Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty & Proclaimation

Name of Bounty: [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Name of Contractor: Ijaat Mereel by authority of Council & Clans of Mandalore
Bounty Price: c1,000,000
Condition: Dead if in Mandalore Space, Alive if not

Additional Info:

Not considered armed or particularly dangerous. This is an honor matter. If the creature is caught in territories of the United Mandalorian Clans, she is to be killed on sight with extreme prejudice and proof of death brought to Clan Mereel Officials. At this time, it is the will of the Council that for the disrespect and dishonor the former Mandalorian brought upon the proceedings of a new Manda'lor being declared, that she is to be considered Dar'manda. That she is without soul or identity in the Manda. Any property or assets within Mandalorian space that belong to the traitor are now the property of the Clans to be divided up amongst themselves as they see fit.

May you find the Alliance more merciful to your astounding ego, if you live long enough to reach them.
Cathul Thuku said:
The breach of honor referenced in this posting was the mark's IC foolishness more than any real betrayal. But she has no real assets left on Azure to her personal name.

Actually no. You crashed an IC new Mand'alor nomination and duel thread, clearly presenting yourself as a representative of a foreign government, to talk about yourself.

Cole showed you leniency...............Draco(Mark) reacted accordingly.

Any Mandalorian pursuing this bounty that finds themselves in need of back up may feel free to enlist Cole's aide free of charge.
[member="Cathul Thuku"] - You misunderstand the concept of a "bounty" dear. You don't accept parts of the punishment, ignore others, and it vanish. You mucked up ICly. IC reactions will happen. OOC won't sway that.

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