Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on Keira Ticon

Name of Bounty: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Name of Contractor: Anonymous
Bounty Price: c3,000
Condition: Alive
Additional Info: Armed and considerably dangerous. Do not approach with weapons of any sort on your person, including but not limited to lightsabers, firearms, vibroblades, knives, empty bottles, filled bottles, tasers, pickup lines, or edgy poetry.

Simply hand a sealed letter to the bounty with a note inside depicting a pair of stick figure humans. Then leave.
I'm going to jump into her bed during a thunderstorm. Considering the whole 'ghost' thing, she probably won't notice, but you told me not to do it, so now I want to do it. Hear that, Dusky*? I'm coming for ya
*[member="Keira Ticon"], my dusky little fave

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