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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated E'yarhakya-M-class Brilliant Interceptor Missile

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Ordinance
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


  • Image Source: Here.
  • Warhead:
  • Targeting Mode(s):
    • Single Target: Single target mode covers targeting of a single unit of incoming ordnance.
    • Multi-target: Multi-target mode covers targeting of multiple units of incoming ordnance, usually missile salvos in close formation.
  • Guidance Mode(s):
    • Control-aided Active Homing:
      • Pre-launch: The missile downloads sensor data, targeting and tracking information of the target as well as the IFF codes of all friendly assets in the area from the launch platform before launching.
      • Launch: The missile acquires a sensor lock on target and begins accelerating toward the target. The missile cross-references target data from its own systems as well as from the launch platform constantly from this phase on.
      • Midcourse: Using active sensor and scanner data from its own sensors, the missile either steers itself into an intercept vector of the path of the incoming single ordnance or group of incoming ordnance.
    • Salvo Mode: When fired in Active Homing or Waypoint Search and Destroy mode or if the missile switches to home on jam and salvo mode is enabled, a 'predesignated' missile will network with the other missiles launched to share data for a better sensor picture and will additionally assess the targets in the area and assign targeting. Alternatively, this missile can relay this information back to the launch platform if in range, and can receive targeting priority from it.
    • Inertial Guidance: Utilizing a laser gyroscope system to calculate distance travelled, the missile checks it against the previously computed distance to target and then initiates detonation once the missile has reached that distance.
  • Launch Mode(s):
    • Standard Launch: If not loaded into a mass-driver missile launcher, the missile can still be launched normally.
      • Hot: The container's gasses are vented and the missile's engines are activated straight away following the pre-launch sequence.
      • Cold: The missile is cold launched from it's container out of the tube using gas expansion before the missile's engines are activated.
    • Magnetically Accelerated Launch:
      • Hot: The missile is magnetically accelerated out of the launch tube and then immediately activates its engines.
      • Cold: The missile relies on initial launch velocity from the magnetic launch system to close the distance during the launch and mid course phase before activating its engines on full burn in the terminal phase.
  • Detonation Mode(s):
    • Proximity: The missile detonates while the target is in the missile's blast radius.
  • Sensor, Scanner and Tracking Suite: The missile creates a composite sensor picture by cross checking data from all of its sensors when in guidance modes where it actively uses the to acquire/track targets.
  • Propulsion and Maneuvering:
  • Security:
    • Tamper Detection: Any attempt to reprogram the missile including through the use of Mechu Deru and similar abilities will result in the missile either triggering a micro-ion charge to fry its own circuits.
  • Defenses:
  • Communications Systems:
  • Jammer/Countermeasure Resistant: The missile uses a composite sensor picture generated by cross checking data from its array of advanced sensors, scanners and tracking systems with launch data from its launch platform. This, combined with the countermeasures compensation computer drastically reduces the missiles vulnerability to jammers and countermeasures.
  • Missile Deactivation Transmitter Immune: Once armed and active, there is no way to shut off the missile. Missile deactivation transmitters therefore cannot shut off the missile once it has been launched.
  • Excellent Sensors, Scanners and Tracking: The missile possesses a wide variety of sensors, scanners and tracking systems, giving it a fantastic ability to detect and track targets.
  • Fast, Nimble and Deadly: The E'yarhakya-M is extremely fast and nimble, easily able to keep up with, track and engage the fastest and most agile enemy torpedoes, missiles, rockets and other ordnance.
  • Resilient: The missile's frame allows it to weather light point-defense fire and direct-attack countermeasures.
  • Volatile: If it takes enough damage to sympathetically detonate the warhead inside the launch tube the missile is likely not only detonate spectacularly, but likely set off other ordnance as well.
  • Target Acquisition: Initial target acquisition is handled by the platform and should the launch platform lack sufficiently capable targeting and tracking systems then the missile is unlikely to be launched in time to intercept incoming ordnance.
  • Missile Interceptor: The missile was designed to do one thing and one thing only. It is possible for the missile to engage fighters, it was certainly not designed to do so and may be thrown off by some of the unpredictable maneuvers organic pilots might conduct.
"The hunter has become the hunted."
- Strill Securities CEO Shuklaar Kyrdol, describing the purpose behind the E'yarhakya.
The E'yarhakya-M or Interceptor in Mando'a is an updated interceptor missile based on the updated Tra'beviin that the company put out. Like the new Tra'beviin, the missile is based on the new hardware and software framework developed by the company. The new framework brings a number of improvements to the missile, increasing its versatility and its lethality. There are a number of changes from the older version of the missile and chief among those is the removal of the reflec-laced fiberplast and the replacement of the powerplant with a more standard one rather than the low-profile stealthy powerplant on the Tra'beviin. Additionally, the missile's home on jam feature was removed, with a new hybrid active-semi-active homing guidance mode added.
The updated version features a single target or multi-target engagement mode, allowing the missile to either target, track and engage a single unit of incoming ordnance or a salvo of incoming ordnance. To do so, the missile is equipped with an updated version of the high-yield baradium warhead the previous version was equipped with a higher blast radius. Additionally the new missile framework has the added benefit of being considerably more resilient, which isn't usually a critical criteria for interceptor missiles but is an added benefit given how chaotic modern battlefields can tend to be. The missiles are also immune to missile deactivation transmitters which some missiles are equipped with.
Though not significantly different, the new missile is still certainly a notable upgrade from its predecessors and is replacing the aforementioned missile across Strill Securities.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a missile intercepting missile for use by Strill Securities and use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: E'yarhakya-class Brilliant Interceptor Missile
Modular: Yes
Material: Duranium frame, reinforced Duraplast reinforcements, miscellaneous missile components and Ultrachrome wires and electronics.
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