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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Manda' Battlenet Bridge Module

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Situational Awareness: The bridge module was designed for units in space and units on the ground to be able to seamlessly share data to vastly improve each other's situational awareness. Sometimes, and appropriately so, the data exchange is one sided in terms of who it benefits. The principle is the same as see something say something, except now the operators on either end don't need to do either, if the system picks up something, it'll pass the information along.
  • Coordinated Response: The bridge greatly improves coordination between space and ground forces. With access to the same data, fighters can more easily conduct close air support and artillery can make use of capital ship grade orbital imagery to rain down fire support.
  • Connection: The system needs a strong connection to perform optimally, without which performance will start to slowly degrade proportionately to the communication signal strength.
The 'Manda' Battlenet is one of the company's greatest successes, however there has always been the disconnect between the company's naval and ground forces in terms of data sharing. Both Manda modules worked fantastically in their respective domains of operation, however, there had never been a way of seamlessly connecting the two. Information could still be shared manually, however, but a more autonomous solution was sought by the company.
The bridge module was the solution that the company came up with. Fitted with its own dedicated communications suite, the module was designed to connect to the Manda module on 'either end' and parse the data feeds for relevant data to the unit it was connected to. Once it had done this, it would transfer the appropriate data to the receiving unit's Manda module and vice versa. An illustrative example would be a starfighter with a bridge module fitted that was flying CAS runs or CAP runs in support of a ground unit where a bridge module was present would share its data of ground targets with the ground unit and be alerted to any hostile units or emplacements that might threaten it or be targets of opportunity.
The data exchange isn't always mutually beneficial however. A capital ship in orbit over a battlefield area objective would have almost perfect coverage of everything a ground side commander might want to know, but unless there are targets of opportunity for the capital ship or ground side anti-orbital batteries, the ground side unit's bridge module may not transfer information back up to orbit. This degree of cutoff can be set by the individual operator depending on preference and requirement and the system will learn to adapt to the operator's requirements, but this is not stock out of the box functioning. The bridge module's notable flaw in this regard however is that the connection's signal strength must be good for the system to perform optimally, without which performance will start to slowly degrade proportionately to the communication signal's strength.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a module that allows convenient data exchange between ground and space forces.
Canon Link: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Manda' Battlenet Bridge Module
Modular: Yes
Material: Duranium frame, Reinforced Duraplast composite plating, Condensed-matter composite reinforcements, Agrinium lining, Thermal gel lining, Anti-corr coating, combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
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