Gael bar Ammon
Pride of Old Mandalore
Rumors had a way of floating around into every crevice of the galaxy. Often different, sometimes the same, some rumors grow to become fabled stories, while others become uninteresting rumors that dissipate into nothingness. This one however, peaked Gael's interest. Several hundred years ago, before the imminent destruction of the Invisible Hand, rumor had it that a Sith lord had fallen at the hands of a younger, more capable Jedi knight. The Sith lord's remains were never recovered, despite a thorough salvage effort. Some say that he had escaped and went into hiding, others say the Jedi got to the body before Republic authorities could find it. But it wasn't the body that interested Gael. What both Sith and Jedi had in common was not just their ability to sense and use the Force, but their weapon: the lightsaber.
These stories could prove to be just that, or they could be so much more. Gael believed the latter to be true. He hoped the latter to be true.
He flew his BV47 Shadow-class shuttle into Coruscant's orbit, received clearance to enter, and joined the thousands of speeders in the city planet's traffic lanes. There was much to investigate, and the first place on Gael's list was Gnawer's Roost, one of the more lawless places on the surface. Initially, Gael feared he might be attacked just for having gray hair, but he looked down at his beskar armor and was reassured. It was an intimidating set on it's own, but after his aesthetic flare was added, it was all the more awesome.
As the shuttle slowed to a descending hover, Gael turned to the rear of the shuttle to manually activate a dozen droids. Among them were eight B1 battle droids, two Mark IV sentry droids, and two W2 SPD droids to guard the shuttle in his absence. While they'd be sure to grab attention, they'd also serve as a deterrent. His Mando armor and gray scalp was covered by a dark brown cloak also, to shroud him in some mystery. Thugs would think twice.
The BV-47's engines whirred to a slow as the side hatch opened, the dawn sky beaming on Gael's weathered face. In front of him was his first stop.
The Invisible Hand Cantina.
Rumors had a way of floating around into every crevice of the galaxy. Often different, sometimes the same, some rumors grow to become fabled stories, while others become uninteresting rumors that dissipate into nothingness. This one however, peaked Gael's interest. Several hundred years ago, before the imminent destruction of the Invisible Hand, rumor had it that a Sith lord had fallen at the hands of a younger, more capable Jedi knight. The Sith lord's remains were never recovered, despite a thorough salvage effort. Some say that he had escaped and went into hiding, others say the Jedi got to the body before Republic authorities could find it. But it wasn't the body that interested Gael. What both Sith and Jedi had in common was not just their ability to sense and use the Force, but their weapon: the lightsaber.
These stories could prove to be just that, or they could be so much more. Gael believed the latter to be true. He hoped the latter to be true.
He flew his BV47 Shadow-class shuttle into Coruscant's orbit, received clearance to enter, and joined the thousands of speeders in the city planet's traffic lanes. There was much to investigate, and the first place on Gael's list was Gnawer's Roost, one of the more lawless places on the surface. Initially, Gael feared he might be attacked just for having gray hair, but he looked down at his beskar armor and was reassured. It was an intimidating set on it's own, but after his aesthetic flare was added, it was all the more awesome.
As the shuttle slowed to a descending hover, Gael turned to the rear of the shuttle to manually activate a dozen droids. Among them were eight B1 battle droids, two Mark IV sentry droids, and two W2 SPD droids to guard the shuttle in his absence. While they'd be sure to grab attention, they'd also serve as a deterrent. His Mando armor and gray scalp was covered by a dark brown cloak also, to shroud him in some mystery. Thugs would think twice.
The BV-47's engines whirred to a slow as the side hatch opened, the dawn sky beaming on Gael's weathered face. In front of him was his first stop.
The Invisible Hand Cantina.