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Breaking the Ice AOL's first raid.

Breaking the Ice AOL's First Raid.

Has started:

OOC Thread

IC Thread

Old planning posts below:

@[member="Michael Sardun"] and I with the other side, have been plotting out stealing one of these:

Why is this important? Because it was the emperor's first and personal ship. We'll be getting the one he's personally attached to, if we win, which will need some upgrading. So we have the perfect bait to gain sith focus on a certain area in the future, leverage. It's also got a lot of guns.

A great plot hook to draw Sith out or put focus in one place, and a great plot hook to gain sith interest in not letting us get hold of the ship in the first place.

Bimmisaari, not too far into sith space, but far enough they can try and cut us off before we get into safe space to keep it fair.

With @[member="Michael Sardun"]'s agreement on the location, so we can hit bimm's trading centers as well. I've not run that by Michael yet, so i'll wait for his agreement.


  • 9,700 storm troopers aboard give or take, so we'll need to be creative. + Sith.
  • Funnel some credits from the trading centers to give us some more backing.
  • Steal some manpower? From anyone surrendering on board, if we can turn them.
  • We'll need a distraction, NPC's should do for that but something creative away from the planet - ideas welcome.
  • Anything else you can think to salvage or take from bimm.
  • Dropping a listening post there or some way of tracking all transactions that go on in empire space, double agent, trojan horse virus etc. Learning about the enemy, locations, movements of funds, where things are being built or funded etc.
  • This will ladies and gentlemen be the start of our own SPYNET.

I am thinking someone might have a way to turn a few of the NPC's to our side, if not we just need a way of disposing of them without fighting all 10k of them! :D
Might I suggest the "Slavery is not order" speech throughout the ship's intercom. I'm sure with enough force power channeled into someone who knows even rudimentary mind affect, they could be swayed into believing us. We would need to reach the ship's command center with a few force user's and that would be it. Perhaps a smalls strike team would work on that while the others hide in a few places waiting to pop out. It's a big ship, I'm sure we can dissappear somewhere.

That might be a decent starting point if we had any Master able to swing a few of their minds our way, nice idea. A few minds including the captains would be probably be a start :)
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
I say let's sneak on to the bridge, seal off all access so the stormtroopers are essentially imprison. And then let Michael do one of his famous speeches. I am sure most of them will be ready to join the Army after that.
Considering how they won't be seeing us coming (hopefully) it would probably be a good idea to throw something like a poison gas bomb into the bridge control room to clear it, then either wait for the gas to clear, or go in with gas masks. As for entering the ship undetected, we could just sneak into a food shipment or something.
I'll set the scene today, we'll need to get aboard the ship somehow. I am thinking it'll be shipping stuff to the planet and back, we can do so that way. Prepare for epicness :). I love setting these battle intros.

Manu will probably have his victory star destroyer some time during this thread (a faction ship he's captain of), so that can be brought in as well.
@[member="Michael Sardun"]
Michael's speech should become a force skill as he keeps using it over time, able to actually sway people.

We'll need special forces to crew it as well if we can't turn the crew, so consider Echani, wildcards, or the heavier guards in the transports with you, or we can bring them as and when we start.

We've got I think about 600-700 hundred if you count everything including the kintan listeners as well. Its a mixed militia force so far, just like the canon AoL, slowly forming them into an army.

Getting them on board though is the trick.
Live in Light, Surf Master
What is thy wills, mind, head and voice? *bows*

'Cause otherwise I'll be in space giving you guys the chance via air. Does Michael know anything like the Aura of Peace or such? Meant to calm everything down?
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Nah Kei is more like the strong left hand that punches Sith heads. I am the beating heart of the organization, for my spirit lies in it. And you.. well you can be our achilles heel, the one we hide from our worst enemies.

Yeah, Manu's the one that comes in and saves your backsides & teaches you stuff with his quatrocentarian wisdom. ;)

Aditya just fixes your stuff. And your hearts. :3 < Needed? For this raid? Will the ship we're taking need an engineer for anything? Or would Kei rather she didn't?
I could go up there in the first wave to secure the bridge, cover the rear in a strategic point or to go with the guys to disable the fire control briefly?

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Kei Amadis"] @[member="Michael Sardun"]
@[member="Vexander Graves"]

I think we should have 2 of us going to the fire control, 2 of us the bridge. I am happy to go to the fire control, we can split the men 6 a piece. This way one plan will work :D

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