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Character Brehg Sha

Customs Vizier of Enarc


AliasesNicknames, codenames, etc.
Height170 cm
Weight62 kgs
Force SensitiveN/A
FactionTrade Federation
RankCustoms Vizier of Enarc

Brehg Sha is a woman of fairly average build for a Neimodian, with mottled grey-green skin, bright orange eyes, and narrow features. Her body is slim and spindly while her hands are bony and clawed.

In terms of attire, as far as Sha is concerned the more colorful and ostentatious the better. She enjoys elaborate Neimoidian outfits in bold colors, and even her most practical attire is usually

Brehg Sha is a creature of numbers, first and foremost, always calculating the best odds, the highest profit margins, the most acceptable risks. She is always looking to increase her wealth, and if that comes at the expense of others all the better. Honesty and loyalty mean little to Sha, only the relentless climb up the ranks of power and profit.

Corruption and chance are Sha's bread and butter, prefering the fast and loose lifestyle of a corporate bon-vivant. She gambles, races, shoots competetively, to say nothing of her taste for less-than-legal pursuits. This has made Sha oddly charismatic and given her a steely disposition even in dangerous situations.

  • Friends in All Places: Sha has connections both as a member of the Trade Federation and from her underworld contacts, giving her a broad range of people and resources to use.
  • Cool and Calculated: Sha retains the characteristic Neimoidian affinity for numbers, but is much better at maintaining a level head under pressure, even when threatened.
  • Surprisingly Skilled: Sha is more than a simple desk jockey, her underground connections and experiences have made her skilled at handling more direct and dangerous forms of business.

  • Neimoidian Rep: Neimoidians, especially those in the Trade Federation, have an reputation for being slimy, greedy, and duplicitous, something Sha doesn't really lean away from.
  • Never Tell Me The Odds!: Sha is an almost pathological risk taker and loves doubling down on any chance to increase her money and power, even if it's likely to backfire.
  • Bean Counter: At the end of the day Sha is a bureaucrat first and foremost, and isn't going to be fighting or flying her way out of real danger, especially against people with actual training.

Brehg Sha was born to one of the lower-class hives of Neimodia, and spent her formative years squabbling with her fellow grubs in the nursery hives. Like most Neimodians, she developed a taste for overpowering greed and screwing over her fellow sentients, but curiously enough Sha also showed traits uncommon among her people, such as boldness and curiosity. She would attack feeding tubes, go after larger grubs, and try repeatedly to escape her enclosure at every opportunity.

This would be a portent of things to come, as once she left the hatcheries Sha began to fight and claw her way up the Neimodian heirarchy from her first days in business school. She took risks, she gambled, she fought (physically, even!) other Neimoidians tooth and nail to climb above her station. She even dabbled in underworld affairs, finding the thrill of getting caught or worse to be more exciting than traditional boardroom negotiations.

While these habits did help her climb onto the corporate ladder of the Trade Federation, these same reckless habits and disregard for traditional decorum kept her from the real levers of power. Instead, she found herself stationed to the far-off supply depot on Enarc, a glorified logistics droid. But Sha, as always, sought unconventional opportunities, combining her position in shipping with Enarc's proximity to lawless Rim space to become the queen of contraband traveling through the sector.

Like many in the Trade Federation, Brehg Sha is a financial expert with a head for calculation, money management, and data analytics. She is experienced in all realms of commerce, from the boardroom to the backroom and can handle both the financial and social aspects of business easily. Sha's personal hobbies have made her a decent pilot and shot, but her true calling is gambling and she is quite skilled in a number of different games. Sha is fluent in Pak Pak, Basic, and Huttese, and speaks or understands a broad range of other trade languages as well as Binary.

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Customs Vizier of Enarc


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