Break away
She already knew that he had made coffee, it was hard to miss. But hearing him say it somehow made it that much sweeter. A sleepy smile grew on her lips as she looked up at him
"Thank you" Her hand moved over to carefully pick up a sugar cube to drop it into the coffee. While she was well used to drinking it black since sugar wasn't always available to her, Millicent did very much prefer to avoid the bitterness. Her eyes went up to his as she moved her delicate hand back to the sugars, carefully watching for if he would disapprove as she picked up another one. She would watch his reaction for a few more moments before putting it into her cup. Letting her head tilt back down as she picked up a spoon to give it a swirl, the thief smiled sweetly to herself, happy that he didn't seem to mind her going for two.
It only got better as he wrapped his arm around her, both giving her comfort and warmth. Her voice was still in a soft, newly awoken state as she replied
"I'd be more alert if I didn't feel so safe" it was really a compliment to him, for her peaceful state of mind was all due to him. But she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she simply kept spinning motion of the spoon whilst relaxing under his arm. Millicent was just about to let go of her spoon and let their forms meld into one when she felt him tense up with his muscle harden and shift around her. But she never felt threatened by it, in fact, it made her feel even safer underneath his arm. She looked up to him with a slight blush before he had even asked the question and shook her head with an amused smile upon hearing it.
"I like it" she said, trailing off towards the end as he removed the arm to go take a seat.
Her gaze followed the tomato as he levitated it towards him, only occasionally glancing over at the pan to ensure that she didn't mess anything up. Once he had it in his hand, she forced herself to tear her attention from him for a bit to concentrate on the cooking. It almost took her by surprise as the tomato floated back in silence, appearing in her cone of vision just as she could reach out and take it. After taking another bite, the thief put it down onto the board whilst transferring the egg and bacon from the pan onto a plate.
"We have lead very different lives, you and I" she said, throwing a glance at his full fridge and then to him. Her eyes studied his impressive form with a smile appearing on her lips. Picking up the plate, she then walked over to him with it
"I just don't need that much to get by"
After putting down the plate in front of him, Millicent allowed her eyes to linger on his for a while. It felt like a weird conversation to have, for nobody had asked her about how she ate for years. But it was nice regardless - it showed that he cared. Instead of returning to the stove, the girl lingered by his side and put a small hand on his forearm to steal his attention
"Don't worry. When I get hungry, I will look for food. Always have." She winked at the end, knowing that he was very well aware of what she used to do, glossing over the fact that she didn't always find food when she went looking. At least not before meeting him.
Millicent walked back to her tomato by the stove to pick it up again for another bite
"Considering how many blaster bolts that you draw on average, I'd say that you are at much greater risk than I am" she joked.
"What are we doing here anyways?" her question was a casual one and was followed by a sip from her cup and an equally casual statement
"Doesn't look like your kind of planet" she said, alluding to how it didn't seem very Sith-like at all. Before he answered, she'd sneak in a quick question
"Are you going for a second pan?" clearly prepared to start round 2 of his breakfast.
Jas Katis