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Approved NPC Bren Artis

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"Just do as I say, don't do as I do."​
- Bren's catchprase on his Holocast​

  • Age: 49
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Short of average build. Near bald, wears extremely expensive wigs (brand: Brada).
  • Name: Bren Artis also known as The Voice of the Force (both seriously and satirically)
  • Loyalties: Himself. Affiliated with criminal elements including Black Sun led by [member="Malicar"] for which he launders money.
  • Wealth: Quite wealthy thanks to money laundering schemes of his charity ChurchAid - -
  • Notable Possessions:
    Sole proprietorship of ChurchAid.
  • Expensive star yacht
  • Two penthouses highest levels of Coruscant
  • Mansion in Canto Bight
  • Mansion on Spira
  • The latest luxurious model of "Trolls Troyce"

  • Persuasion
  • Persuasion
  • Persuasion
  • Charisma
  • Charisma
  • Charisma

[*]Personality: An extremely charismatic and cunning individual. Bren learned the art of manipulation as a young child in the slums due to his lack of physical attributes to fend himself and survive. Selfish and avaricious, Bren is also a man of finer tastes most likely due to complexes developed from penury.
  • Weapon of Choice: Speech.
  • Combat Function: Speech.
  • Extremely persuasive: He'll make you believe anything.
  • Cunning: His mind is his sharpest weapon.
  • Greed: Self-explanatory.
  • Physically weak: A short and unimpressive man with no special physical capabilities.
Bren grew as an abandoned child in the slums of Coruscant as a part of a child racketeering gang belonging to a local crime lord. And by racketeering I mean - pickpocketing, begging, small theft and etc. Never really too impressive with any physical capabilities to perform theft, Bren Artis' strength lied in his excellent skills in masquerading. His theatrics brought the local crime lord a fortune.

Unsurprisingly, Bren eventually became an incredible con artist. After a near death experience due to his racket, Bren realized he could make fortune in much safer ways. Thus, he joined the Church of the Force. With his powerful speech skills, Bren soon became infamous across the circles of the Church and gathered a following. With the help of preachers with nefarious goals, such as his, Bren was able to become a successful holoevangelist. His fame soon grew drastically across the galaxy gaining a near cult status.

Thus, he formed ChurchAid - a charity devoted to helping projects in the name of the Church of the Force. It acts as a front for money laundering for Black Sun and other criminal enterprises across the galaxy.
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