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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Ga'yusr'ika' Electronic Countermeasure Suite

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Droid Brain: Management of the system is carried out by the a heuristically learning droid brain which follows the operator's commands via the system's interface.
  • 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet compatibility: The system can be managed by a Manda tactical battlenet module to better manage and coordinate electronic warfare capabilities for individual ships as well as naval formations.
  • Passive Systems:
    • Communications Scrambler: The system operates passively alongside the platform's communications systems.
    • Emissions Disguiser: The Ga'yusr's emissions disguiser array disguises a vehicle's drive emissions, delaying the time it takes to lock onto a vehicle's engines, or pick it up at medium to long ranges.
    • Sensor Dampener: The passive sensor dampener array utilized by the Ga'yusr dampens enemy sensors by piggybacking the jamming signal on incoming sensor scans.
  • Active Systems:
    • ELINT Mast: Supplemental communications jamming is conducted by a retractable ELINT mast.
    • Short-range Tactical Sensor and Communications Jammer: Short-range communications and sensor jamming is handled by a short-range tactical sensor and comms jammer array.
    • Full-spectrum Distortion Projector: The full-spectrum distortion projector module handles mid-range jamming of scanners and targeting computers by using broadband transmissions to interfere with sensors attempting to target the vehicle.
    • DERP: The dedicated energy receptor projector array on the Ga'yusr'ika has a high potential to block incoming long-range sensor pings and transmissions broadcasted by enemy sensors, rendering the vehicle notably difficult to detect to most enemy scanners, targeting computers and incoming ordnance.
    • Guidance Jammer: The Ga'yusr'ika features a powerful guidance jammer array designed to homing computers aboard concussion missiles, proton torpedoes and other ordnance.
  • Comprehensive Sensor and Communications Jamming: The system has a number of advanced communications and sensor jammers as well as a number of scramblers, dampeners and other advanced electronic warfare systems, allowing it to leverage a number of advantages against enemies lacking appropriate defences against such systems.
  • Intelligent Jamming: The system scans multiple communication bands and frequencies as well as determines what manner of sensors are pinging it's host before engaging the appropriate jamming measures, making it far more efficient than a blanket wide-band jammer.
  • Resilient: The system is resilient to all manner of damage sources that might be found on the battlefield, and is built with combat conditions in mind.
  • They're Jamming Us!: The downside to jammers is that the target is well aware that they are being jammed. This is always a surefire way of identifying that hostile forces are in the area, as well as potentially allowing the target of said jamming to take measures to mitigate its effects.
  • Home on Jam: Missiles with home on jam capabilities will not be affected by any concerted jamming and will instead home in on the jamming signal.
  • If We're Jamming, We Can't Intercept: Jamming the enemy's frequencies will naturally prevent interception of their communications.
  • Frequency Hopping Communications: Rapid frequency hopping communications are difficult to track down and difficult to jam.
  • EMP/Ion: As with all complicated electronics, any EMP/Ion damage powerful enough to overwhelm the system's protective measures can cause severe to irreparable damage.
Necessity often proves to the be the mother of invention. In this case that has proven to be the case once more. The increasing prevalence of highly advanced guided weapon systems and increasingly efficient sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking systems prompted Breshig War Forge Consolidated to look into scaling down technologies developed for starships to protect ground units. The starfighter scale Ga'yusr was the obvious candidate for such an endeavor. Brought about during the company's latest modernization wave of its vehicle and armor catalogue and Strill's modernization of its ground forces, the Ga'yusr'ika is very much as capable as the starfighter variant it was developed from. The only real flaw of the development was that it had precisely the same flaws as the old one. This was however an extremely small price to pay and the newly developed system was quickly put into production.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a variant of the Ga'yusr ECM Suite for use on vehicles for use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Ga'yusr'ika' Electronic Countermeasure Suite
Modular: Yes
Material: Molecularly bonded Duranium frame, reinforced Duraplast-molecularly bonded Duranium composite armor plating, Agrinium mesh and Thermal gel lining, cryoban cooling system, combat de-ioninzer, Condensed-matter composite lined weapon housing, Ultrachrome circuitry, electronics and wiring.
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