Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

With officials busy in the Commonwealth due to the rate of contract negotiations, Judah pushed his back until the following morning. It gave him time to explore the city a little and to get fresh eyes going into the potential partnership. He hadn't had a major contract for energy in some time ; most had been very small towns or mom-and-pop businesses, which made sense. Realistically, the biggest moneymaker for any government would be the biofuel, but that required setting up pools and tanks if there was no ocean nearby. It was a niche market, often one looked at by those outside the Core.

So it seemed fitting the Commonwealth would be turning an eye towards this project. It would give a measure of independence, lower start up costs that allowed governments to run power generation for little credits to power their own cities and planets. Judah had seen the prices energy corporations charged, the amount of buy in. Even the cost of building energy facilities often went over budget, forcing the hand of governments to overly tax their citizens.

His energy projects eliminated all that. Beyond site prep work, the cost was fixed, the components not varied, all streamlined. A downside was no considerations for local climate or environment, but there were always work arounds.

Judah hoped the Commonwealth would see the same. Its why he was standing outside Bambara Flavours at nine in the morning, head down as he scrolled through his datapad, catching up on the messages that were starting to roll in as Salacia woke up.

Ivalyn's eyes fluttered open, assaulted by the unmerciful rays of the Sundiata sun that streamed through the hotel room window. She was sprawled on her stomach, body nestled against the plush mattress and expensive sheets. The opulent duvet lay haphazardly across her form. She squeezed her eyes shut, turning away from the blinding light, and then slowly shifted to her side, opening her eyes to see Merryn still peacefully asleep beside her. As she opened her mouth to speak, the parched sensation of cottonmouth hit her, a grim reminder of the previous night's indulgence in alcohol.

"Personality," a hit song by one of the top singers in the Commonwealth, began to croon through the room. The charming Nixie Alarm Clock had chosen a particularly chipper song for her wake-up call. Ivalyn rolled over to plant a gentle kiss on Merryn's cheek before letting herself fall back onto the mattress. Her eyes caught sight of the clock, and she shot up with a start.

"Shit!" she shouted, springing from the bed. "Fuck." The expletives flew as she scrambled to gather her clothes, running straight into the bathroom.

In her defense, she wasn't late—yet. But she was late by her own meticulous standards.

The song ended, transitioning to "Sixteen Tons," a favorite in Olgarov on Tholon according to the DJ. Ivalyn was far too preoccupied to notice, her focus entirely on getting herself together. She hadn't even brought a change of clothes, so she quickly phoned one of her assistants to meet her in the hall with a fresh outfit. Another call ensured a vehicle would be ready and waiting. She was determined to walk into her meeting composed and put together.

Out of the shower, she noticed the marks Merryn had left. "Kriffing sithspawn, shitshitshit," she muttered in mild panic. Normally composed, she was grateful for modern technological miracles, including a handy little patch that would cover the evidence of her passionate night and leave her looking as if nothing had happened. "You are a professional, you are the High Representative. You've got this, you can do this. Yes, yes, you're not late, you're still... aaaaggghhhh." She checked the time and grabbed her shoes.

She resigned herself to doing her hair in the car, with her assistants in tow, determined that nothing would betray the chaos of her morning. She was the cool, calm, poised, and confident politician, the representative she was supposed to be.

When she finally strolled toward the outdoor patio of Bambara Flavours, she held a hot cup of caf in hand. Her borrowed aviator sunglasses from her uncle reflected the Sundiata sun as she beamed toward Mr. Dashiell. "Well met, and grand rising, Mr. Dashiell. I hope the fine city of Sundiata has treated you well so far," she greeted, extending her hand. Dressed in a well-tailored black business suit with minimal jewelry, she exuded the perfect image of composure and professionalism as she removed her sunglasses.

"Good morning Miss Yvarro, the city has been well. Thank you for asking."

While Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro exuded the perfect image of composure and professionalism, there was one small problem with her neck. It appeared the woman tried to put a concealer patch of sorts on a hickey but didn't quite complete the process. Hickey was half-covered, the concealer patch raised and not blended into the skin. Having a son, Judah only become acquainted with such beauty aids when Makai started dating Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell ,for the same obvious reasons.

"Seems you've had a very good morning yourself."

His own hand touched his neck, hoping she would get the subtle hint about her current makeup situation. Did it bother him? Not in the slightest. However, he was merely pointing it out just in case she wanted to step into the ladies room to handle it. Being an official of the city and high-profile, he certainly suspected her overall persona was important. His own was critical.

"I can get us a table, if you'd like to meet me there in say five minutes?"

Ivalyn sat in a tailored black business suit, her blonde hair perfectly styled and brown eyes sharp behind her aviator sunglasses, across from Mr. Dashiell at Bambara Flavors in Sundiata. The morning sun cast a golden glow over the outdoor patio, where lush greenery and vibrant flowers framed the setting. The air was fresh with a slight chill, tempered by the warmth of the rising sun.

At first, Ivalyn wasn't sure what Mr. Dashiell was doing until she mirrored his action and then, grateful for her sunglasses, paled. "Right, yes of course, I'll meet you at the table, excuse me." She turned on her heel and headed for the bathroom, chugging her caf as she went. Once inside, she delicately fixed what should have been done earlier that morning.

She arrived seven minutes later at the table. "Thank you for meeting with me, I truly appreciate it," she said sincerely, appreciating his discretion earlier. "Now then, why don't we go ahead and get down to business."

Ivalyn waved the waiter over. "Waakye, hausa, bread sandwiches, whatever's on special." She began the order and nodded when the waiter inquired if she would like to try one of each that the chef had that morning. "Yes of course. Oh, and akara and pap, and then tea—yes, hibiscus and senna. Do you have Dosuunian black tea? Yes, that as well, thank you so much."

The waiter turned to get Mr. Dashiell's order, and once done, was about to head off. Ivalyn had the waiter pause a moment as she pulled out a crisp fifty sov bill. The waiter, with more than a pep in his step, hurried off to put in the order. "You are welcome to try what I've ordered. I'll likely not be able to finish it, but I insist you try the hibiscus tea, and since we're in Sundiata, it is the best. But don't breathe a word of it in Sejong," she added with a bit of laughter. Sundiata and Sejong, like most Commonwealth worlds, were quite serious about their teas.

"Now then, I wanted to speak with you more directly about geothermal energy. You see, on Najarka, we have plenty of vents, and Primo Victorian has outlined an idea for what they think might work. However, Rothana Engineering, their subsidiary, is well out of reach for the moment, so we are turning to you."

"I was wondering what ideas you might have. And then you mentioned yesterday more about your hydropower stations." Ivalyn continued, setting a small holocomm projector in the middle of the table. "As it happens, we have several ocean-heavy worlds. The one we'd really like to work on first is Baralou. Now, their oceans are almost always turning into storms, but we wondered if perhaps you might want to see about working with our Corps of Engineers and other partners there."

Her voice was clear and confident, the image of a seasoned politician and strategist who knew her brief inside and out. The projector flickered to life, displaying topographical maps and data points of Najarka and Baralou. "We believe that with your expertise in biofuel and our resources, we can create a sustainable energy model that not only supports our local needs but also positions us as a leader in renewable energy across the galaxy."

Ivalyn leaned back slightly, giving Mr. Dashiell a chance to absorb the information. "So, Mr. Dashiell, what do you think? How can we collaborate to turn these ideas into reality?"

“No, thank you for meeting with me. I know how valuable your time is.”

He wasn't sure what to order, and settled on mandazi, hibiscus tea, and caf. Tea wasn't his forte, had he endured drinking it when Azula asked for it, but his ‘host’ of sorts was insisting upon it. Caf would be an excellent back up, plus what paired better than fried pastries and hot caf?

As the holoprojector came to life, Judah studied the topographical of Baralou. Considering the amount of mapping work his son had done, Judah wished in these moments the young man could be present. Not that he couldn't understand himself, but Judah had spent a sizable amount of credits on Makai's education, so why not be able to draw on that knowledge.

“How often are there storms? Are they horribly severe? I don't ask for the energy combine, that is built to last just due to the nature of the ocean. I was asking more so for the potential of biofuel kelp farms.”

In reality though, he was skipping ahead. He needed to rectify that first. Miss Yvarro didn’t ask for the specifics of the systems, she was asking in terms of collaboration and actually getting the job done.

“I would say I am fairly hands off in terms of deep collaboration for renewable energy. There’s the initial set up, training, then…that’s it, unless one contracts our workers to run the facility. Its purely designed to be sold to an entity and allow them to produce energy at a low cost. Either the government can provide this free to their citizens or perhaps a pay-in just for worker wages and benefits.”

The tea and caf arrived, along with extras such as cream and sugar.

“Salacia can be as collaborative as you like or has hands off as your like, its really your call."

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

"Often, in recent years, they've relaxed a bit. Baralou's Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies Administration will likely be a key part in implementing your biofuel," Ivalyn noted, seamlessly weaving her knowledge into the conversation. "Different parts of the Commonwealth will be involved, of course. They, along with the Commonwealth Corps of Engineers, will ensure that whatever we do in terms of renewable energy and Baralou's oceans will succeed."

She listened attentively as Mr. Dashiell described his hands-off approach, which made sense given the unique approaches of different corporate entities and governments toward renewable energy. "Why don't we consider having your workers come in on a temporary, short-term basis to train our engineers and workers? After that period, they can choose to stay in the Commonwealth," she suggested, noting the importance of proper paperwork and work visas. "Or they can return home, wherever that may be."

"I can certainly understand a hands-off approach," Ivalyn continued as the waiter returned with drinks. "Oh, splendid. You'll find that the Commonwealth is quite serious about her tea. Each world you visit will have a special one to boast about."

Starting with a sip of Dosuunian black tea, she remarked, "Oh yes, that does do wonders. Now, as far as collaboration is concerned, whatever level of involvement is comfortable for you. I know that doesn't quite solve our situation, but while our Corps of Engineers are quite capable of running these programs on their own, I and likely Her Majesty would feel more comfortable if your Salacia Consolidated led the way—briefly, of course—and then after a while, we'll take it on from there."

"The hibiscus can be a bit tart and just a little sweet; some might consider it a bit sour. There's a touch of agave, straight from Nahutal, or perhaps a bit of Xandriian sugar to lighten it up," she suggested, taking a sip of the hibiscus tea. "The Senna is bitter in flavor. For that one, I recommend a bit of honey."

Just then, the waiter returned with a large tray filled to the brim with food. "Oh, excellent. I truly hope you'll enjoy the breakfast here. Honestly, I might be bragging, but the Commonwealth has some of the best food this side of the Outer Rim."

She described the sandwiches with enthusiasm, "These sandwiches are truly amazing—so simple, yet delicious. This one is eggs, bacon, and cheese. This is a bit of Dosuunian corned beef with cheese and eggs—it's even better if you can manage a bit of Eire corned beef, but Dosuunian is pretty good. And this one is a bit of ham and cheese."

Switching back to the topic at hand, she continued, "We, of course, are willing to house your workers. They will be paid in Sovereigns, the Commonwealth currency, so I hope that's not too big of an issue. It will serve them well while they are here," she said, cutting into a ham, egg, and cheese sandwich. The cheese, a lush and silky Passeri Mozzarella, melted perfectly with the spiced and fried Sundiatan ham. "Sorry, that's simply heaven." She took another sip of her Dosuunian black tea and returned to the conversation. "We'll likely have to speak with Thybzaca's officials about it. Thybzaca will likely head up these efforts in the preliminary and testing phases, and then we can expand to Nahutal and other Baralouan cities."

She paused to enjoy a spoonful of waakye, a delightful mix of black-eyed beans and rice. Tying herself up with a napkin, she added, "I don't often get the chance to stay here in Sundiata, but this is really good. It certainly rivals New Laveau's red beans and rice. Oh, Mr. Dashiell, if you are ever in New Laveau, you must try their beignets with some caf. Absolutely amazing. And their gumbo—delicious, all of it."

"All that to say, we welcome you to be as involved as you would like to be. As far as Salacia, we certainly would like a little hands-on guidance early on in these projects," she emphasized. Taking another bite of her sandwich to scoop up the rice and beans, she alternated between sips of hibiscus and Dosuunian tea. "Our primary interest, as much as we are eager to start work on the various ocean energy combines or even begin the biofuel farms, would be geothermal vents. We are keen on developing those."

Judah set about fixing his hibiscus tea, putting in the agave as mentioned. He tended to like a touch of sweetness, so it only seemed right for a small spoonful as he clinked it around in his tea cup. His pastries had arrived too ; so it was a real spread between them as they set about getting to breakfast as well as getting to business. Tea, sandwich, and pastry in front of him, Judah listened as Miss Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro weaved background information about her city and government. She certainly was passionate about the government, city, her citizens, and just the general overall well-being of the Commonwealth. It was refreshing to see, a change from the major governments he was used to working with.

"I'm sure I'll be in New Laveau eventually ; I plan on exploring more of the Commonwealth in time. It's a good distance away from my homebase, but I do have Salacia facilities in the Pacanth Reach so I do make it out this way from time to time. I'm slowly getting back into my old routine of work, so I'm sure you'll be seeing this scruffy face more often."

Taking a bite of his sandwich, it was surprisingly delicious, the corned meat melting quickly like butter in his mouth. A good sign of quality. He would have to inform his cousin, Caspian, of the quality. A rancher, the man was always looking for new and different cuts of meats to try, mostly for his own ideas and business.

"Typically for a contract, you would contract through us and we provide the housing, payment, benefits, and the like. It sounds you are interested in sub-contracting out the workers themselves. We are happy to lead the way, but I would prefer to keep workers under my banner....unless of course they are willing to be in an odd flux."

Strange, but he had heard stranger options.

"Salacia is more than happy to assistant and be a partner. We have been eyeing creating a regional office or headquarters in this area, so perhaps our partnership will be beneficial to us both in more ways than one. I'm sure in an influx of workers, jobs, taxes, and various forms of credits would no doubt be a boon for the region. A welcome one perhaps?"
Ivalyn knew of the Reach; everyone this side of the Outer Rim did. Panatha had been given such a harsh punishment by people who were no better. The Eternal Empire had been made of the cruel and the bitter. The Commonwealth had received a number of Panathan refugees when it all occurred. Rather than dwell on that particular factoid, Ivalyn took the spoon that lay against the bowl of hausas. Hausas was a thick millet-based soup with added spices, sugar, milk, and some peanuts. The fried koose, millet-based dough fried up, were great for dipping into the bowl itself.

"Good, I certainly welcome you to explore as many of our fine cities as possible." It had been her mother's Pax Imperialis policies that ensured each world achieved the 'Dosuunian Standard of Living,' a quiet marker that the Commonwealth still strove to achieve for each member world.

"I'm sure the Commonwealth will benefit from your presence," she wanted to say she'd love to entertain that scruffy face, but her inner voice told her that might be a little weird to say aloud. Instead, she scooped a bit of her sandwich into the rice and bean mixture, listening as Judah explained the process of contracts with Salacia. She tilted her head, processing the information. "Of course, we are happy to oblige with whatever is easiest for you and your workers." They had no issues with Salacia working to house their employees. "I would recommend paying them in Sovereigns; galactic credits are not accepted at the local level."

She took another sip of hibiscus tea and then tended to her bowl of hausas. "Most excellent. That is indeed wonderful news, and I am quite sure the partnership will be beneficial to both your company and the Commonwealth." She held a finger in the air as she nursed her cup of Dosuunian black tea. Credits were likely a relative term, as it was Sovereigns that made the Commonwealth turn. She took it rather as an interchangeable term and acknowledged, "It shall be a prosperous venture for all, I should think."

"Now, this," she gestured toward the akara, "fried bean fritters, crispy on the outside, and inside a delicious black-eyed bean blend with onions, peppers, and salt." Ivalyn picked one up and ran the back of her butter knife against it. "Brilliant. And then this is the pap, which is a porridge. For Sundiata, they use millet, but other parts of the Sahel may use corn. It's cooked with a bit of water, sugar, and this one is flavored with a bit of milk and coconut." The coconut was imported either from Baralou or Gilaria.

The setting around them was an elegant mix of traditional and modern, the warm morning sun and the aroma of various spices creating an inviting atmosphere. The food, meticulously prepared, was a testament to the Commonwealth's rich culinary heritage. Ivalyn's mood was one of cautious optimism, confident in the potential of their partnership but aware of the complexities that lay ahead.

"Sovereigns will be fine, we can adjust to local currencies with ease. Beneficial for all involved."

Judah mentally noted he would have to reach out to Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal and contract the young man for his services in converting Sovereigns to galactic credits and vice versa. He knew the man would give him a decent and fair rate in comparison to other banking services, Corusca Bank would be trusted and he knew after Empress Teta the business was most likely welcome.

He picked up the hibiscus tea, listening as Miss Yvarro went through the options of cuisine available in the Commonwealth. Judah considered himself not overly picky ; one couldn't be picky growing up poor.

"One of the best things about what I do is traveling around and trying out the different foods, so I will certainly be around as often as possible. A hazard of expansion, leaving the Tingel Arm and that portion of the 'verse means having to criss-cross across quite often. Barring any drastic wars or battles, this shouldn't be a major problem."

Travel was travel. The only thing pressing in his life right now was his intern, Iko Vel Iko Vel . Yet the boy could travel with him,although Judah was careful where to take him. He didn't expect anyone to recognize a former Jedi Padawan but he was erring on the side of caution, at least until they could get Iko a Force tutor.

"When would you like us to get started? I would have to check with my assistant to see what crews may be available, divert some workers to assist in the switching to renewable energy. It won't be an issue, its just pulling them off their current assignments and sending them to this sector of the galaxy. I will also need to secure housing for them at Salacia's expense."

A typical move, a benefit to entice the workers to travel the 'verse without complaint.

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro
Ivalyn and Mr. Dashiell sat out on the patio of Bambara Flavors, the soft hum of conversation around them blending with the sounds of morning traffic. The patio was bathed in the lovely Mephoutian sun. The air was fragrant with the rich aroma of freshly brewed Dosuunian black tea, caf, mingling with the scent of freshly baked pastries.

"Excellent," Ivalyn remarked, her tone reflecting satisfaction at the smooth arrangement regarding sovereigns. It would certainly make living in the Commonwealth far easier for Salacia's employees. She continued to pick at the assortment of breakfast delicacies on the table, savoring the delicate flavors as she listened attentively to Mr. Dashiell. He was recounting some of the hazards of expansion and the challenges of trying out new foods, all while his work required him to travel extensively across the galaxy, often in the midst of conflicts.

"Of course," Ivalyn began, her voice steady and knowledgeable. "We'll need to meet with Baralou's housing authorities and see what we can come up with. Thybzaca is one of the highest elevated cities, so that is something to keep in mind. Most people adjust after a week or two." She paused to sip her tea, her eyes thoughtful. "Perhaps we should aim to start this project in the coming financial quarter. Or actually, perhaps next quarter would be better. This way, we have time to iron everything out logistically speaking. It will also give your engineers and ours time to start getting to know one another."

She glanced around the room, noting the serene atmosphere, before adding, "And let us certainly hope the galaxy can remain calm for the time being," though she knew this was less likely given the current state of affairs in the Core. "But, if you have need, I am familiar with hyperspace routes that circumvent certain, less-than-hospitable areas at the moment." She offered Mr. Dashiell access to a few hyperspace routes not found on traditional astrogation charts, her eyes twinkling with a hint of insider knowledge.

"And if I might ask, Mr. Dashiell," she continued, leaning slightly forward with genuine curiosity, "are you by chance a limmie fan?" Her question was accompanied by a warm, engaging smile, inviting him to share a bit of his personal interests amidst their business discussions.

"Next quarter would be agreeable. Gives us time to sort through our work pool, find volunteers, fill in any gaps we currently may have. This would also allow us to bring the workers in early and let them get acclimated to the area and the elevation. I'll be sure to fast track the engineers so they may come much quicker than the others, start establishing a relationship."

Judah made a mental note to ensure he noted in the sign-ups for this assignment to include the elevation. He did have some species that may not adapt well, which there was no point in sending an employee who would just have to turn right back around. A waste of resources. Plus time, something very valuable these days.

"Ah...well, hopefully it will not come down to such lanes. I do appreciate the offer however."

Napkin came to his mouth, ensuring he didn't have any errant powdered sugar or jam in his beard from the pastries. The food was all delicious and well cooked, Judah suspected it was always like this and not a show for himself. He appreciated that fact, he wasn't one for a kath hound and pony show. Too fake.

Talked turned to one of leisure.

"Can't say I've ever seen a game. My son is quite enamored with graviball, so I've seen a few of those. I take it the Commonwealth has a well known Limmie team? Or player? Or perhaps both?"

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

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