Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Brakkus Ka'bo

Brakkus Ka'bo


Age: 37 GSY
Species: Aqualish

Sub-species: Ualaq
Gender: Male
Height: 1.98 Metres
Weight: 96 Kilograms
Force Sensitive: No


Two large, black eyes dominate much of Brakkus' face, and these are joined by two smaller eyes below, as is common with many Aqualish. The next noticeable feature are the chelicerae in place of his mouth. Unlike the rounded appearance of many other Aqualish, Brakkus' are pointed, almost resembling fangs. Unlike other sub-species, the Ualaq thrive away from the aquatic habitat the Aqualish originated from. His broad, imposing build would be ill-equipped for a marine environment, and his hands more closely resemble those of a human, with five digits, yet they are significantly larger. Years of living in luxury has ruined Brakkus' physical health. He is now slightly large around the waist. Most of his body is covered in a dark fur, which thins out on the head, hands, and legs. As prominent figure in the mining industry, Brakkus is often well-dressed in expensive suits. However, it is also common to see him wearing standard manual-working gear when visiting one of his mines. Despite knowing a small amount of Galactic Basic Standard, he will often use a translator device or protocol droid in business meetings.


To be continued...


Calm and calculated, he keeps his intentions hidden, revealing little to those around him. His strong identity as an Aqualish fuels his belief that Ando should remain independent from any intergalactic government. He longs to see Ando and the Aqualish regain their former galactic influence, perhaps even rivaling the glory of Spiverelda. Though he acknowledges the necessity of economic regulation in a functioning civilization, he harbors a deep dislike for it.


Education: With a high IQ and a natural business acumen, Brakkus is further strengthened by years of education at the galaxy's top institutions.

Credits... lots and lots of credits: In this galaxy, money talks. As president of the Ando Mining Collective, Brakkus enjoys vast personal wealth and nearly limitless resources. These credits can hire mercenaries, bribe officials, and generally make problems disappear.

Cut-throat businessman: Sometimes you need to do what other people find unthinkable. Brakkus understands that success often requires ruthless decisions. He approaches challenges with cold rationality, always prioritizing the profits of Ando Mining Collective, no matter the cost.

The art of the deal: Deep down Brakkus is a people's person... well he's really good at reading others' desires and using them to his advantage. Whether it's charm or coercion, he knows how to exploit people for personal gain. And it's good for business.


Business-Oriented: Brakkus' ambitions for wealth and power dominate his life, leaving little time for leisure or relationships outside of business. His relentless pursuit of wealth has also made him a public enemy in systems victimised by his ruthless business ventures.

Non-Combatant: With no experience in weaponry or dueling, Brakkus is easily outmatched in any one-on-one combat. Instead, he relies on the skills of hired guns and bodyguards to keep him safe.

Antisocial: His blunt, matter-of-fact communication style, coupled with a distaste for pleasantries and small talk, makes him notoriously bad at building relationships. He treats most social interactions like business transactions.


As the firstborn son and heir of the Ka'bo family, Brakkus was always destined to inherit the family's mining business, the Ka'bo Mining Company, which had been passed down through generations. His early years on Ando were largely uneventful, but Brakkus quickly stood out as intellectually gifted compared to his peers. Recognizing his potential, his father sent him off-world to study at prestigious institutions in the Core Worlds. There, Brakkus deepened his understanding of business and finance while developing a personal interest in galactic history, particularly the history of the Aqualish. He remained in these institutions until adulthood, but the declining health of his grandfather, the current president of Ka'bo Mining Company, required his return to Ando.

With his father now serving as president, Brakkus took it upon himself to learn the intricacies of the business he would one day inherit. His new, active role led him to visit mining operations on Ando Prime and other planets within the Lambda sector. Here, Brakkus gained insight into the day-to-day operations and uncovered numerous inefficiencies hindering the company's growth. Eager to implement the knowledge he had acquired in the Core Worlds, Brakkus attempted to overhaul the business. However, his efforts were repeatedly blocked by his father, who was wary of such aggressive reorganization. This constant opposition planted the seeds of resentment in Brakkus, as his vision for expansion remained unrealized. Until he gained control of the company, he had no choice but to defer to his father.

Fortunately for Brakkus, he would not have to wait as long as his father had to take control. During a visit to a nearby mineral-rich asteroid belt, a catastrophic failure in the life support system on his father's ship caused the death of everyone on board. Despite an investigation by Ka'bo Mining Company, the cause of the failure was never determined. Suspicion lingered due to Brakkus' absence at the time of the accident—he had been scheduled to accompany his father but had been called away on urgent business just before departure. Whether or not foul play was involved, the investigation was closed, and the incident was labeled a freak accident. With his father gone, Brakkus assumed sole ownership of Ka'bo Mining Company.

As president, Brakkus immediately enacted his plans for aggressive expansion. He took on loans, cut costs, and streamlined operations to maximize liquidity, using the funds to acquire mining rights on some of the most important mining worlds in the sector. When credits weren't enough, Brakkus employed underhanded tactics to secure mining permits and eliminate any competition standing in his way. Year after year, the Ka'bo Mining Company grew, eventually becoming a household name in the Lambda sector. The company's assets and influence swelled as they absorbed many of their former rivals, leading Brakkus to rebrand the company as the Ando Mining Collective, reflecting its dominance in the Ando System.

Now, with immense wealth and power, Brakkus is determined to expand the Ando Mining Collective's reach to the farthest corners of the galaxy.

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