

She looked at taneas with a saddened empty look on her face. She'd thought this decision over a few times and it was for the best. "I know I don't have to go through with this but what options have I been left? If I don't go face these allegations then I run the risk of been attacked over and over to be brought in. It can also put my people at risk and they shouldn't have to suffer because of me." She said letting out a low long sigh.

Sanya would lean her head on his shoulder. In a way she was hoping for him to talk her out of it, but it was obvious he didn't know how to handle the situation. She grabbed hold of a small injection gun and passed it to tanease. "It will put me in a sleep for several hours. Long enough to hand me over. Promise me you'll use the bounty to pay of the debts first." She said.

[member="Taneas Haring"] Ξ [member="Zef Halo"] Ξ [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

[member="Deneve Verd"] Ξ [member="Isley Verd"]

Just to make this clear.
I will not accept been killed, sevearly injured, or loss of limbs.
I will accept damage like cuts or a non fatal blaster shot long as it's not to the face or tail.
I will also be up for a fair 1v1 duel just to appease you blood thirsty brutes ;)

Taneas Haring

Taneas could see where she was coming from and it hurt him to see her hurt like this. After all she was his little girl still. Sanya came from a difficult life and every step all he could see was everything trying to knock her down again. Really this was a situation he wasn't sure on how to handle. The only reason he was going through this is because it's what she wanted. "Heyy don't think like that. What your doing is very brave of you. Its not your fault they got their facts wrong." As she lent on his shoulder Taneas would put his arm around her. "If it was up to me nothing like this would happen. Its a shame we don't live in a perfect galaxy eyy."

He looked at the time to see that the people to collect Sanya off him would be here soon. Been republic he didn't fancy his chance going to the world. Chances are the mandolorians would kill him on sight. He took hold of the injector gun in his hand and listens to her more. "I promise as long as you make it back safe. Good night my little girl." Pressing it against her abdomen Taneas would squeeze the trigger releasing the fluid into her system.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Zef Halo"]
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
The Last Son
Sayna was turning herself in.

Strange. Why couldn't she have done this much earlier? I had no clue. Either way, Zef and myself were tasked with seeing this through. She may have thought she was meeting with Isley Verd, when in fact she would be dealt with by his apprentice, and his second in command. In the room that we would be dealing with the situation, There was a table that was devoid of anything upon the surface. I was seated currently until Sayna would be brought to us. I looked at Zef for a moment before returning to twiddling my mechanical thumb with my fleshly thumb.

"I really hope that this is quick and painless for me."

Sure, I was nice to women in general, but when you stole from us, ran away, and then decided to not turn yourself in to make it easier, you didn't deserve my pity, or my remorse. I was very tempted to bleed her. Make her blood worth the pain I had gone through since then, as well as the pain she caused to us.

However, I was here just as advisory . It was Zef who would be doing most of it. He was second in command, and knew much more about this than I did.

[member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Zef Halo"],
The Republic were an entity the Crusaders had numerous dealings with in the past, if they could be called that, the majority not reaching favorable resolution. In fact, many had ended in violence or nearly escalated to such, with only one she had personally seen to having a fairly anticlimactic conclusion. At one point Keira had pledged loyalty to the now-failing government, swearing to uphold and protect all that they stood for. Now she couldn't imagine doing anything of the sort, having spoken out against them on a handful of occasions and done nothing short of explaining to a Senator that had come to Echoy'la seeking peace that the government he represented was fallen and worth nothing to her people.

Presently, one that had earned nothing short of the death sentence in the eyes of the Crusaders had supposedly offered to turn herself in so that prolonged conflict might be avoided. It was a sentiment she appreciated in theory, but one she was more than wary of in practice. None of them had any reason to trust that this wasn't a trap or some other ruse, and while she wasn't necessarily worried about anything their guest would attempt, she would always be cautious. Or, well, cautious when matters concerned her family as well. But they didn't have much to fear from the Republic as it stood, doubly so if this one was surrendering willingly. While she didn't want to deal with this galactic power any more than necessary, this had been a long time coming.

Her entrance into the designated chambers was subdued, and she nodded to the two present, taking a chair for herself as well. All they could do was wait.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
"[member="Sanya Val Swift"]. She made a facility on Echyo'la before the Crusaders moved in. They found it and brought a fleet to destroy it. In the end they fired upon the facility in an attempt to kill her and those inside who are innocent workers. With a gravity well in place she had to take the safety commands off the transport ship leaving it a drift in dark space with those she tried to save dead. Thus with her escape the Crusaders placed a bounty on her and now she is handing herself in. She will be delivered by a Republic officer named [member="Taneas Haring"]", her commander's image said as Phislo read it in her visor.

"Your job is to act as a representative of the Mandalore clans separate from the Crusaders, as the exchange is happening on Mandalore itself, and simply observe the surrender and consequent processes. Tenaeus is a Republic high officer and is not to be harmed unless absolutely necessary. As for Swift, you are authorized to cooperate with the Crusaders in whatever capacity you deem necessary to ensure the surrender is not disrupted or any escape attempt on Vel's part is made. Those are your orders, Phislo. Jate jate'kara."

Phislo entered the chamber where the exchange would take place and walked over to the waiting Crusaders Zephyr and Keira. "Su cuy'gar Crusaders. I assume you were both briefed on why I'm here? The other Alors want to make sure this surrender and the following procedures are textbook."

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

He disliked them.

His fear of their ridiculous magic had built up over the years into precaution and energy to use against. Once a prey to them, Zef had become the predator without using magic himself. Just his wits. If one thought that supernatural things made one a god then they certainly had not met with a smuggler and a gambler. Walking through the halls towards the chamber where the supposed handing of criminal Sanya Val Swift was to take place, the scoundrel had a Ysalamir nutrient frame attached to his back.

Entering the chamber, his T-visor shifted from Zephyr, Isley's space magic apprentice and Keira, his old friend James Ticon's daughter. They had gone through a lot with James, Zef and him. Now, he was replaced by his daughter and rather than being outlaws, Ticon and Halo were Mandalorians. Irony.

"I have to." Zef muttered as he gestured at the ysalamir. By now, both Zephyr and Keira would've felt the effect of the little cute lizard. They'd probably despise the fact that their mana source was cut short abruptly, but Zef was old. And old had experience.

The scoundrel then turned to the unknown woman Mandalorian across the chamber. Behind his helmet, an eyebrow was arched. While waiting for Sanya to be delivered, he might as well ask the stranger who she was. "And you are ?" Zef nodded at the red haired Mandalorian, his tone neutral as always.

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Taneas Haring

[member="Zef Halo"] Ξ[member="Phislo Bress"] Ξ [member="Keira Ticon"] Ξ [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

He watched as Sanya fell into a sleep. Her face looked so peaceful leant there unaware of what will be happening for a while. Much like he'd be unaware of what'd be waiting for her down there. Was it wrong of him wanting to flee with her still on board just to protect her? Would it be selfish? The only thing he could do right now was respect her wishes. A clunk rung through his ship coming from the starboard docking port meaning it was time for him to say his unheard goodbyes. Taneas would stand picking her up with his cybernetic arms. Her legs draped over one arm while her back supported by the other making her head rest against his shoulder. It was rare for Taneas to tear up. In this circumstance though it was an appropriate reaction. "I love you my little girl. I'll do my best to make sure cam stays safe." His teeth clenched together trying to hold back his tears and words.

Walking to the docking port the doors they would open up with two mandolorians stood there. Traditional armor covered them and one stood with rifle. He pressed his lips against Sanya's forehead like he once did when she was a child. He isn't proud of everything she'd done in her life. But who she is now isn't the bad person many see. He looked at the men now moving closer to collect Sanya. One of them reached out there arms taking her away from him. No words where exchanged between them. It was just silence. The second they left and the doors shut he'd clench his fist. "BASTARDS." He screamed punching the walk leaving a large dent. Once more a clunk ran through the ship as they departed meaning he'd have to do the same.

Ooc please read:
I've no need to do a post with Sanya. Just have her arrive. Also thus char isn't needed anymore in the thread.
Zef Halo said:
The scoundrel then turned to the unknown woman Mandalorian across the chamber. Behind his helmet, an eyebrow was arched. While waiting for Sanya to be delivered, he might as well ask the stranger who she was. "And you are ?" Zef nodded at the red haired Mandalorian, his tone neutral as always.
Phislo walked up to him when he spoke. "Phislo Bress. Since this exchange is taking place on their territory the Alor sent me as third party extra insurance against things going wrong. A dead Republic officer and Jedi on Mandalore wouldn't look good on the Clans or the Crusaders, don't you agree?"

[member="Zef Halo"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
The arrival of [member="Zef Halo"] brought a slight smile to her face beneath her helmet, and Keira nodded in greeting as he stepped inside. While she would have preferred by far to have her ethereal senses about her, she understood all the same the precautions that were being taken. There was no reason to trust the Republic in the least, even with this apparent surrender. "It's good to have the both of you here." She spoke to the other Warmarshal and [member="Zephyr Carrick"], regarding the third Mandalorian of the Clans with an even, appraising gaze. The words put forth by the girl didn't sit well with her in the least, especially when it came to her being present to do nothing more than watch over them. She didn't need a babysitter, especially not one fourteen years her junior. None of them did.

"You would do well to remember that we're Mando'ade," As she spoke to [member="Phislo Bress"] she pulled off her helmet, setting it on the table and running a hand through her hair, "I don't seem to recall any point where we do things by the book. That isn't our way." Mandalorian justice often equated to a bullet between the eyes, and she was certain it wouldn't unsettle any of them if the same were to transpire today with this Jedi. "Besides, Mand'alor has declared a crusade against the Republic. While that shouldn't cloud our judgement, it should make clear our stance when it comes to dealing with the Jetii. We owe them nothing." There was a pause, and she leaned forward, resting her arms on the table, leveling one final inquiry at the girl, "Do the Alors not trust the Crusaders to dispense their own justice, ade?"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
"Yes, we are Mando'ade and the clans have nothing against dispensing your own justice.", Phislo said staring the older woman down with rifle resting on the wall, "At the same time we are not opportunistic vultures or rabid hounds. Surrendered prisoners will be dealt with honorably and fairly on Mandalore Clan territory. After you leave you may deal with her as you wish. I'm here simply to ensure the laws are followed, ade."

[member="Zef Halo"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]



Zef had his lips pursed beneath his helmet as the two Mandalorian women were having a go at it verbally. Meanwhile, the unconsciouss body of [member="Sanya Val Swift"] was brought on a repulsor bed. A woman with feline features. It was the first time Zef had seen the Jedi live. Previously, it had only been holoprojections and such during the attempt of her capture on Echoy'la where he commanded the fleet above the asteroid where the illegal beskar mining activities were taking place.

"Secure her." He nodded to [member="Zephyr Carrick"], although he knew already the younger man was as practical as they could get and was already probably on it. If Isley had picked someone to teach, they would be able to deliver, that was what Zef was sure. He also remembered that Carrick had participated in numerous skirmishes of planets along with Zef himself. Reckless and trying to prove himself kid which reminded Zef so much of Isley himself.

The scoundrel's mind shifted to where there was supposedly a women fight going on. Within his mind questions surfaced of why the Clans would send someone to monitor them and it slightly annoyed him. What he knew of Mand'alor during their brief meeting on Dantooine did not hint that he would be one to send 'human cameras' on Crusader's dealings. A bitter taste formed in his mouth and the Mandalorian Warmarshal stepped forward between both Mandalorian women, taking a glance at each of them.

"Grow up." He stated to both of them but while facing Keira. The ex-smuggler then turned his t-visor towards the red headed Mandalorian. He took in a mental breath to be as less sharp as he could. When conversations went to territories and other thematic considering authority, it was only natural that the rebellious Corellian blood screamed for independence within. "Alright, officer. You ain't got nothin' to worry about here. We are all law abiding citizens here."

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Keira Ticon"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Zef Halo"] Ξ [member="Keira Ticon"] Ξ [member="Zephyr Carrick"] Ξ [member="Phislo Bress"]

As Sanya remained laying there on the repulsor bed her chest began to convulse. Her head each time moved more to the left. If anyone in this room had met Sanya in person before this they'd notice her skin was more pale than usual. Small specks of sweat made her head sparkle like she's used glitter. The moment her eyes opened she rolled to the left falling of the bed and into the floor. As she landed on her knees and forearms Sanya's head would lower down as her chest tightened once more. Several gulps could be heard if anyone stood close enough but all it was doing was prolonging the feeling. What made matters worse was the lack of food. Then it happened. With a slight cough came gushing sick pooling below her face. There wasn't much but the thick transparent acid left a nasty taste one only gets after been sick.

She didn't want to move, she couldn't move in fear of it happening again. Then she realised something. Unfamiliar floor, taneas not here. 'I didn't did I.' She thought to herself. It wasn't like she meant to nor was it something she could stop. "May I have some tissues please?" Sanya was embarrassed to say the least and really it didn't make for a good impression. Pushing back to sit on her legs her hands would come up sweeping her hair to the sides behind her human looking ears. She hadn't felt this bad since she was trapped inside the nether, disconnected from everything. Finally looking around Sanya saw the few people. But she mostly looked at the eldest there presumably in charge. Honestly she didn't know what to say or what to do. The last time she tried to talk to the splinter group of mandolorians they went against everything. She tried for a peaceful resolution last time but they refused. What happened the day of the attack wasn't Sanya's fault they are to blame for that. That facility was there before they claimed domain of the area.
"Never did I say the prisoner wouldn't be dealt with fairly or honorably. I'm simply pointing out that there seems to be rampant distrust among the vode. We're one people, even with the difference in ideologies that may separate us. The Clans shouldn't doubt our capabilities to act with honor, and neither should the Crusaders do the same." There was no doubt that Keira noticed the weapon the woman held, though there was something to be said for her not drawing attention to those on her person in return. This marked one of few times she hadn't reciprocated a threat, whether it was valid or otherwise. Her gaze settled on the redheaded Mandalorian for a few moments, though she didn't further voice her thoughts.

This business didn't concern the Clans, as far as she was concerned, given that [member="Sanya Val Swift"] had trespassed on their territory and attempted to steal beskar from their capital. All of it would have been better handled on Echoy'la, but for some reason their cultural homeworld had been designated a proper meeting place. It would have to do. Her gaze cut to [member="Zef Halo"] at his comment about growing up, and she raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. Typically that would have earned a retort, but given the business that was being handled she would save that for later. For now there were far more pressing matters, such as the Jedi currently slowly regaining consciousness before them.

When she asked for tissues they were gathered and handed over, and she didn't make any move to voice her opinion on the present matter. In her mind it fell on Zef to speak first, given that her brother trusted him enough so as to consider him second-in-command of the entirety of the Crusaders. She may have spoken for her brother on more than one occasion, but it was her fellow Corellian that almost always acted on hsi behalf.

[member="Phislo Bress"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"]
The Last Son
This was interesting. Someone else wanted to join in on this. I had never seen her before, and as bad as I wanted to scry her emotions to see how she was acting, I couldn't. The damned little lizard on Zef forced me not to. It took away my primal abilities. Even of this woman wanted to fight us back, it would only worsen the situation, and considering Keira, and myself were here, I doubted she would get far. However, his concern was necessary, so I didn't fault him. Either way, I knew I wasn't going to be happy about this.

As Sanya was brought before us, she was left very vulnerable. I am surprised that we didn't give her time to clean up and shower, or at least put on clean clothes. I couldn't understand why. I didn't question it though.

"How do you plead the charges against you set by the Verd Clan?"

[member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Phislo Bress"],

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Phislo Bress"]

She pushed herself back sitting onto her legs feeling dizzy and lightheaded. It seemed that the mandolins where been angsty against one of their own. Almost like picking on her for possibly following orders. But through the arguments a set of words pierced through the rest. "Not guilty and I came in with the evidence to prove that facility predates the occupation of echoy'la by your clans. Not only that but also a written up contract of sale to clan Raxis." Her voice was shaky and almost quiet. "But then again as the girl over there said fairly and honorably. That hasn't been verd's or those who follows his orders forte lately. Call me a pessimist here but everything up to now has been one sided. I came here because I've nothing to hide. You came here because verd doesn't have the guts to do this himself." She felt like her words there would get her some kind of boot to the face. That wouldn't be a surprise coming from brutes. So far only two in the room seems intellectual enough to know the time and place. As for the other two they look as if they only know how to throw punches and blindly at that.

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