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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Jurar Tay'gaane' Load-bearing Rig

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Light
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Modular: The exact loadout of the belt can be completely adjusted by the wearer, including but not limited to the storage containers listed below.
  • Adjustable: The belt can be adjusted for best fit no matter whether over armor, without armor or a variety of other circumstances.
  • Weight Distribution: The belt is built to be able to distribute the weight of its contents evenly, and can also have separate carrier rigs attached to them to help distribute the weight from that as well.
  • Quick Detach Clasp: A quick detach clasp will disengage the entire rig, likely causing to drop off the user's body. Useful when the contents of the rig or the rig itself needs to be ditched quickly.
  • Coverage: The rig goes over the torso, with attachment points on the back, sides and front. Removable thigh and shin/calf sections are also available.
  • Storage: All storage pouches are water-proof and dust-proof.
    • Hard or Softcase Spring-loaded Ammunition Pouches: When the user flicks a switch (usually with their thumb), the pouch cover flicks open and a mechanism partially ejects the stored magazine/power cell/gas cartridge.
      • Recharge: A universal adapter fitted connected can be attached through a port on the bottom of these pouches to power cells and gas cannisters to recharge/refill them.
    • Hard or Softcase Spring-loaded Grenade Pouches: Functions precisely as the above ammunition pouch but with grenades.
    • Hard or Softcase Small or Large Storage Pouches
    • Hard or Softcase Small or Large Satchels
    • Hard or Softcase Back-mounted Patrol Pack (25 L)
    • Vacuum-sealed Temperature Controlled Hardcases
    • Magnetic Clamps: The belt can have a number of electromagnetic clamps for temporarily attaching devices.
    • Central Gas Recharger Reservoir: A sealed gas medium cannister stores gas for the gas refill feature.
    • Central Secondary High Capacity Rylith Power Cell: A secondary high capacity Rylith power provides power for the power cell recharge feature.
    • Small to Extra-large Gription Panels: These will hold small, medium, large and particularly large weapons and equipment to them.
  • Utility
    • Hydrostatic Field Generator: This field activates automatically when the user is in water and deflates automatically once the user is out of water.
    • Small Flotation Bag(s): Small flotation bags mounted underneath the major weight bearing straps to aid flotation. Puncture resistant and self-sealing. These bags activate automatically when the user is in water, and deflate automatically when the user is out of water.
  • Power:
    • Rylith Power Cell
    • Power Charger with Universal Adapter: This power charger can be used to dasiy-chain the company's utility belt to allow both devices to charge off the same source.
    • Recharging Port with Universal Adapter: The power supply can be recharged via an external power supply such as a vehicle or an armor-mounted power supply.
  • Versatile: The belt is adjustable, modular and hence can be adapted for a variety of scenarios by its user.
  • Convenient: The belt not only provides storage pouches for a variety of items and ammunition pouches that allow quick access to their contents, making it a very convenient storage system.
  • Recharge/Refill: The load-bearing rig's ability to recharge/refill stored power cells or gas cartridges is particularly useful.
  • What You Put, Is What You Get: The belt doesn't come 'standard' with any consumables or kits like a lot of other offerings on the market, what the wearer packs is what they have.
Jurar Tay'gaane translates is a rough Mando'a translation of the galactic standard basic load-bearing rig. The device was designed to do pretty much what its name suggests with the exception that like the company's utility belt it was designed with an emphasis on modularity and adjustability. This was done due to the varying armor configurations and personalization, loadout preference and personal taste present across the company's personnel and with their customer base in general.
The only real major inclusions from the utility belt in terms of notable features are inclusion of the recharge/refill feature for store power cells/gas cannisters, the hydrostatic field generator and flotation bags for use in aquatic environs, the inclusion of an optional hard or softcase 25 galactic standard liter volume patrol pack and the gription panels for weapon/equipment storage. Otherwise, the rig has all the storage features from the company's utility belt.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a load-bearing rig for use by Strill Securities and for use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Jurar Tay'gaane' Load-bearing Rig
Modular: Yes
Material: Armorweave (soft pouches/satchels and belt), Reinforced Duraplast (hardcase pouches/satchels and belt plating), Thermal Gel layer, Anti-Corr 113 coating and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
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