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Bounty on Circe Savan/Enigma/Pandeima

Name of Bounty: [member="Enigma"] / Circe Savan
Name of Contractor: Lords of the Fringe: High Council of the Fringe
Bounty Price: 120,000 Credits
Condition: Dead or Alive
Additional Info: This Bounty is posted with the authority of the Fringe Confederacy's Military Affairs & High Council to ensure the banished person Enigma/Circe Savan does not enter our borders or any lands, planets or space within the Fringe's Influence Cloud. Outside the cloud? No bounty. This person is not welcome in Fringe Space and will be captured and removed without restraint.

OOC Information:
Circe Savan has been banished from Fringe Space since This IC Thread Here. At the time, there was no Bounty Board available in the current form for the Fringe to post such a Bounty or assurance. We're just keeping our House Affairs tidy IC.

A REMINDER: This bounty IS ONLY APPLICABLE if [member="Enigma"] is within the Lords of the Fringe Faction Cloud.

AN ADDENDUM: If through the course of the Fringe Military's investigation of the bounty we discover that Circe was captured and brought to the Fringe against her will, the bounty will be forfeit. Action will be taken to send Circe out of our borders. This is solely an action to publicly decree the eternal banishment of Circe Savan from any and all pieces, parts and entities within Fringe Space. Not an excuse to steal her from other places for money. Every circumstance of Circe Savan being brought to collect the bounty will be investigated by our series of Inquisitors, Telepaths and Military Affairs Personnel.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Anders Sivas"]

I've already gotten the point from Jon, Andrew, and God knows how many other Fringers. I don't need this - and frankly, the site doesn't need this - to know that Circe isn't allowed in Fringe space. The last thing I need is another reminder of how much that faction hates my guts.

As faction leader, I harbour you no personal ill will, and never have. No 'hate' involved, and the decision to take this step was mine. This is an entirely appropriate, purely IC, reasonable action for any faction to take, merely to ensure that its decisions are upheld. Therefore, I must clarify that this falls within the scope of being... merely paperwork.

In effect, this is hardly even about you. So untwist your knickers and go about your business.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Lucianus Adair"]

It's unnecessary. Everyone and their cousins on this forum know that Circe is neither allowed in Fringe space, nor intends to ever go back there. Were it truly 'hardly paperwork,' it would've simply ended up in the Fringe faction forums, to indicate to members that any sightings of Circe in Fringe territory were to be capitalized on.

My 'knickers' are hardly in a twist. I've done my damnedest to forget about your faction and what it's members have done to my stuff. This sends it all rushing back, the absolute last thing I need.


[member="Enigma"] - TL;DR: Why make a fuss about it if you're neither allowed nor stupid enough to go there, anyways?
It clearly is just a backlog of old policies. You're probably not the only one either.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Manamune Ticon"]

I've already checked through the previous bounties to search for one with the same relevance to a listed character as this one. No luck. This is the only one as such, and, truth be told, would make more sense in the Fringe boards for Fringe people than here in the bounty board.

Last thing we need is Tyrin showing up with more OOC mocking.
[member="Anders Sivas"]
What if one were to bring Misses Savan into Fringe Space? Would this not completely defeat the purpose of tacking on a "only in Fringe Space" mention?

(Note: That was written in complete IC. I do not intend to pick an OOC fight.)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Silara Vantai"]

You raise a fair point. The entire claims of this being 'paperwork' instead of a bounty are completely invalidated were someone to capture Circe and bring her into Fringe space. With no proof indicating that she wasn't there of her own volition, the bounty would then be claimed.

[member="Manamune Ticon"]

You know blocking doesn't make their posts invisible, right?


Enigma said:
You know blocking doesn't make their posts invisible, right?
IC: [member="Silara Vantai"] - If through the course of the Fringe Military's investigation of the bounty we discover that [member="Enigma"] was captured and brought to the Fringe against her will, the bounty will be forfeit. Action will be taken to send Circe out of our borders. This is solely an action to publicly decree the eternal banishment of Circe Savan from any and all pieces, parts and entities within Fringe Space. Not an excuse to steal her from other places for money. Every circumstance of Circe Savan being brought to collect the bounty will be investigated by our series of Inquisitors, Telepaths and Military Affairs Personnel.

Thank you for your interest in keeping the citizens of the Fringe Confederacy protected and content.

(OOC: Totally! I understand, thank you for bringing that up so I could clarify.)

[member="Enigma"] - This is merely the first in a series of bounties meant to 'catch up' with the Fringe's Military and Governmental Policies, in a public setting for all to see. All bounties of this nature will be worded identically and have identical terms.

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