Having watched the entire robbery go down, Ballen-Ist's cloaked form would move quickly, easily avoiding detection from the common locals that roamed the streets. Coruscant had become a different place after the One Sith's invasion, though that did not mean that it was still exempt of crime. Such a thing was good in the pureblood's eyes, for he seeked those who did not fear oppression. Then again, the man known as [member="Broorn Sabor"] seemed to be no more than a petty thief. Surely, there was more to him than met the eye. Looking down at the technology wrapped around his wrist, Ballen-Ist would check the time, pretty sure that the Chiss would show up any second.
The young Knight had been within the shadows for a few minutes, awaiting the outlaw's arrival. Soon, heavy footsteps would be heard by the boy's red ears, making Broorn's appearance apparent. Stepping from the darkness, Ballen-Ist would reveal himself, silently walking towards the Chiss' back. He had slumped on the ground and begun laughing, apparently happy at the catch he had made. Three necklaces, that would not even equate to the amount of credits that the young Knight had on his person.
As if reading his mind, Ballen-Ist would speak softly, his youthful ringing out from behind Broon, "Two hunded? That's it?"