BR-0117: The Resol'nare
Intent: A stealth light transport
Development Thread: No
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: MandalMotors
Model: BR-0117 (Bas'Bavar-series Multi-role)
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel
Description: Unlike the vast majority of planets within the known galaxy, the Four Hundred Year Darkness had minimal affect upon the technological prowess of Mandalore, thanks to its strict quarantine practices. During the Gulag Virus outbreak, many refugees fled to Mandalorian space seeking refuge from the rampant disease. Refugee ships were quarantined outside of Mandalorian space for a standard amount of time which would allow those infected aboard to perish from the disease, leaving Mandalore a perfectly functioning vessel. Over time, Mandalore had a vast abundance of vessels of countless makes and models from all across the known galaxy, and made avid usage of their diverse technologies by incorporating them into the production of vessels that far surpass them all. Now, at the end of the Four Hundred Years of Darkness comes the pinnacle of Mandalorian starfighter technology: an advanced vessel which incorporates the best of fighters and transport vessels to create an all-range vehicle of devastation. Dubbed the "Resol'nare", the BR-0117 is one of the swiftest vehicles within the Mandalorian armada to date.
Classification: Transport
Role: Commando Insertion
Height: 7m
Width: 26m
Length: 32m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Photon Fuel
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.5
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 2
*Blaster Cannon (4)
*Laser Cannon (2)
*Proton Torpedo Launcher (2, capacity 3 warheads each)
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments:
*Advanced Shield Generator
*Long-Range Sensors
*Cloaking Device (Double-Blind Hibridium)
*Efflux Diffusion Baffles
Passenger Capacity: 2
Cargo Capacity: 5 tons
Consumables: 1 month
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 2