Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on Diversity Alliance

Name of Bounty: Members of the Diversity Alliance
Name of Contractor: Graaf Zalec
Bounty Price: 250k a Member.
Condition: Dead or Alive, If alive please beat them to a pulp before turning them in.
Additional Info: For Terrorist actions against the right to have good health.

OOC Known Members: [member="Osynth Obek"] [member="Xer'ir"] [member="Xrawylz"] [member="Avarice"]


Well-Known Member
Since were using alts to get ourselves pblicity...

Maybe I shold use my strongest alt to attack us?

[member="Graaf Zalec"]

Filius Stellarum

As long as you don't expect any to make it out alive. Assassins don't do the whole "capture" thing.


Well-Known Member
Huh. Don't know how to handle this. It was a legit joke when posted, now is gaining ground.

Guess if you want a target you can attack @avarice. I might be slow to reply

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