Alachei had been in town that particular week. She was on Coruscant on official business, as being the Ankai of her homeworld, the representative of her whole sector and a junior senator made her time very demanded. She found herself frequenting Coruscant, in fact, more and more in the recent days, as her pursuit of a Senate candidacy grew deeper. As always, with her was a personal detatchment of ex-Expedition Corps marines - now part of the Republic military but yet to be restationed in another system - and her three-ship armada which went with her always. She was lounging around the city, relaxing from one of the nicer parts of it atop a balcony that overlooked the lesser city area when she got the call. It was voiced in Mnenchalus, to her personal taste and favor to keep things more private.
Representative Ankai Mnemenos, I've intercepted incoming reports from a maximum security prison here on Coruscant. There has been a confirmed attack on the facility, the local Security Force is mobilizing and en route. We are able to react immediately and can arrive ahead of the local law enforcement.... You still hold executive authority over the corps until reassignment. Would you have us deploy, ma'am?"
Alachei was hardpressed to act on foreign matters, but entertained to the proposal. Indeed, a swift reaction from the small group at her employ could remedy the situation and certainly save lives. It would also make her proactivity more prominent, thus pushing her one step closer to the office of Senate. Matters such as these, ones of the urban and civil kind, were often very delicate but her wisdom and experience was not lacking; with a great deal of care and sensitivity, the situation could be handled appropriately and without error.
"Hmm... very well. You are authorized to deploy two squads. Have two Electrum Sabers (code) deploy as well. ROE for the air flight is Cold, escort if possible and turn Hot with executive authorization only...."
Just like that, the Ankai closed her comm and left the railing of the balcony to find an exit and one of her personal LAAT/r's to hitchhike to the scene.
Alachei arrived slightly ahead of everyone else, it seemed. Her escorts were reluctant to let her out of their site, being not only their Ankai but their representative of office. As she left the swooping red doors of the transport, rather casually as always, a squad of ten poured out and secured their sectors. The entrance was about four hundred meters out, but it was a roughly straight path to the area. Down the scope of one marine's rifle, what seemed like two bodies on the floor revealed themselves.
"Count two possible casualties. All clear. Move out!"
Yet, the queen wasted no time. At her side were her two staves and old cobalt saber. She was not wearing her armor, but she had the ability to use the Barrier to the same ends. Not far behind, in militarized fashion, was the first Mnenchei squad. Somewhere en route via air was bound to be the second. Though, it was likely to land elsewhere for a more tactical and precise sweep and clear of the facility. These men were all seriously armored to which the likes of civilian forces did not meet, all clad in TJR-01 battle armor equipped with the latest visual technologies. Whoever had shook the hornet's nest really karked up on this one, as they had only invoked a militarized response; after all, it was a maximum security prison housing some of the hardest, most dangerous criminals in this region of the galaxy.
Alachei felt a disturbance in the Force as she approached the entrance. It was as though she was not alone. There were others; Force-sensitive beings. Perhaps there was more coordination than she had first imagined, and it was more than just some hare-brained smash-and-grab. The thought brought deep concern to her, as if it were true (which it wasn't, unbeknownst to herself), it meant a whole new depth of tactical thinking had to be involved to effectively counter such operations and allow minimal casualties and collateral damage. They were playing with fire. She had to be sure to keep the fuel out of the water when attempting to put it out.
"Reporting two confirmed casualties. No sign of hostiles, moving to infiltrate! Call in a medical unit."
The first Mnenchei marine squad split into two fireteams, the first securing all angles outside while the second lined the left wall to prepare for a tactical flash-and-clear breach.
In reality, it wasn't actually a high-security prison but an old factory or something retrofitted to hold trial detainees and transfers... apparently no one got the memo about the real prisons being held far away off-world.