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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


(Mounted on a tracked test platform. Universal launch tubes later replaced with MMOL-02 Modular Mass-driver Ordnance Launchers)
  • Image Source: Here.


  • Armament:
  • Sensors, Targeting and Communications:
    • Data-sharing: 'Araniik'-M can share all data via the 'Manda' battlenet or any other battlenet patched to function with the 'Manda' style data-sharing and processing, but it is also capable of establishing a local area network between other 'Araniik'-M and 'Araniik' or similar, compatible systems.
      • Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared either via battlenet or local area network. Other data streams can also be shared.
      • Targeting: Targeting data is shared and overlaid on connected systems typically as 'lines' showing the approximated trajectory of the weapon system. The estimated damage on target and area of effect (if applicable) is also overlaid on the user's display.
    • Data Fusion: The system compares and correlates the data coming in from the myriad systems, showing the operator the combined picture from the various systems to reduce errors and outliers as much as is possible. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
    • Software:
      • Early Warning: If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
    • Hardware: The Araniik-M's powerful cluster of heuristic processors allow for vast quantities of data to be easily processed translating raw data to actionable information at an extremely rapid rate. The processors are learning machines and 'learn' how to process data patterns faster and more effectively the longer they are exposed to them.
    • Tactical Analysis and Planning:
      • 'Manda' Module: Tactical analysis is provided by the 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet, performing the same functions as a battle analysis computer and then some. The system computes the various battlefield variables and can offer tactical planning solutions to the user, whether for individual engagements or an assault plan on a enemy held location. The Manda module is a learning machine and adapts its database entries based on the users experiences.
    • Targeting:
    • Tracking:
    • Utility Systems:
    • Security:
      • RRDM
      • Socketguard
      • Echo Pulse
      • Pyrowall
      • Holotrace with Connection Trace functionality
      • Retinal Scan: The retinal scan is required to start the system. If the retinal scan fails, the suite will shut down.
      • Emergency Ion Charge: A code-activated ion failsafe can fry the system in emergency situations. The ion failsafe will also activate if any unauthorized tampering is detected by the system.



  • Armament:
  • Sensors, Targeting and Communications:
    • Data-sharing: 'Araniik'-M can share all data via the 'Manda' battlenet or any other battlenet patched to function with the 'Manda' style data-sharing and processing, but it is also capable of establishing a local area network between other 'Araniik'-M and 'Araniik' or similar, compatible systems.
      • Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared either via battlenet or local area network. Other data streams can also be shared.
      • Targeting: Targeting data is shared and overlaid on connected systems typically as 'lines' showing the approximated trajectory of the weapon system. The estimated damage on target and area of effect (if applicable) is also overlaid on the user's display.
    • Data Fusion: The system compares and correlates the data coming in from the myriad systems, showing the operator the combined picture from the various systems to reduce errors and outliers as much as is possible. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
      • Sensors:
        • Retractable Tri-Electrotelescope Array: The array is typically set with one of the Electrotelescopes set in focused scan mode and the other two set to general scan mode. Typically, the system tries to scan the area around the vehicle with the two Electrotelescopes set in general scan mode till it locates something that might warrant the crew's attention, then it focuses on this with the Electrotelescope in focused scan mode. Alternatively, the system can be operated in manual operation mode.
        • Full-spectrum transceiver
        • Dedicated Energy Receptor Array: The array is capable of finding and computing targeting solutions for the "weak spots" in a target's shield, by tracking down anomalies and fluctuations in the shield.
        • LIDAR
        • Mass-detector
        • Aural Sensor array
        • Gravitic Sensor
        • Audio Sensor(s)
        • Magnaband Scope Array (Combined Output)
      • Optical Systems:
        • 360-degree FOV Coverage Wide-angle Electro Photo Receptors with Electrobinocular (1x - 250x magnification) functions: The Electro Photo Receptors used here have been modified with a number of additional sensor, scanner and imaging systems listed below. They are all built with the same magnification level as the listed Electrobinocular zoom. The view displayed is a composite image created from all the connected systems parsed and processed by advanced data processing algorithms and a secondary advanced Droid Brain with Gabonna memory crystal memory.
        • Optical Transducer Panel(s): Optical Transducer panels are installed on the outside of all viewports and on other surfaces to give the crew as much of three hundred sixty degree view around their emplacement as is possible.
      • Scanners:
    • Software:
      • Early Warning: If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
    • Hardware: The Araniik-M's powerful cluster of heuristic processors allow for vast quantities of data to be easily processed translating raw data to actionable information at an extremely rapid rate. The processors are learning machines and 'learn' how to process data patterns faster and more effectively the longer they are exposed to them.
    • Tactical Analysis and Planning:
      • 'Manda' Module: Tactical analysis is provided by the 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet, performing the same functions as a battle analysis computer and then some. The system computes the various battlefield variables and can offer tactical planning solutions to the user, whether for individual engagements or an assault plan on a enemy held location. The Manda module is a learning machine and adapts its database entries based on the users experiences.
    • Targeting:
    • Tracking:
    • Utility Systems:
    • Security:
      • RRDM
      • Socketguard
      • Echo Pulse
      • Pyrowall
      • Holotrace with Connection Trace functionality
      • Retinal Scan: The retinal scan is required to start the system. If the retinal scan fails, the suite will shut down.
      • Emergency Ion Charge: A code-activated ion failsafe can fry the system in emergency situations. The ion failsafe will also activate if any unauthorized tampering is detected by the system.

  • 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet Compatibility: The turrets extend the ship/vehicle's sensor net and provide more data such that the Manda's ability to coordinate weapons fire is only made more effective. Additionally, the system treats Araniik-M modules in range of each other as part of a battery, allowing for better target prioritization and engaging of said priority targets.
  • Fast-track: The Araniik-M can track and engage all manner of targets, from incoming ordnance to starfighters, repulsorcraft, small droids and drones, jet/rocketpack-borne infantry and even force users using force abilities to enhance their speed to beyond unnatural levels.
  • Advanced Stabilization: The Araniik-M features advanced weapon stabilization, allowing for extremely accurate fire from it's mass-driver autocannons.
  • Powerful and Comprehensive Sensor Suite: The Araniik-M's sensor suite affords it extremely comprehensive detection, tracking and targeting capabilities. It's sensors and scanners creative a composite profile of all targets which when paired with the analytic capabilities of the Manda battlenet module makes for a reliable and very capable platform.
  • Deadly Armament: Both the twin mass-driver autocannons and mass-driver missile launchers used by the Araniik are both more than capable of engaging everything from small droids to even small corvette sized craft. Batteries of Araniik PDS can potentially engage larger corvettes with their combined fire, though the efficacy of this varies based on how well or poorly protected the target is.
  • Resilient: The Araniik is well protected against all manner of damage, from energy and kinetic to ion. This lowers the chances that the emplacement will be neutralized by a SEAD strike or by a target that was not successfully engaged.
  • Jamming?: The system is both jamming resistant and can triangulate jamming signals and computer a targeting solution to engage targets employing or covered by jamming.
  • Weak Spot Identification: The system's DERP array is capable of finding and computing targeting solutions for the "weak spots" in a target's shield, by tracking down anomalies and fluctuations in the shield.
  • Limited Ammunition: Both the system's main weapons have a notably limited ammunition supply, and even when connected to a larger ammunition supply stored in whatever platform they're mounted on, they consume ammunition faster than an energy based weapon of the same classification/configuration.
  • Loader Malfunction/Feed Damage: Damage to the MMOL-2's carousel loader or the MA-02's feed will prevent new ordnance from being loaded and in the case of the latter, it will prevent new rounds lower than the damaged part of the feed from being loaded.
  • Cooling System Malfunction: A cooling system malfunction in either weapon will prevent them from firing as the safety features kick in to prevent the weapon from damaging itself.
  • EMP/Ion Damage: Most of the components of the system are sensitive to EMP/Ion damage, and while well protected, should said protection be overwhelmed, those components are likely to be rendered inoperable.
  • Tractor Shroud: Tractor shrouds, and clever deployment of the same, can neuter the Araniik's tractor/pressor beam, negating one of it's advantages.
  • Sympathetic Detonation: While the MMOL-2 is mounted internally, should a penetrating shot penetrate the weapon's outer casing and enter the ordnance storage, it could potentially set off ordnance, sympathetically detonating other stored ordnance and quite possibly destroying the platform the Araniik is mounted on.
"When it comes to establishing a defensive cordon, accept nothing but advanced, reliable, Mandalorian technology."
- Araniik marketing slogan, retained for marketing the Araniik-M.

With the success of the Araniik the company made the decision to upgrade the system to take advantages of new developments in detection hardware and signal processing. Additionally improved was cross-platform networking even without the Manda battlenet. The new Araniik-M retains the same features that the older model was known and appreciated for and boasts new improved ones as well; fast tracking, advanced weapon stabilization, a powerful, comprehensive sensor suite, resilient frame and new software solutions that allow the system to triangulate and lock onto jamming signals and even detect and develop a firing solution for targets to leverage weak points in their shielding.
Once any Araniik detects a target, the engaging of said target is handed off to whichever individual module is best suited to do so. This is determined based on positioning, whether any particular system is already engaging another target and ammunition count. Once the target has been assigned to a module, it is first engaged using the jamming beam to reduce chances that the Araniik-M or whatever it is protecting are engaged before the system can engage the target. Once this happens, the system ascertains what missile (if any are left) is best suited to engage the target, and launches it. Should there be no missiles in the carousel of either launcher, it will instead engage using it's mass-driver autocannons, which it will also do if the missile did not destroy the target. While it is engaging with it's gun, it will ascertain whether a second missile launch is necessary and act accordingly. When the target is close enough, the system will utilize it's tractor/pressor beam, selecting whichever is more beneficial based on the target's velocity.
To truly get the best out of the Araniik, it is best to make use of a Manda tactical battlenet module. The turrets extend the ship/vehicle's sensor net and provide more data such that the Manda's ability to coordinate weapons fire is only made more effective. Additionally, the system treats Araniik modules in range of each other as part of a battery, allowing for better target prioritization and engaging of said priority targets. The Araniik-M also features the ability to create a local area net with all Araniik and Araniik-M variants to share their composite sensor feeds or targeting data.
Two major flaws are from the system's use of weapons with a notably 'limited' ammunition supply, and the ammunition handling systems themselves. The former can be partially negated through the use of larger internal ammunition stores in each platform, though the latter is not so easily fixed. Damage to the MMOL-2's carousel loader or the MA-02's feed will prevent new ordnance from being loaded and in the case of the latter, it will prevent new rounds lower than the damaged part of the feed from being loaded. While the MMOL-2 is mounted internally, should a penetrating shot penetrate the weapon's outer casing and enter the ordnance storage, it could potentially set off ordnance, sympathetically detonating other stored ordnance and quite possibly destroying the platform the Araniik-M is mounted on. Additionally, a cooling system malfunction in either weapon will prevent them from firing as the safety features kick in to prevent the weapon from damaging itself. All the components used by the Araniik-M, while well protected against EMP/Ion damage, are also liable to be completely neutralized should that protection prove to be inadequate. Finally, while they do not cause significant problems for the Araniik, tractor shrouds, and clever deployment of the same, can neuter the Araniik's tractor/pressor beam thus negating one of it's advantages.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an updated version of the 'Araniik' point-defense system for use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated and use by Strill Securities.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Araniik'-M Point-Defense System
Modular: Yes
Material: Export model: Duranium frame, reinforced Duraplast-molecularly bonded Duranium composite armor plating, 'Tracyn'ga'yam' Explosive Reactive Armor, Agrinium mesh and Thermal gel lining, CryoBan cooling system, Combat de-ionizer, Ultrachrome circuitry, electronics and wiring. Mandalorian customer and internal model: Stesr'gar frame, reinforced Duraplast-Stesr'gar composite armor plating, 'Tracyn'ga'yam' Explosive Reactive Armor, Agrinium mesh and Thermal gel lining, CryoBan cooling system, Combat de-ionizer, Ultrachrome circuitry, electronics and wiring.
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