Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chuckling as he sprinted down the filthy street, three expensive stolen necklaces clutched in his right hand. After running through three blocks, Broorn's sprints slowly lowered to a jog. Coughing and gasping for air, he ducked into a nearby alleyway, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. He then examined the stolen items, his laughter growing. He'd at least get two hundred credits out of all three. The only weapon the Chiss had brought with him was a knife, he didn't need to accidently blow someone's brains out with a blaster.

Having watched the entire robbery go down, Ballen-Ist's cloaked form would move quickly, easily avoiding detection from the common locals that roamed the streets. Coruscant had become a different place after the One Sith's invasion, though that did not mean that it was still exempt of crime. Such a thing was good in the pureblood's eyes, for he seeked those who did not fear oppression. Then again, the man known as [member="Broorn Sabor"] seemed to be no more than a petty thief. Surely, there was more to him than met the eye. Looking down at the technology wrapped around his wrist, Ballen-Ist would check the time, pretty sure that the Chiss would show up any second.

The young Knight had been within the shadows for a few minutes, awaiting the outlaw's arrival. Soon, heavy footsteps would be heard by the boy's red ears, making Broorn's appearance apparent. Stepping from the darkness, Ballen-Ist would reveal himself, silently walking towards the Chiss' back. He had slumped on the ground and begun laughing, apparently happy at the catch he had made. Three necklaces, that would not even equate to the amount of credits that the young Knight had on his person.

As if reading his mind, Ballen-Ist would speak softly, his youthful ringing out from behind Broon, "Two hunded? That's it?"
"Yeah, I-" Broorn interrupted himself once he took the time to look over to the speaker. "W-w-what? H-how did you fething know t-that?" The thief asked, slowly pulling himself to his feet. He then slowly looked over his shoulder, only to see a dead end. "P-please! I'll g-g-give you one of these necklaces not to report me! Do we have a deal?" He asked, obviously in fear. He held his arms out in front of him, shaking his head repeatedly. "The sithspit...they don't got to know 'bout this, aight?" That is what Broorn said as his back hit the wall. "How 'bout I give ya two necklaces? Yes?"

Ballen-Ist's arm would rise, before [member="Broorn Sabor"] was even able to spit out half of his babbling. The nervous stuttering of individuals that came across Sith really did get tiring after awhile. The young Knight had not even done anything hostile, and already this criminal was pleading and bargaining with him. Exhaling loudly, the boy would simple shake his head in disappointment, having been completely proved wrong by the Chiss' actions. "Seriously," the pureblood would begin, digging around in his pocket for a moment, before pulling out a few credit chips, "Shut up for a minute, will you?" Ballen-Ist would ask, before tossing the currency to the ground. If Broorn were to collect them, he would find ten thousand credits all for himself.

"Ready to listen?"
"W-what?" He asked, slowly reaching into his trench coat. "W-what do you w-w-want? I just n-need to go, alright?" He asked, sweat pouring down from his forehead. "J-just lemme leave, man!". Broorn continued to look around nervously, waiting silently for [member="Ballen-Ist"] to speak.
Watching the man reach into his large trench coat, Ballen-Ist would simply laugh, not exactly sure as to what the man planned. [member="Broorn Sabor"] did not take kindly to the money, and instead opted to pull some sort of trick. The boy's dark figure would remain still, while continuing to glare at the blue skinned Chiss. The young Knight's yellow eyes would flare brightly, having noticed that the source of the outlaw's fear was probably something like claustrophobia. More than likely, he had experienced situations like this before. The fool was not useful in his fear ridden state, and so something would have to be done about it.

"I wonder how many times you've heard this one. If you don't stop your babbling, you're dead." The Knight would threaten, still speaking rather calmly. Keeping his bright eyes focused on the man's hands, Ballen-Ist would be ready to spring into action.
"A-alright..." He said before quickly whipping out a Vibro-knife. "DIE!" Broorn shouted, lurching forward while raising the blade in the air. The filthy blade spun around in a blur as he approached @Ballen-Ist. He didn't know who this person was, nor did he care. However, he was not going back to prison, that was for sure. Swinging the Vibro-blade in a quick slashing motion, Broorn attempted to slash the Sith in the arm with the deadly weapon.
Remaining completely still, Ballen-Ist would watch as the man made his move. He could sense the feelings of hostility even as the man said 'a-alright', it having been a rather obvious feint. Nevertheless, [member="Broorn Sabor"] acted, slashing out viciously with the mind of a hardened scoundrel, with the mind of someone who didn't care who lived or died. That was good. The rapidly vibrating knife meet with the Sith's arm as he lifted it forward, causing the metallic weapon to slam against an armor plate that had been attached to his sleeve. Though it was only durasteel, and could not hold up against the vibro technology. The knife would slice cleanly through the material, creating a deep gash in the boy's forearm.

A rather brief and awkward pause would undergo after the attack, Ballen-Ist seeming to be unphased by the attack. Yes, it hurt, it caused pain to jolt up his limb and all around his body and mind. It was an injury, just like the ones he had sustained long ago while fighting the beasts of Korriban. Using the same bleeding arm, the Sith would reach out with his telekinesis, aiming to concentrate a large amount of force energy around the Chiss' arm. If this was done without interruption, Broorn's arm would begin to move involuntarily, first lowering and then lifting when it got behind his back. This would most likely cause extreme pain for the man, for the boy threatened to snap his arm.

"Will you listen?" He would question, still calm and composed.
He stared in disbelief as the boy lifted his arm but he didn't have to react. He dropped his weapon as his arm flew behind his back, sending Broorn falling to his knees. "GAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed, looking up at [member="Ballen-Ist"] "S-STOP! I'LL FETHING LISTEN! P-PLEASE, I'LL FETHING LISTEN!" Broorn yelped rather loudly. He quickly looked from side to side, fear frozen on his face. "Y-YOUR NOTHING BUT A B-B-BOOTLICK!"

(Sorry for these short posts)
"Silence," the boy would comment, releasing his grip on the man's arm as he stepped forward. Glaring at the Chiss with his flaring yellow eyes, the young Knight would lift his other hand, pointing directly at [member="Broorn Sabor"]. "You will take those credits, for I require your scoundrel-like expertise," the pureblood would explain, beginning to step closer and closer to the man. The dark alleyway would grow silent, as the Sith's cloaked figure suddenly ceased it's movement.

"You are going to kill someone for me, is that understood?"
"K-kill? N-no, no, no...I stay outta that business. Yes, I'll hurt somebody real bad but I don't kill no more, aight? Now, I'm sure we can work out some type of a-agreement here, right?" The Chiss asked, slowly crawling back an inch for every step [member="Ballen-Ist"] took. "Listen, I apologize for this inconvenience but really, I'm a nice guy, I swear man!" The Chiss muttered, still staring at the young Sith. "You don't look to bad either! You should just let me go, man. You don't wanna kill me, we are friends!" The Chiss said, faking the joy in his voice and the nervous smile on his face.

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