Kiff Brayde
The One and Only

- Image Source: x
- Canon Link: N/A
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A

- Corporation Name: Brayde Armor Works
- Headquarters: Kooriva
- Locations: Hoylin
- Operations: Weapons Manufacturing, Armor Manufacturing

Brayde Hyper Works is a subsidiary of Brayde Industries, and specializes in producing armor and weapons for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Their main administrative office is located on Kooriva, along with the rest of Brayde Industries, but the rest of their operations are located on Hoylin.

With a lot of money, a few political schemes, some risks, gambling, alcohol, and good ol' charm Kiff Brayde managed to found an entirely new cooperation: Brayde Industries, a parent company for a variety of subsidiary companies that were either founded along with it, or were bought by Kiff. Brayde Armor Works was founded by Kiff Brayde himself, along with Brayde Industries, to produce weapons and armor for the CIS.
Parent Corporation: Brayde Industries